Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. 4. (2) The social security schemes in a broader perspective also provide psychological and sociological security.

Social security is defined as the security that the society furnishes through appropriate organizations against certain risks to which its members are exposed. To manage social security schemes in such countries is an uphill task. Content Filtration 6. (v) They are insured against the risk on compulsory basis, and it is obligatory for them to contribute under the scheme.

These have been affected with the situation at the time of definitions given. Due to non-availability of poor infrastructure facilities the operating costs have gone high. They were the most sufferer group in the society. The objectives of social security can be sub-summed under three, categories: A brief description of these is given as under: Compensation ensures security of income. (l) People prefer to join the jobs where social security measures are provided and well implemented.


In other countries which are relatively less regimented ones, social security refers to measures of protection afforded to the needy citizens by means of schemes evolved by democratic processes consistent with resources of the State. To tackle this situation for improvement of the society, the efforts are needed to ensure such persons a normal life if not good. Widows’ pension for death while in service; In addition, there are separate pension funds for civil servants, workers employed in coal mines and tea plantations in the State of Assam, and for seamen. Occupational diseases have been defined in the Workmen Compensation Act in parts A, B, and C of Schedule III. Germany was the first European industrial nation to start a social security programme that was extended to people other than military forces. If the State with­draws and leaves the social security to be bought, a large percentage of population will have no access to even elementary social security because they do not have adequate income to buy these services. Copyright 10.

(ix) Social security makes’ a change in the mind-set of employees.

After retrenchment it becomes difficult for the employees to carry on if no monetary support is received. Voluntary Welfare Activities are subject to the discretion of the management of the organisation. Due to the development of industries this social security started to spread and reached to other European countries like France, Britain, Netherland, etc. During this period they may need monetary assistance, support in other form to maintain them and their families.

Social Security: What is Social Security? Image Guidelines 4.

According to Friedlander Social security means a programme of old age, unemployment, health, disability, and survivors insurance maintained by the US federal government through compulsory payments by specific employer and employee groups. It ensures that when the workers have given their effort and energy to any organization and the society, he does not become a liability to his family, his employer and to the society. It is a program through which the Government attempts to ameliorate the distress caused by contingencies of life. Evolution of the concept of social security has been studied under different heading and these are: Ancient Time: ... Over a long period of nearly a century, many experts, organisations, and dictionaries have given the definitions and meanings of concept of social security. There is a possibility to meet with an accident when employees work on machines.

In the historical perspective, the term social security was coined for the first time when the United States Social Security Act, 1935, came into existence. Concept: In general sense, social security refers to protection provided by the society to its members against providential mishaps over which a person has no control.

(k) Lead a happy life even after retirement and at old age also. They face a lot of difficulties in their life. The term ‘social security’ is all embracing. (j) The facilities provided and social security legislations are not same across the world. The underlying philosophy of social security is that the State shall make itself responsible for ensuring a minimum standard of material welfare to all its citizens on a basis wide enough to cover all the main contingencies of life. This can be termed as social guarantee or security in legal terms. Such programs are usually financed directly by the Government from its general revenue in the form of cash payments or services to every member of the community falling within a defined category.

The benefits were given to individuals on the basis of their employment record and their contribution made to social security during their employment careers.

Further, time-to-time the debates were conducted and necessary amendments had been made in India to get the present position in USA. Like other socio-economic concepts, the connotation of the term “social security” varies from country to country with varying political ideologies.

With the rapid development of science, technology and industry in the nineteenth century, social security matters and policy were taken up by the governments gradually. (x) Social security brings peace and harmony in industry. Gratuity is payable at the time of termination of his services either – (i) on superannuation or (ii) on retirement or resignation or (iii) on death or disablement due to accident or disease. They realized that with the suffering segment of the population, the society cannot become prosperous. There is no such definition of social security which may be country to country according to the prevailing social legislations, traditions ideals.

(v) A sense of belongingness, ‘we feeling’, ‘togetherness’, amongst employees is developed which helps to achieve team goals and organizational goals. For providing pension, education and health facilities, insurance, medical, housing, drinking water, welfare, etc., falls under the scope of social security.

(g) The major roles played in providing the facilities are governments, NGOs, trusts, and volunteers.

Company retrenches employees when their services are not required. In Jewish religion there was a tradition and considered the charity is a matter of religious obligation rather than benevolence. These efforts were known as facilities or social security measures. Social Security – a programme in the US that requires workers to make regular payments to a government fund which is used to make payments to people who are unable to work because they are old, disabled, or retired. Section 3 authorizes the appropriate government to appoint any officer as a controlling Authority for the administration of the Act. So, for his own maintenance and maintenance of his family, as also for his medical treatment monetary support is required. (a) Most of the social security programmes are implemented under the authority of law. The type of amenities and its number relates to the number of men/women workers employed in the factory.

Yet in the simplest terms, Social Security is defined as the security that the society furnishes through appropriate organisations against certain risks to which its members are exposed.