Major features of Sweden’s policy have been the separation of spouses’ income and individual taxation, the expansion of public and private day care centers and a very generous parental leave program provided to both women and men, which has created much better possibilities to combine a … Normativa Perspektiv. Maria Stanfors Elgqvist-Saltzman, I. Hallgren, M. (1993). Haas, L., & Hwang, P. (1995). Surkyn, J. Festskrift till Anna Christensen (pp. Parental leave (including maternity protection), Act (2013:999) to amend the social insurance code (2010:110), Act (2009:341) to amend the education act (1985:1100), Act (2009:197) to amend the income tax act (1999:1229), Act (2009:253) to amend the marriage code (1987:230). (1993). Economic reform in Sweden: The Lindbeck Commission.Scandinavian Review, pp. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 66: 980-987.
In J. Gauffin, M. (1993). Hants, Eng. Couples who are in a registered partnership may turn it into marriage through an application to the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), which deals with all aspects of population registration in Sweden. No exit, no voice: Women's economic dependency and the welfare state.Acta Sociologica, 33, 235–250. 0000010834 00000 n PubMed Google Scholar. Disability policies in Sweden.Fact Sheets on Sweden. Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers. The marginal relevance of legislation related to induced abortion. Den ofullbordade jämställdheten [Incomplete equality]. Public policy as the fuel of fertility: Effects of a policy reform on the pace of childbearing in Sweden in the 1980s.Acta Sociologica, 36, 19–31. 491–519). Växjö: Linnaeus University Press. 0000009582 00000 n The Swedish gender model: Productivity, pragmatism and paternalism.West European Politics, 14, 166–181. ),Generating equality in the welfare state—The Swedish experience (pp. Civil marriage had been introduced in 1908. The new divorce law can also be seen as an adaption to a society where women’s economic and social roles had changed fundamentally. Wider freedom of choice was intro¬duced in the way leave could be taken, either full time or part time, until the child attains eight years of age (SFS 1977:630). Swedish Institute (1981). Eduards, M. (1989). She is currently researching the impact of corporate culture on men's participation in child care in Sweden. Details are provided on programs designed to reach goals, and the success of these programs is evaluated. Two parents can take out parental benefits for each child and thereby be home at the same time. 27–54). Alongside the physical expansion of capacity, there was an ideological offensive, the importance of which, if not also its deliberate intention, was to reduce any possible emotional resistance existing against leaving children in local authority care. New York: Swedish Information Service. : Edward Elgar Publishing. Professor, (2007). In U. Himmelstrand & G. Svensson (Eds.
Swedish Institute. Study assistance (and other types of student financial aid) is administered by the National Board for Student Aid (Centrala studiestödsnämnden, CSN) administers study assistance, as well as the other types of state financial aid for students. Hobson, B. The increase in marriage rates was not due to compositional changes in the characteristics of the Swedish population, neither was it due to postponement/recuperation of age at marriage nor a reversal of female independence or values (such as secularization). Cohabiters may agree through a written agreement (signed by two parties) that the division of property rules shall not apply to them. There are also temporary parental benefits that are paid to parents who stay home from work to look after a sick child under the age of 12 (in some cases 16). 585–617). Sweden provides a very family-friendly environment to new parents and offers ample support to employees at all levels. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office. These trends were both early and prominent in Sweden and the other Nordic countries. Sundström, G. (1987).Old age care in Sweden. Från moderskap till föräldraskap [From motherhood to parenthood].Statistikinformationen (#1). Fathers’ share of total benefit days was low initially very low, but rose slowly to about 10 per cent in the early 1990s. Acker, J. Parents who are registered job seekers receive parental benefits based on the income he/she had before when employed, i.e. When it comes to housing allowances and child support, the benefits may be increased or decreased depending on the household’s income. Brookfield, VT: Dartmouth Publishing Company. Swedish family policies encourage both parents to work and to help each other with household and childcare tasks. )Families of nations: Patterns of public policy in western democracies (pp. Goldfield, D. (1982). From the year a child turns 6, he or she can participate in a non-compulsory pre-school year, which is free of charge and includes a hot lunch. 241–291). The care of the elderly in Sweden.Fact Sheets on Sweden.
Welfare state, gender politics and equality politics: Women's citizenship in the Scandinavian welfare states. Hügard, G. (1983).
The board’s decisions in study assistance matters may not be appealed, but cases may be re-examined to the advantage of the individual student. Swedish Institute. Work in this field, family law, primarily consists of changing family law to keep pace with developments in society at large. Swedish Institute. Also of a general character, the state contributes a fixed sum to cover the costs of adoptions of foreign children given that they are adopted through an authorized adoption organization (SFS 1988:463). 279–312). Meyer, C. (1993). The 1974 divorce law is still in place today. In the new divorce law, all fault criteria were removed and it was stated that the individual reasons behind divorce should be regarded as a strictly private matter. The gendered Scandinavian welfare states: The interplay between women's roles as mothers, workers and citizens. In D. P. Moynihan, Smeeding, T. & L. Rainwater (Eds.) Preschool (förskola), also called day care (dagis) is available (and guaranteed, SFS 1994:11) for ages 1-6 (today in effect ages 1-5, see below). From the 1990s and onwards there have been more of diversity among childcare facilities respecting educational approaches and the way they are operated (publicly, privately or as cooperations among parents). (1976). Here are some points to note: Swedish parents can get access to 480 days of paid parental leave and one or the other parent has to take at least 90 days, which means fathers get paid leave as well. )Men, work and family (pp. Newbury Park: Sage. Sweden. ),Equality politics and gender (pp. Until 1939, a woman could lose her job when married (or pregnant), was not allowed to work immediately after childbirth and thus got no pay. The compatibility of employment and childbearing in contemporary Sweden.Acta Sociologica, 36, 101–120. En beskrivning av kvinnornas arbetsmarknad [A description of the female labor market]. However, it took time to live up to this aspiration.