Can Bernie Sanders get the last verse instead of Abraham Lincoln? Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos und erhalten Sie auf Ihre Interessen abgestimmte Inhalte sowie unsere vielseitigen Newsletter. Die niedrigste gab es in Hawaii mit 43,2 Prozent. Discussion. Close. Last thing I want is hearing Trump brag more, hopefully Lincoln nukes him at the end, I don't even care if people complain the battle was biased. So if you haven’t voted yet, or registered to vote, there’s still time! I'm sure the beat for this battle will grow on me when I come back to it. I feel like it takes away from the battles. As of his third battle, Donald Trump now has the most amount of rapping time in all of ERB, with a combined total of 70 lines and about 3 minutes and 35 seconds spent rapping. Die Republikanerin Marjorie Taylor Greene setzte sich im Bundesstaat Georgia Prognosen zufolge gegen ihren demokratischen Rivalen durch. News. Mehr Informationen dazu finden Sie, Wechselnde Mehrheiten in den US-Bundesstaaten, Biden-Vorsprung in Pennsylvania wächst über Neuauszählungsgrenze, Secret Service erhöht Schutz für Joe Biden, Trump vs. Biden – der aktuelle Umfragestand am Wahltag, Trump oder Biden – Das müssen Sie zur US-Wahl 2020 wissen.
What if it's someone like Roosevelt instead of Lincoln this time? Lloyd as Trump, Pete as Lincoln (and I hope he slaps both this time), and I'm gonna assume a guess for Biden. /r/ERB is a discussion platform for anything and everything ERB. Dazu ist ggf. Probably my least favorite political battle, but still a good rap battle nonetheless. We've already had Donald Trump. Me too! Anyways, I want this battle to be good. Erklärt sich Biden … Maybe have Bernie vs Biden with Trump trying to enter but he gets kicked out. Posted by 14 days ago. Den Swing State Ohio konnte Trump für sich entscheiden, auch Florida konnte der Amtsinhaber gewinnen. There have been a lot of things ruined because of the pandemic, and one of them was Epic Rap Battles of History not being able to continue because of lockdown restrictions. He’s owned every Nintendo handheld and every console since the SNES.
I mean at least Joe and trump got a very similar amount of lines. Moreover, in this election, literally everyone and their mother seem to have a clear opinion. 148. Would love your thoughts, please comment. I feel it would just be weird and unnatural to try to remove bias completely, that it would be lacking the passion and verve they usually bring to their battles. November abgeschickt werden durften. It just seemed like the beat was really missing something that makes a lot of the battles so fun and rewatchable.