Do a web search to bring up both online and print-based versions. 1: 2; 3; Never applies to me. Pts. Activities and Ideas for Students with an Auditory Learning Style. Scoring: Complete the table below by assigning the following point values for each question: Often = 5 points Sometimes = 3 points Seldom = 1 point Then, add the points in each column to obtain your learning preference score under each heading. You can do the test now. The LSQ (Learning Style Questionnaire) is a self-administered questionnaire determines your preferred learning style. On the line in front of each statement, indicate how often the sentence applies to you, according to the chart below. Adapt Your Studying Techniques to Your Learning Style. Following are two examples of ways to categorise different learning strategies and styles. The students had a positive response to the intervention, and found it to be helpful. Learning Style Questionnaire University of California, Merced Student Advising and Learning Center . How to Tell If You Are Right-Brain Dominant. The modality (learning channel preference) questionnaire reproduced here is by O’Brien (1985). One popular VAK test is the Barsch Learning Style Inventory. Resources for Adult Students with a Kinesethetic Learning Style . Avoid labelling pupils as this or that sort of learner because with learning labels come learning limits. Vanessa Marcy. It will open up a discussion in class and in school about learning choices. The learning styles inventory (quiz, questionnaire, test) is free and available on this site. Please respond to all questions. Top. Red questions relate to auditory learners, blue to visual learners and green to kinaesthetic learners. The Visual Learning Style. It can be downloaded or answered online through many educational facilities. Understanding Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles. Visual Auditory Tactile No. Pts. Honey and Mumford – LSQ . It's a first step to discovering, valuing and using unique learning styles. To complete, read each sentence carefully and consider if it applies to you. No. But remember - questionnaires like this describe a profile of strengths and potential. Topics also included: assessment. In the literature, whilst there are variations in the different learning style “models”, there are also many similarities. By asking a series of questions and then scoring the results, it will illustrate your dominant and secondary learning styles. Here are a couple of other learning style websites to get you started. Learning Styles Questionnaire . No. Learning Style Questionnaire. In order to identify the preferred study and learning styles, Kolb developed a Learning Style Inventory that identified student’s preference for the four modes corresponding to the stages in the learning cycle. The learning styles inventory provides you with a guide to your own personal learning styles. This can be given to children to determine their prefered learning style and could make a nice stand-alone data-handling lesson. Learning Styles: Holistic or Global Learning. Examples of learning styles Learning strategies and styles are described in a range of ways. Adult Learning Styles: How the VARK learning style inventory can be used to improve student learning.