Examine why they keep reoccurring. It’s difficult to overcome years of conditioning, but take one simple step first: try to talk to yourself like someone you love.
Try to quiet your mind and get rid of your biases first. ? Rather, positive self-talk is about recognizing the truth, in situations and in yourself. But self-talk is not lying. If you’re angry at the world for not giving you what you want, find other things to be grateful for. To you, it may seem like you’re just showing a sarcastic sense of humor. But that could also be a double-edged sword. You will say, “This is the best I can get.” When you hear this, remind yourself you deserve better. You just have to change the way you talk to yourself. In short, one-sided self-talk won’t help. The mind can also make up things that aren’t there. Because before you can blossom on the “outside,” you first need to grow the seeds from the “inside.”. This is usually to try out ideas, explore other viewpoints, or relieve stress.
Some people call it inner dialogue, self-talk, or affirmations.
Here are 15 things to say when you’re talking to yourself. Self-talk isn’t creating a reality that doesn’t have a basis.
some people say its the "holy ghost" talking with you..so keep doing what you are doing ...its your angels talking with you.. No, I don't, but I met someone who did once.
I don’t know about you, but I sometimes find myself confused by my inner dialogue. Do you speak to them kindly or do you put them down as much as you put yourself down?
If you keep thinking you’re a failure, that’s exactly what you’ll become.
If you don’t have anything nice or useful to say, don’t say it. It's strange. Do you sometimes all most imagine them answering you?
Ask yourself, how do you come off to people when you speak? There are times you will tell yourself it’s not a good idea.
You may feel strong just then, but this reminder is enough to get you moving one step at a time.
There are challenges that may seem too hard for you to get through.
The way we talk to ourselves is important because it affects the way we feel about ourselves, about the things we can achieve in life, how we’re viewed by others, and how we interact with the world.
There are only a few conditions in which talking to yourself is a sign of mental illness the most common being when it’s accompanied by other signs of mental illness. And if you end up regretting it, remember that it felt right at one point. If you cultivate honest and loving conversations with yourself, you can never lose.
So be careful not to overdo it. It has a role in motivation, it has a role in emotional expression, it probably has a role in understanding our selves as selves.”. In the end, you might simply be perpetuating what you’ve seen and learned your whole life. Talking to yourself does not necessarily indicate a mental illness.