The ones on the right-hand side have roots which aren’t well-formed yet. It's almost like it detached itself, because the root cluster is still there in the dirt. Aloe vera, often called just "aloe," has a lot of roots, and the roots do well in crowded conditions. I've got no roots, but my home was never on the ground I've got no roots uuuh uuuh uh uh I've got no roots I like digging holes, Hiding things inside them When I'll grow old I won't forget to find them I like digging holes, Hiding things inside them When I'll grow old I won't forget to find them I've got NO ROOTS! After all, what's better than aloe for treating an oven burn? Then I waited for roots to appear so I could plant them up. Aloe vera plants do not need much water. No one likes flopping aloe leaves. Still no roots though. My aloe vera plant has grown pups. In fact, the roots of a container-grown aloe should take up two-thirds of the pot's space, and then they should be allowed to fill the pot as the plant grows. One of my Aloe vera pup clusters waiting to be planted. The light is not the brightest here, but the plants continued to grow and thrive. I have the plants in indirect south sun. Anyone know what to do with this baby? I accidentally removed the pup from the original pot without its roots. You’d find they have no roots … Water sparingly after roots set in. If you have 1 Aloe vera plant, aka Aloe barbedensis, Medicinal Aloe or Medicine Plant, having another isn’t a bad thing at all. Aloe vera, often called just "aloe," has a lot of roots, and the roots do well in crowded conditions. I am not a plant expert at all, but my aloe had a long stem and practically no root system- it was learning so far out of the pot that it was always falling out of the soil and not do very well. Each offset should have at least a few leaves and its own root system. You want an upright, sturdy aloe. Keep My Aloe Vera Small - I want to keep my aloe vera small. My aloe vera plant froze and I brought it into the house from the garden. Anonymous 5:32 PM. you can put the aloe in an empty small pot or a pot with some dry soil and let it sit there, no water, until it grows new roots. If planted in a garden bed, use a trowel to carefully loosen the soil and remove the aloe plant and its pups. My aloe plant seems to come out of the ground after afew months like there is no roots hanging on by one fine root .What am I doing wrong? Wat them once a week, when soil is dry. These plants are subject to root rot, especially when growing indoors. Therefore, make sure the pot of the plant has drainage holes and do not put pebbles in the plant as it does the opposite of what is expected. 1:58. Aloes don't root reliably because of their high moisture content. I was wondering if there is still a chance for me to propagate it and for it to grow without its roots. 1 comment. Reasons for a Droopy Aloe Plant. Is that because of the type of aloe it… Q. I have not repotted it in maybe 10 years. Because aloe plants have horizontal root systems, aloe’s do best in small, wide pots. As there are now no roots, don't water it again for a month or until you see growth. Each plump leaf is filled with the gel-like substance you see in sunburn lotion.Like most succulents, Aloe vera isn't too hard to grow if you meet a few conditions it requires. The good news is that there is likely an easy fix. It has no roots at this point. Aloe Vera - Root Rot - Duration: 1:58. I had an abundance of aloe vera several years ago. In addition, aloe roots easily. I suspect that the root mass under her was putting up the baby plants. It will take at least that long for new roots to develop if you're lucky. I was transplanting some things today and when I came to this little guy I realized it wasn't connected to roots at all. Replant into a loam-based compost with plenty of added drainage material such as sharp sand, grit, or perlite. How to take care of Aloe plants without roots & how to encourage new healthy growth - Duration: 10:23. Amazing thing happened: It's getting greener! Oh and it's been used for medicinal purposes too because I've burned my hand a couple times. I never have had this before. I have had the same aloe plant for over 15 years now. Can/should I prune it or trim its roots? It's under cover and I barely ever water it - perhaps 2-3 times a year - and it's doing just great. My aloe plant has a little stalk under it before the leaves so it's the opposite case. If any of the place where the roots join the plant was preserved, it should root again.from there. If you wanted to, you could pull the leaves out of the plant with ease. Terrence Huang 2,561 views. To help your plant grow better, it helps to understand why the droop happens. One day, I moved the mother, and she fell out of the pot. The rather large "mother" plant put out endless babies that I repotted. Make sure the pot has good drainage holes. Aloe vera is a popular houseplant that has long, slender, succulent leaves often edged with soft teeth. Here are all the pups I got off the mother plant. The bottom of the pot is a mess of dead dried out aloe leaves. The leaves are always half empty, never plump, and not firm, but rather soft. . Since it had root rot, after the cut ends heal, I would dip the cuttings in a rooting hormone that also has a fungicide. I watered sparingly, and after approximately 3 weeks began to see signs of life. Step 2: Take the entire plant, pups and all, out of its pot and brush away as much soil as possible. Be careful not to disturb other plants growing nearby. If you can identify with this issue, the reason likely has to do with problems with the plant roots. With such a houseplant, you may notice the leaf clump’s base has a lump but no roots. I cut the stem and then dipped it in lots of rooting hormone and stuck it dipper into the soil. Aloe vera has fat, plump leaves that are full of gel. Don’t overwater your aloe, make sure the soil dries out fully between waterings.