Mr. Donatti | Chris Hargensen | Crimes

Trashcan Man | Bill Gartley |

Blaine was first mentioned in Jake's final essay, My Understanding of Truth, where Jake wrote that "Blaine is a pain and that is the truth."

Dawn Sinclair-Barbara | He became suicidal and attempted to kill Roland and his ka-tet in his suicide, but was ultimately defeated.

Blaine was a monorail developed by the Old Ones, with dipolar computers housed under Lud. Samuel Norton |

They win when Eddie tells a variety of jokes causing Blaine to shut down then die after he crashes. Billy Nolan | Charlie Roger Toomey, The Long Walk

Roland mentions this is a riddle created by his old teacher Cort and Blaine cuts him down instantly saying it was actually created by a man named Jonathan Swift from London.

Ellen Rimbauer, The Green Mile

Blaine the Mono

Blaine Langoliers | Ellie Creed (2019 film only) |

Before the group could board Blaine, they had to solve a riddle, which Susannah did before the gas reached them.

Lin Sue | Tom Rogan, Maximum Overdrive Origin

Blaine the Mono is an artificial intelligence that operates a computerized monorail in All-world, running from Lud to Topeka, Kansas.Blaine is a still functioning piece of Imperium technology.. That night at the fire Roland had shown his disgust with Eddie when he told a joke and played it off as a riddle, Blaine had done the same thing early in the game. Christine |

", to which Jake answers "A cat has claws at the end of its paws, and a complex sentence has a pause at the end of its clause." Little Blaine was fearful of the much more dominant "Big Blaine" and wanted to stop him, but couldn't. Blaine's brain was housed in a series of dipolar computers beneath the city of Lud.

Somehow, the fanciful story retold the life of Blaine The Mono, though whether this was information the author received through dreams or visions, or if she was a traveler from a world where Blaine existed, is never made clear.

Rachel Lang |

The Kid | Blaine also had a rogue part of his brain that was dubbed "Little Blaine". Blaine answers every riddle posed to him without pause.

The Major | Blaine's mechanical brain is fried from the effort involved of him answering the jokes.

He enjoyed doing John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart and Jimmy Stewart impressions. Helen Shyres |

Blaine agrees to give the ka-tet a ride out of Lud when he learns that Jake has a book of riddles and that Roland knows many as well. Richard Vickers |

Tina Blake | Roland asks "What is the difference between a grandmother and a granary?" Blaine was also foreshadowed by the book, Charlie the Choo-Choo, where Charlie was a seemingly friendly train but had a smile that "couldn't be trusted.". With nothing left to try Jake sits down, defeated. M274 Mule |

"Jellyfish" available worldwide March 3rd.

Tom, IT United States of America, The Shining Wilma Northrup, Desperation Gerald Burlingame | While Roland and Jake attempt to puzzle Blaine, Eddie sits quietly in a trance searching for the question that will let them live. He carries Roland and his band of pilgrims over the Waste Lands, before crashing and destroying himself. Bobby Terry | He was alone so long that it drove him mad, and he even killed his counterpart, Patricia the Mono, because she complained too much. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.