Why you're seeing so many earwigs this summer, COVID-19 on P.E.I. And in Russian, ukhovertka — ear turner. This was even published in a number of scientific dictionaries at that time. Unfortunately, earwigs are also attracted to vegetable plants, especially beans and beets, the silk of sweet corn, lettuce, potatoes and strawberries. So warm weather in June means a higher survival rate for the eggs and the young. They almost resemble forceps, and they are used as a defense mechanism against predators. Don’t think they won’t give you a nip with their pinchers though if you pick them up or aggravate them.
The earwig normally reproduces during autumn or spring. So, it is highly unlikely that they are capable of crawling in, boring through the human brain and happily laying their eggs to the detriment of the human host. For this method, take a box and cut small holes into the sides. Or, you can dust with a desiccant dust like Tri-Die or Drione, which takes longer to affect the insects but which will last for many years to provide some preventive control. More from CBC P.E.I. The nymph looks very similar to the adult but is smaller. (it was even 'documented') so ur 8 yr old sister is partly correct. I am chemically sensitive and don’t use chemicals in my home… I did a bunch of googling. This is completely untrue. One publication declared that earwigs could cause deafness and ‘violent’ pain due to its bite. A couple places I read that borax killed silverfish. Don’t use stones as decoration in the yard – they provide a hiding place, Leave a barrier around 1 foot in width between any greenery and your home, Ensure the gutters carry the rain water away from the house, Move piles of branches and leaves as far away as possible from your house, Seal any cracks in the house perimeter to prevent entry, Use dehumidifiers to remove any dampness in the house, Wipe up any water that is spilled in the kitchen and bathroom, Repair any leaky faucets or other plumbing.
In your flower garden they are fond of ornamental plants including dahlias, hollyhocks, zinnias, and butterfly bush. Purdue University tried. It seems that the wings of the earwig, when expanded, are just about exactly the same shape as a human ear, and the thought was that the original name likely began as “ear-wing”, not earwig which it got shortened to, and which really does not make much sense. Treatment of accessible voids can be done with fogging, generally pyrethrum, which will kill exposed insects.
When they are hungry they can head for your kitchen searching for greasy, sweet food items.
It’s a good example of the wild and weird beliefs of that era. But different languages have similar translations. In addition, another thought is that the name can be traced to the old Saxon name of ear-wigea, which means a destroyer of grains and fruit, or “ears” of corn. There is however some dispute about the translation itself, with many scientists believing the true translation to be ‘ear-wing’, which relates to the pincers being considered ‘wings’. Earwigs are nocturnal omnivores that prefer moist and temperate environments. It’s late November now and I’ve been finding more and more earwigs all the time, in all sorts of places around my home.