#6a5acd hex color red value is 106, green value is 90 and the blue value of its RGB is 205.
Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #6a5acd hue: 0.69 , saturation: 0.53 and the lightness value of 6a5acd is 0.58..
Slate gets its name from the rock used as a popular building material. In the HSL color space #9cb2bc has a hue of 199° (degrees), 19% saturation and 67% lightness. The other dominant element in nature in blue color is water. Slate Blue RGB Color Code: #6A5ACD. Get sample codes, similar colors and more in this page. #6a5acd color name is Slate Blue color. See more ideas about Blue paint, Paint colors for home, Room colors. May 30, 2014 - Explore Anna Pena's board "Slate blue paints" on Pinterest. #6a5acd hex color red value is 106, green value is 90 and the blue value of its RGB is 205. The hexadecimal color code #9cb2bc is a medium light shade of cyan. HTML, CSS or hex color code for Slate blue is #6a5acd. #6a5acd color RGB value is (106,90,205). This method was rarely used. Whereas in a CMYK color space, it is composed of 48.3% cyan, 56.1% magenta, 0% yellow and 19.6% black. Blue color codes. This is … Slate’s color varies in nature and can be gray, blue, greenish-gray, dark red, black, tan, and even purplish-gray. #BCD4E6 Pale Aqua aka Beau Blue #88D8C0 Pearl Aqua #66CCCC Aqua (Safe Hex3) #05B8CC Aqua Cerulean. The hexadecimal RGB code of Slate Blue color is #6A5ACD. Blue Hex/RGB color code = #0000FF = 0*65536+0*256+255 = (0,0,255) #DFF396. The 25-pair color code, originally known as even-count color code, is a ... red, black, yellow, and violet. It, however, most often refers to a medium-dark gray with hints of blue. Hex code #7b68ee: RGB: rgb(123,104,238) HSV: ( 248.51° , 0.56% , 238% ) Add a useful note/description about this color; Complementary Colors.
#D1EE68. In a RGB color space, hex #6a5acd (also known as Slate blue) is composed of 41.6% red, 35.3% green and 80.4% blue.
Slate Blue RGB Color Code: #6A5ACD. CSS Codes #CBC3F8. #00FFFF Aqua (Safe 16 SVG Hex3) aka Cyan. #A396F3. 25-pair color code Pair no. Complementary colors, when placed next to each other, create the best contrast. HTML, CSS or hex color code for color "Medium slate blue" is #7b68ee. The hex code for slate is #C0C2C9. Blue color codes. Medium slate blue; Medium slate blue Color Codes. #6a5acd color RGB value is (106,90,205).
In the RGB color model #9cb2bc is comprised of 61.18% red, 69.8% green and 73.73% blue. The hexadecimal RGB code of Slate Blue color is #6A5ACD.This code is composed of a hexadecimal 6A red (106/256), a 5A green (90/256) and a CD blue … Blue RGB color code. Water Is Blue Too – Aqua Blue Colors With HEX Codes. This code is composed of a hexadecimal 6A red (106/256), a 5A green (90/256) and a CD blue component (205/256). HTML RGB blue colors. The chart below shows the hexadecimal color codes for shades of blue, teal, cyan, and similar colors. The minor, or secondary color was chosen from the sequence blue, orange, green, brown, and slate. Benjamin Moore Slate Blue / 1648 / Early Morning / CC-818 / #9cb2bc Hex Color Code. The decimal RGB color code is rgb(106,90,205). #6a5acd color name is Slate Blue color. It has a hue angle of 248.3 degrees, a saturation of 53.5% and a lightness of 57.8%. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #6a5acd hue: 0.69 , saturation: 0.53 and the lightness value of 6a5acd is 0.58.. 25-pair color coding using twisted pairs with solid color coding only, without tracers. Aqua is Latin for water, so we can start right here, with a series of aqua blue colors.