The Bard’s broken perceptions could actually fragment little pieces of reality. Someone I think is a great character example of a Maid of Mind is Mai, Azula’s blade throwing friend from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sylph of Mind: One who Invites Creation of Mind or one who Invites Creation through Mind. It’s Hiding who you are, being totally Unbiased in order to Blend in. Also, this Bard can convince their enemy to inevitably harm themselves by convincing their enemy that whatever the Bard suggests is logical.

The Bard of Mind passively destroys through thoughts. They would start trusting their moral compass and sense of justice.

I’ll be writing this from the standpoint of Mind representing consequences as well as logic (which is the pretty obvious connotation of Mind). Or they were just raised on an idea if they acted a certain way or played a certain part when necessary they’d be doing good and would be mostly left alone to do their own thing when they don’t need to play that role.

They can easily know when someone is hiding something from them and can likely use or see through any kind of disguises that they want. They are strongly apathetic to even the most passionate emotion and hold strongly that the most logical course of action is the best, if not the only course of action. Sylphs will calmly, analytically and happily give their opinion all about their Aspect. They use their trickery and mental facade to effect any outcome that they want to happen or simply to hide the intellect in their mind.

It could be that no one knows what they really look like or how they truly feel.

A Knight of Mind would perceive their grasp on logic and reason to be woefully incomplete though and be embarrassed of this fact, even if it were not true. They might not act on their sense of justice or morals because they might think they have no business to. A Prince of Mind ghosts Heart as they Destroy Mind.

They might suffer from an intense apathy or uncaring unemotional nature. An Heir of Mind would also be a person that enjoys picking another person’s Brain for thoughts and ideas, always wanting to hear another side of the story or different opinion. thx! Pretty cool power! They ALWAYS want to have a long discussion about everything before they make any kind of choice or decision or before anyone else makes a choice. FOR ASKS: Ask me to reblog posts about any specific classes, aspects, or titles. Thieves of Mind have a natural for knowing the most logical course of action and the best at rationalizing their actions or decisions as the most logical or necessary. Their challenge is to know when it’s morally right to use their rule breaking power. You can’t really lie to a Seer of Mind, for they’ll see it, you’re more likely to confuse them by telling them an unbelievable truth, making them try to see a lie or false pretense that isn’t there. They see the best course of action for themselves and others as being indifferent or apathetic to emotional matters and may advise the more emotional members of the group to put a cork in it when they get too personal or impulsive. They are challenged to use their powers in a morally conscious way though, this may prove to be a problem if the Witch is more uncaring or apathetic to how other people react to what they do. Mind is Impersonal, It’s Apathetic and it’s Indifferent in all things. They can manipulate the choices and decisions that people make and how they make them, by manipulating what they hide and how they hide it.

They start being apathetic and indifferent to the true feeling of everything. Maybe part of their literal disguise that they exploit includes some shades. They feel like they are starting to fade into other people, not knowing where they begin and others end. A Mage of Mind might suffer from thoughts, rational decision and reason by being naturally surrounded by experiences which constantly require them to be rational. Even in the most heated discussions or antagonistic situations, they never lose their cool. They strike me as the kind of people who might be outcasts, disconnected from society, yet also not standing out and hiding in plain sight sort of thing. When a Maid of Mind starts rising to their challenge, they start deciding for themselves what roles they need to play and when. They avoid being indifferent to emotional matters, or just blending in without voicing their own opinions.

They nearly constantly think about every angle and way to every thought and decision and may spend all their time lost in the exercise of their thoughts. The only way you’d find them being a team player is if they themselves believed it was the most logical course of action, and then they’d have no trouble at all doing what they think should be done. Though they will still blend in if they see it as the most logical or necessary course of action from time to time. Their perception, Fallacy- you are difficult to psychoanalyze and logically understand, Distracting- people can’t think clearly near you. As they progress their bad advice would become contagious and cause others to be ignorant and not think twice. They want to stand out from the crowd, be noticed for who they are and what they are passionate about. They are very ‘quirky’ and unexplainable people, having odd or strange unique habits that are just ‘them’. I do not do class analyses myself, nor do I take requests about sessions, relationships, fan trolls/kids, fan session, weapons, lands, fights, etc of any kind. They are also told when they themselves should or shouldn’t blend into the crowd. This skin is a template, so you can add your character in the face and hand parts of the skin, which are invisible for that purpose. But, that same form of thinking can get you killed.

They ghost their opposite Aspect until a dire crisis pushes them into their own. A Seer of Mind might sometimes struggle with the idea of being perfectly unbiased or rational even in the course of emotionally charged situations, being challenged to apply the right amount of rationality to the situation.

Their challenge is to keep at it, even if they fail and the journey is slow, for they become the strongest players. Pages confidence comes from the awareness of their latent talent, but their true skill comes from the practice and use of it.

They could make someone super intellectual and logical or they would also take away their intellect and logic. Even when arguing or debating with others they might try to act like they don’t care at all about something or are indifferent to attempts at riling them up into a passion. They are likely to know their own Mind inside and out as well, knowing all their own quirks and able to logically reflect on where they tend to have the most personal bias in their dealings with situations. Witches are enthusiastic, confident and optimistic rebels. That is, Heart-Create and Mind-Destroy classes. Maybe they might feel they aren’t rational or logical enough to see things from an unbiased point of view and refuse to make a choice on the basis that their own bias was interfering. Hey Dahni, since you were talking about the splintering thing being done by Heart-Destroy and Mind-Create classes, could I ask you what would the opposite be like? Their challenge is to not get stuck on one thing and to know when to move on and adapt.

So they cut down apathy and impersonal tendencies, and so by consequence incite passion and motivation also. They might suffer from being intellectual or too smart for their own good, kind of like a know-it-all or a smartass. They might also suffer from justice and morality, maybe having more than one run in with the law but then because of this they would know it inside and out and where the loopholes were.

Their challenge is to learn to rely on themselves for their Aspect.

They might be exceptionally intelligent and great at trickery or deceit. As they progress further they could use this for negative reinforcement, cementing behavior by making some ideas exhausting or even painful.

You could say its the creation of so many false roles that splinters and cracks the Heart player’s sense of self. They are very apathetic to any plea to their emotions and can be very indifferent to attempts at making them feel or act a certain way. So If Dirk’s flashy powers manifested themselves as Literal Mental Splinters of his Soul breaking away from him, creating a lot of false carbon copies of himself, destroying his uniqueness. They could probably send a message on anon to someone and that person would be like haha Page of Mind is that you?
At medium levels they could make mental parasites.

As a result, they gain a unique understanding of what their Aspect is or does. A Page of Mind starts out acting confident in their ability to see things from a logical or rational point of view.

Thieves have good intentions, weak morals and are very egocentric. At higher levels they could induce insanity. If they concentrate they can apply this to others. Their roles that they play would also constantly be destroyed in favor of new ones when the next one goes stale and not so unique anymore. Their challenge is to not destroy themselves along their destructive path. Then also they would probably think they’re emotions are always getting in the way of their decisions and so they would feel unqualified to decide. They might believe themselves to be completely unbiased, even when really it’s obvious their own emotions and passions bleed into their every argument. Likewise they would use their ability to blend in when they want to in order to tear down another’s false pretenses if they so wished, a sort of getting under their skin or attacking from the inside. The spread of toxic and harmful ideas would literally be toxic and harmful. The Mind Aspect and its God Tiers/Classpect Roles. What they don’t know can’t hurt them. Seers of Mind will most likely get their information from flashes of ideas or sudden intuitions from their own thoughts or brains.

I think I would possibly be a Bard of Mind and so I’m just trying to research a lot of different opinions to get a wider scope. Page of Mind: One who Invites Exploitation of Mind or one who Invites Exploitation through Mind. They might surprise people when they decide it is logical to work together on something and they start talking up a storm, explaining every logical outcome and action so it can be understood. They eventually through constant practice become better at hiding and disguising. This Bard can use logical thinking to allow destruction to come to whoever he chooses, or he can destroy logic itself, and thereby bring about more destruction/chaos. Their challenge is act upon their opinions instead of waiting by the sidelines. A Maid of Mind starts out relying on others for how they should act in certain situations.