After his death, the works of Qu Yuan were circulated.
/VCG. In Gansu Province, people commonly enjoy mianshanzi, a flour-based food that is shaped like a fan. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and elsewhere around the world. To express his distaste for the war plan, the King exiled Qu Yuan. Singaporeans, much like Chinese, usually eat zongzi and hold dragon boat races to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, as the country has a big population of Chinese migrants. Having gained prestige as an author and a patriot, the Dragon Boat Festival began to commemorate his death in the river. /Screenshot via Dragon Boat Innovate. During this time, people visit cities to enjoy the various festivities associated with the holiday.
These are some of the most popular sites for dragon boat races and are very easy and interesting places for visitors to get to. Originally called Surit-nal, the Dano Festival is derived from the Chinese Duanwu Festival. To express his distaste for the war plan, the King e… Dragon Boat Festival 2020 falls on June 25 (Thursday). 龍舟競争は舟を漕いで川に溺れた屈原を探したことが由来だそうです。龍舟競争は端午節で最も重要なイベントです。 木舟の形や飾りは中国龍を真似して作られました。舟の大きさは地方によって違いますが、一般的には20~30メートルで、30~60人で漕ぎます。 競争の時、太鼓の音に合わせて、チームメンバーは船を漕ぎ、優勝チームは幸運に恵まれて幸せな生活を送ることができると言わているそうです。 Singapore: Virtual dragon boat challenges amid pandemic, Most of the races for this year's festival have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but paddlers can still compete via the Virtual Dragon Boat Challenge 2020, a charity event organized by Dragon Boat Innovate. This minister’s name was Qu Yuan. On this day, the Japanese, like the Chinese, eat special food that resembles zongzi and drink calamus wine to fend off evil spirits. /VCG. Hanging Chinese mugwort and calamus during the Dragon Boat Festival is an old practice that is not common in cities, but it is still used in many of China’s rural areas. The original tradition has grown to be a popular sport in the U.S. with more than 400 professional dragon boat teams nationwide, according to the United States Dragon Boat Federation. It was adopted during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1897) in ancient Korea. All events are free to the public: Stanley - The Stanley International Dragon Boat Championships 2020 have been postponed to October 11, 2020. The Duanwu Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month on the lunar calendar. Simple Facts to Understand Dragon Boat Festival The event was then moved to Frankfurt in 1991 and named the Frankfurt International Dragonboat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival 2020 | South China Morning Post The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Tuen Ng Festival, falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. In addition to competitive races, the festival also includes various cultural activities such as concerts and has become a massive event in the city's social calendar that both locals and tourists flock to each year. During his exile, Qu Yuan wrote various patriotic poems that expressed his love and vision for China. The flavor and texture of zongzi vary greatly depending on region and chef. Perfume pouches are often made out of silk and filled with herbal medicines or perfumes. They are regarded for their nutrition and flavored in many different ways depending on preference and the cook. In Whenzhou, it is a common custom for families to eat paper-thin white wheat pancakes stuffed with leeks, meat, mushrooms, and other fillings. Beijing ICP prepared NO.16065310-3.
2020年の端午節は6月25日(木曜日)で、金曜から日曜まで三連休です。6月10日に仕事に戻ります。, 端午節は伝統的で歴史的な祝日です。龍への崇拝や屈原、伍子胥と曹操に対しての記念からくるかもしれないです。, 龍舟競争は舟を漕いで川に溺れた屈原を探したことが由来だそうです。龍舟競争は端午節で最も重要なイベントです。, 木舟の形や飾りは中国龍を真似して作られました。舟の大きさは地方によって違いますが、一般的には20~30メートルで、30~60人で漕ぎます。, 競争の時、太鼓の音に合わせて、チームメンバーは船を漕ぎ、優勝チームは幸運に恵まれて幸せな生活を送ることができると言わているそうです。, 龍舟競争はとても重要なイベントで、多くのところで行われます。ここでは四つのところをご推薦します。, 端午の節は2000年余りの歴史を持つ庶民の祝日で、昔中国では病気払いなどのため、色なイベントが行われます。, 例えば、龍船競い、粽を食べたり、石黄酒を飲んだり、蒿や菖蒲を掛けたり、巾着をつけたりします。, 今では、多くの習慣やイベントが重視されないため、消えかけています。もしそういう民俗に接触したいなら、田舎へ行って見学したほうがいいでしょう。, 粽は端午節でよく食べられる伝統的な食べ物です。これも屈原と関わっています。言い伝えによると、屈原の体が魚に食べられないように、米の塊を川に投げたのです。, 粽はもち米で作られ、中には肉、豆或いはほかのアンが入っています。そして、竹や葦の葉っぱで三角形か長方形の粽を作り、柔らかい草や縄で固定します。, 石黄酒を飲むのは長江流域で流行っています。石黄酒は酒に石黄をいれて創ったものです。, 解毒、殺虫に効くので、昔から蛇や蠍を払う効用があると信じられています。ですので、端午節の時、誰でも石黄酒を飲みます。, 端午節がくる前、親たちは子供に巾着を用意しておきます。巾着はカラフルな布で作り、中にはハーブをいれて作ります。, 蒿と菖蒲は中国では生薬として、その香りは蠅と蚊を追い払う効果があります。 People who visit these events can expect to hear loud rhythmic drums that help teams paddle in sync with each other.
The festival involves colorful celebration activities. 五月五日には、人々は部屋を清掃してから、庭や横木に蒿や菖蒲を掛け、幸運をもらたすように祈っているそうです。, 端午節に関する伝説はいろいろありますが、一番流行っているのは屈原をめぐる伝説です。, 屈原(紀元前340-278)は中国戦国時代の詩人で流刑に処された役人です。紀元前278年、秦は楚の都を落とし、屈原は自分のふるさとを離れたがらず、五月五日に『懐沙』を書き下ろし、石を抱いて川に身を投じました。 This year the celebration falls on June 25. Fete Dragon Boat Festival with traditional zongzis and a slice of history, Copyright © 2020 CGTN. According to the old stories, there was a Minister of the state of Chu who supported the decision to wage war against the oppressive state of Qin. Kashiwa-mochi, sticky rice cakes filled with red bean jam and wrapped in oak leaves, and chimaki, sticky sweet rice wrapped in an iris or bamboo leaf, are popular traditional food served during the festival. Traditionally, this alcoholic beverage drives away evil spirits and repels disease. The Dragon Boat Festival goes by many names in China and across the world. 弊社のオーダーメイドツアーではお客様に中国の魅力を感じていただくツアーをご提案しております。私どもではお客様によりよい旅行体験を提供できるように100名体制でチームを構成しています。 もっと見る... 旅行業登録番号: L-GX00724 | CHINA HIGHLIGHTS INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL SERVICE CO., LTD During the Dragon Boat Festival, you may enjoy a variety of cuisine that has been created just for the holiday. In addition to this, the hanging of these plants is also intended to bring happiness and good luck through the rest of the year. The people of China generally receive a three-day break from work in order to celebrate with friends and family. South Korea: The Gangneung Danoje Festival, The Gangneung Danoje Festival, is the biggest and best-known event, which runs for more than 20 days and culminates on the fifth day of the fifth month in the lunar calendar. Copyright © 1998-2020. Dragon boat teams from around the world participate in the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival in south China's Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, June 22, 2018.