No way. However, tourists are advised to stay in populated areas, avoid poor neighborhoods, and if they do visit them, not to go out at night. Avoid parts of cities that are filled with bars and clubs, and visiting them alone, since there is a higher chance of running into intoxicated people. People are VERY friendly.
If you decide to travel to Mexico: See the U.S. Embassy's web page regarding COVID-19.
The 20 Safest Places to Live in Mexico Liz Flynn 3 months ago Mexico is notorious for being one of the most dangerous places in the world, and it’s had that reputation for a while now. WE WILL EVEN HAVE LUNCH WITH OUR DRIVER TO MAKE US AND HIM FEEL AT EASE.
Please go! If separating from your travel … Safety in Mexico largely depends on particular areas.
Mexico and it’s people are beautiful, personally have never had any problems, but Mexico has lost it’s way over the years (Very Sad). There … Pickpocketing and bag snatching is a very common issue in Mexico, especially in public and crowded places like bus and train stations and airports.
You can take a deep breath surrounded by its unique nature, from snowy mountains in the Sierras, to wet jungles in the Southeast and desert in the Northwest. However, many women will have a problem with being cat-called on the streets, while they might find whistles and comments directed at the offensive. These in addition to all of the other safety tips we’ve given you, should be considered when and if you decide to travel …
Keep your belongings by your side at all times and try to leave all your valuables in a security deposit box of your hotel. Keep your traveling companions and family back home informed of your travel plans. Mexico is a large country, with some parts very safe for tourists, and others very dangerous. Another issue when it comes to crime in Mexico is violence related to drug cartels, which has been on the rise ever since. Baja California Sur, in general, is a wonderful place to live or visit. WE AVOID LATE EXCURSIONS, NO JEWELRY, AND FEW CREDIT CARDS, ALONG WITH A SMALL CAMERA TO AVOID ATTRACTION.
It proudly boasts extensive coastline stretching along with more than 10,000km, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Sayulita, Nayarit. Be wary of people trying to distract you as it may be a scheme to try and steal from you. In some states up in the north, the risk of this happening may be higher.
Remain vigilant at all times and aware of your surroundings.
Here are the top five safest places to live in Mexico as an expat, retiree, nomad or international citizen. Some Safe Places in Mexico to Live in 1. San Jose del Cabo, Cabo San Lucas, Loreto, Todos Santos (ok, not exactly a city, but still a safe place to live in Mexico). Mexico is an impressive, world-known country in North America, located between the United States of America to the north, and Guatemala and Belize to the southeast. Muggings and kidnappings have been known to happen in Mexico, but they aren't very common occurrences. If you’re looking for a calm lifestyle, the … They are usually not a threat, but they are very common, especially in urban areas of Mexico. As for entertainment, count on golf courses, numerous fishing opportunities, and world-class destinations like Acapulco, Cancun, Cozumel, Los Cabos, and Mazatlan.