Gently roll the ball to your child and encourage her to roll the ball back to you. Show him how he can make designs such as wavy lines, circles, and others. If she's in a playful mood, do a gentle, silly jig together to get her laughing. Babies who are nurtured in an intelligent environment grow up to have better personalities and more advanced intelligence level. Talking to your baby a lot help develops her language skills. Patty Cake.
Babies love to listen to the voices of people they know, and they're also intrigued by repetitive sounds. This can be the beginning of teaching her about chores and responsibility.
Another idea is to get large colorful and engaging pictures of a simple object from magazines. Busy boards make for awesome little homemade gifts as well. Hand it to her when she drops it. Sing and Cuddle Carry and cuddle your toddler while singing and rocking him to the rhythm of the music. Call your baby from across the room, and when she looks at you, hand her an object like her bottle or a toy. ", Zero to Three: "Power of Play: Learning Through Play From 0-3.".
If she turns back to find it, let her have it. Pull the blanket away saying “peek-a-boo!” Cover your own face sometimes. 1. Make your baby explore with hands on sitting position. (Just put a garbage bag or towel beneath the tub to help with clean-up.).
(Or just knock them down...). Feel free to make variations, but be sure that you use safe toys, environment, and movement: Build trust. You can use pillows with different sizes, colors and textures. Counting And Rhyming Sing with your child nursery rhymes that involves numbers such as “Five Little Ducks,” “Five Little Monkeys,” and “Ten Little Indians.” While singing the rhyme with her, represent the numbers with objects such as toys or even just holding up your fingers as you count. They learn curiosity, patience, working towards achieving a goal, and gaining confidence in their ability to reach a solution. The Good and Bad Effects of TV on Children, 50+ Parenting Tips On How To Raise A Smart Child, Good and Bad Effects of Social Media on Teens and Kids. Make your baby look. Stick baby in a water-free tub with some washable paint and let them get creative with washable paints. Talk to your baby a lot – about everything. This well-known clapping game may seem silly, but it's a great way to help your baby develop a number of important skills. Clay Get non-toxic modeling clay from a toy store. This signals the development of his ability to recognize an intention, make a plan, and carry it out. During these critical brain-growth periods, long, thin nerve pathways grow inside the brain. Gather a collection of large buttons, colorful beads and things that are easy to sort into a table.
Play a memory game. Paper Puzzle For 2 and a half years and older. You can use a big wand, and then a small wand to make her see the difference between big and small bubbles. Lovingly squeeze his hand, and establish eye contact, expressing your love for him. Talk to your child’s puppet, and let his puppet converse with yours. ... 2 years old and up ... 19+ Best Smart Toys for Baby Development 2020 (1 Year Old and Below) After your child begins to understand the game more, he may try to "find" you by reaching for your hands when you hide.
Pick up and hold your baby in your most loving way. One thing I'm learning this second time around is that babies really don't need a lot of toys to stimulate them.
Let her taste whatever she picks up. You may also bring a magnifying glass to make the little stuff more visible. You are now more familiar with your baby’s moods, expressions, and sounds. Play with his toy for a while. Take the nested toys apart and encourage your child to nest the toys himself. Being skillful in math at an early age is also a stronger predictor of later school achievement than reading skills or the ability to pay attention. For example, if your baby is vocalizing with "coos" and "ga-gas," try imitating your baby's sounds. Your little one will love plucking the rubber bands and listening to the sounds that come out. When he gives you his toy, show him how happy and appreciative you are of his sharing his toy. Try dancing around with baby to foster bonding and to respond to your baby's needs.
He wants to turn the pages of a book or stack up a pile of blocks. University of Minnesota Extension: "Games to Play with Your Baby. Teach her how to use them.
New experiences build upon established patterns and create new patterns and networks for more learning.
Read picture books For your toddler, choose books with clear picture of familiar objects. Gently encourage him. Sing together to the popular music with your toddler. Boil a package of noodles, cool and let baby play with them. Speak lovingly to her every time you give her the toy.
You can “paint" a lot of fun things using yogurt or applesauce. This fun game does not only make your toddler think about objects around him, it also provides you an opportunity to teach your toddler new vocabulary words. Repeat this game as long as she enjoys it.
in a singsong voice. Do These Instead, Eating Fish While Pregnant May Make Your Baby Smart, 101 Best Children’s Books of all Time – by Age, 19+ Best Smart Toys for Baby Development 2020 (1 Year Old and Below), How to Manage Your Child’s Tablet and Smartphone Screen Time, 14 Benefits of Coding for Kids and Students, How to Treat your Child’s Video Game Addiction, Best Educational Toys and Gift Ideas for Children 2020 – By Age, Benefits of Video Games: The Positive & Negative Effects. Repeat your baby’s wordlike sounds. Collect pictures of things or draw pictures of things that are opposites such as big and small, hard and soft, up and down, inside and outside and so on. She will enthusiastically copy your motions. Then this silly, simple baby game is perfect for you. Create a balancing beam from a plank of wood, or go to a playground where you can find this. Previously, when you cover a toy so he cannot see it, he thinks that the toy disappeared. Make cup towers with plastic cups and watch your little one knock them down and rebuild them! This game teaches your child body awareness, gross motor skill and concentration. Gentle, loving fun combined with responsive language from you creates an atmosphere in which learning thrives.
Remove the Tape Stick long strips of paper tape on any flat surface like a table or a fridge door. It's like a mini laundry basket for them! You can also play simple activities and games with your baby that enhance the development of her brain. Use bright color small object such as pom-poms or cuddly toys.
Cover a poster board with different types of things that baby can touch, such as fake fur, sandpaper, bubble wrap and aluminum foil. He is stronger and more active and can use his hands to reach out and get objects – turning, dropping, shaking, or putting objects in his mouth as a means of exploration. Set out two bowls and fill one bowl with ping-pong or golf balls. Then gently touch your baby's nose as you say "There's your nose!" You can also use different size bowls, cups or toys that you create from cardboard boxes. You can combine this activity with singing, such as singing the toy with lullaby, which makes your child use musical skills, as well as language. Help your baby practice walking by giving her things t hold to. You now have a homemade snow globe! Point out to him the difference. They have keener senses, better muscle coordination and have a more secure self-image. This reassurance is important to his developing brain. Hearing the numbers again and again reinforces her math vocabulary. For more, see Benefits of reading to your kids. This is the beginning of his ability to use his hands to bring objects into his world. Children learn a language by hearing words over and over. Activities for 0 to 6 month-old Babies. Fun baby games that can boost your child's skills and development don't need to be complicated. Show your toddler colors, let him hear music and language, and give him stuff to smell, taste and touch. Infant stimulation games consist of activities that stimulate her senses and jumpstart her intellectual as well as physical learning. Let her do it. "Patty-cake, patty-cake, baker's man, bake me a cake as fast as you can. The plasticity of the brain, its ability to rewire itself, is what makes it so easy for children to learn language. Using labeling “dot" stickers, let baby create a masterpiece by sticking stickers to a blank piece of paper. It deepens bonding, and some research has shown that it increases immune functions, improve muscle development and greater production of growth hormones.
See Also: Ideas for smart toddler toys Educational toys and gift ideas for toddlers and other kids – by age Best Educational Apps for Toddlers and Babies. Cut shapes made of colored paper, and make a board with have drawings that fit the shapes.
Let your child do it himself. Empty a water bottle (drink up!) Or put her on her chest on a pillow so her head and arms are free. Bounce her a little higher when you say one particular word. The exposure to language will help your child build his vocabulary. Introducing different scents can be a fun way to stimulate your baby’s brain development. Bring toys or kitchen utensils that will help him form and sculpt the sound. Teach your baby to let go. Make up a tune about what you're doing as you give baby a bath or walk through the park. Make your baby sit in your lap, and bounce her gently to the rhythm of the music. Arrange the pictures to make a story and paste the pictures on the pages. Play it across the ceiling, on walls, or on her toys.
It can be told in a way that is like “A Day in the Live of…” Read the book together with your toddler. While making dinner, let baby play with those leftover potato, zucchini and carrot peels.