It should be necessary so that all of the kids are learning the same things roughly around the same age. It has already been looked at by the head of the Alaska Department of Education, The Texas Department of Education, And the California Department of Education. This way, If a student moves from one state to another, They would keep their original credit and knowledge and grow their knowledge in the same way. Curriculum coordinator Sharon Look stated, “I think we need to set appropriate expectations.

However, as an elementary teacher, team leader, resource teacher or researcher, you’ll be responsible for preparing students for whatever future they choose — academic or workforce. The State of Minnesota has adopted only the ELA standards. According to Peter Gray, Ph.D., of Psychology Today, “Perhaps more tragic than the lack of long-term academic advantage of early academic instruction is evidence that such instruction can produce long-term harm, especially in the realms of social and emotional development.” The CCSS does not make appropriate accommodations for students with special needs.

While the CCSS has provided consistency in standards across state lines as intended, some educators and education professionals do not believe the initiative is living up to its hype. The way the states and schools educate their students should be based entirely on their own guidelines and procedures. Every student is different in how they and their ability to learn, so making one category that they all must fit into would only do a disservice to the students. At the end of the day, the good students will stand out regardless of the curriculum.

There are Pros and Cons. I like it because some of the students are not good in class work where by this will help them to no more skills and this may also reduce on the number of school dropouts in school so I support it with my energy Hmmm just love it thanx much. If the federal government pays for it, It would cost billions to revamp. In grade 8 I was at three different schools and at each of those schools I had to read the giver, one after another. Only those articles that have been published within the most recent months may be considered timely. The federal government would obtain too much power in the school system. I understand this consent is not a condition to attend MC or to purchase any other goods or services. When I moved to a different state, I just repeated what I had learned two years before. While we would love to have kids there tomorrow, and that is the ultimate goal, it might not happen immediately.”, In addition, Massachusetts middle-school literacy coach Karen Babbitt feels that the problem is assessment not standards. Like every other aspect of education, the CCSS will face the ebb and flow of both political and educational positions. There needs to be a national curriculum. Plus, Smaller, Impoverished school systems would go bankrupt and have to close.

Educational Leadership – K-12 Administration track Online, Ed.S. Additionally, despite the claim that teachers were involved in the process of developing the CCSS, teachers felt overlooked.

Pre-school and primary students are being asked to perform at inappropriate academic levels. This way all of the kids could stay on track and all be learning the same things at the same time. Home » Degrees » Education » Master of Education » Master of Education in Elementary Education » Pros and Cons of Common Core Standards. It gives far far too much power to government officials to choose what kids do and don't learn: the power to brainwash an entire country. This helps build a community of teachers within each building. The common core creates a rigor of standards that is equal across the whole nation.

One of the primary goals of the CCSS development team was to ensure consistency of academic expectations for all students across the United States. The future of the Common Core State Standards is unknown, especially given their controversial development and implementation. Common Core is both good and not so good. Pros and Cons of Standards and National Curriculums.

To have a national curriculum, you would need all 50 states to agree on one curriculum. A Master of Education in Elementary Education degree from Mississippi College will provide you with the training and materials you will need to face the future of education, no matter the standards or goals. But you need to have the teachers’ voice at the heart of this work, along with students and parents and community stakeholders. This may be important, for example, if you have students that have to move around a lot. Timeliness: Note that most articles published on this website remain on the website indefinitely. If a teacher does that, They have failed themselves as an effective educator and they have failed the students by not making an environment where students want to learn. There are some small things that can be altered, But the heart of the matter is Common Core allows students to learn the same thing wherever life takes them. The "take away's" would be the main ideas of the grades that a student must understand to move on.

This state-led initiative developed what has …

With a national curriculum, The states wouldn't be completely changing their entire way of teaching, They would just be deleting and adding classes to the courses. States, and even local school boards, need the freedom to emphasize subject matters that are important to their local economy. There should be a national curriculum because it keeps everyone learning at the same level. This will improve the educational ranking of the United States in the global scene. The development and implementation of the new standards have also been met with mixed reviews. Education is decided at a state level, not a Federal level. If all schools are learning the same main ideas, The student should be able to jump right in and continue learning regardless of what region that student came from. Although it would be difficult to achieve a national curriculum, It would benefit the way constantly moving kids have to adjust how they learn. No matter where students lived, they would be expected to meet the same level of competency for each academic standard. Do we really want that to be our countries' future? For example, I do know personally that my son's friend who moved to Austrailia or 2nd grade is way ahead of him here in the States. School teach just to pass tests, there should be students obtaining information and building off the foundation. Having a national curriculum would come off as very generic and it would likely produce the same results. Each of these are important, but the ability to practice the studying in regionally useless. While some teachers appreciate the emphasis on problem-solving and cross-content transfer of information and skills, they are concerned about the rapid introduction and rollout. Pros. They are not the Common Core.”. Doing this allows for stability and coherence in creating a foundation for basic skills for students in education.

Another core value of the CCSS involves developing rigor in the classroom. Some schools have different requirements, some have more or less than others to gain a high school diploma.

Learn more about the Mississippi College online Master of Education in Elementary Education program. In 2009, leaders of education from 49 states, the District of Columbia and two United States territories met to create common goals and determine what constituted proficiency in each goal across state lines. This is where the teacher can do their job to make an impact and a difference. Jose Vilson, an eighth-grade math teacher in New York City, described his feelings this way: It (the CCSS development) was very top-down and ultimately that caused some of the resistance, even from people who would otherwise be allies to this work. : What Are Some Pros and Cons of the Common Core State Standards? There should not be a national curriculum. There were not any advanced programs in my new area. Characteristics of a quality curriculum at the bottom of the page. Articles that appear on this website are for information purposes only. track Online, Master of Education in Elementary Education, standards in the areas of English language arts (ELA) and mathematics that, common standards will make a positive difference in academic progress.