By clicking on a specific transaction, you’ll open up the Payout Details information on the right-hand side of your screen. Download the SumUp credit card reader app and create a free account 2.
La "Dashboard" ti fornisce un'utile analisi di tutte le tue transazioni. Sabato e domenica, dalle 09:00 alle 18:00. A sua Conta SumUp em facilita a sua contabilidade com análises gráficas das suas vendas e uma lista detalhada de todas as suas transações com a SumUp. However, by creating Employee Accounts, each of your employees can simultaneously transact with their own account. Your password With just a few simple clicks on, you can now tailor your SumUp receipts to suit your business. Full transaction overview. Access "My Products" to manage your Product Catalogue. The transactions processed by your employees will be paid out to the bank account registered to your name. include a variety of different account preferences: help you keep track of your settlements.
If the file is bigger, you won’t be able to upload it.
You can easily overcome this obstacle by creating employee accounts so each of your employees can simultaneously transact with their own account. In the Sales tab, you can find a list of all your transactions that you have ever processed through SumUp. Puoi facilmente superare questo ostacolo creando degli account dipendenti in modo che ciascuno dei tuoi dipendenti possa effettuare transazioni simultaneamente con il proprio account.
Here’s how: Qual è il costo del POS per accettare pagamenti con carta di credito? Payout settingsSelect a payout plan that best suits your business needs: daily, weekly or monthly payouts. Get the full picture within seconds. Modifica password Ti permette di cambiare la password del tuo profilo SumUp. If you have forgotten your SumUp password and would like to reset it, request an email on the login screen at or in the SumUp App. Payout report emailsHere you can adjust your daily and monthly Payout Report options depending on your business needs. In alcuni casi potremmo chiederti di fornire determinati documenti per verificare il tuo account. Simply send an email directly from your SumUp dashboard at, share your link from your dashboard Facebook or Twitter or copy and paste your personal link.
È possibile filtrare il resoconto in base al numero di transazioni o all'importo. If you have forgotten your SumUp password and would like to reset it, request an email on the login screen at or in the SumUp App. Vorremo proporti un breve sondaggio riguardante il nostro Centro di Supporto e ti saremmo davvero grati se tu volessi compilarlo per aiutarci a migliorare. Se desideri maggiori informazioni sui tuoi documenti, visita questo articolo. Continuando a navigare nel sito, accetti il nostro utilizzo dei cookies.
.css-8g5kq3{display:inline;color:#1760CE;-webkit-transition:color 0.1s ease-in-out,border 0.1s ease-in-out;transition:color 0.1s ease-in-out,border 0.1s ease-in-out;border-bottom:1px solid currentColor;}.css-8g5kq3:visited{color:#551a8b;}.css-8g5kq3:hover{color:#003C8B;}.css-8g5kq3:focus{outline:thin solid currentColor;outline-offset:0.25em;}.css-8g5kq3:active{color:#3388FF;}Discover COVID-19 remote payment solutions. Now your customers can easily recognise your business.
Grow your business by accepting card payments and mobile payments via your smartphone or tablet using the SumUp Air bank card reader. In the "Sales" tab, you can find a list of all your transactions that you have processed through SumUp. In this section, you’ll be able to view, browse and filter through your payouts history. Account Details contains your business, personal and bank details. You can also use the search bar at the top of the page to search for a specific Payout ID.
BONUS FISCALE del 30% sulle tue spese SumUp. I miei clienti preferiscono pagare con bancomat: quale POS fa per me?