She adds that she needs freedom as she’s trapped in a loveless marriage and living with a stepdaughter she despises. Fed up, she returns the child back to Boston, but ends up changing her mind and returning home with him. Regina listens to Kathryn's grief over David's decision to leave her. Regina presses him on the issue, causing him to end his sentence with "please", which not only forces her to obey him, but also confirms her suspicions about his memories. Rumplestiltskin reverses the disguise, to which Regina gazes at her reflection and states, "Long live the Evil Queen". A broken Regina retreats in a cloud of smoke and later tearfully watches from a distance as Emma breaks the news to Henry. Aghast at Emma's parents are letting their daughter choose to remove her magic, Regina relates her own mistake of not accepting Henry in the past out of fear of losing him, which changes their opinions. At the diner, Regina approaches Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula asking to join their inner circle. The Queen, feeling patronized, tells Marian not to tell her what she does and doesn't understand; she knows what she wants and, right now, it's Marian's head on a spike. Kathryn becomes furious that a "friend" like Regina has been lying to her this whole time and storms out to confront Mary Margaret.
While Henry refuses to talk, Regina heals her son's wound. Then Tamara arrives on Greg's orders, places a bag over Regina's head. Regina goes into Mr. Gold's shop to look for her mother's old spell book to jump start her powers. Since the Wraith cannot be killed, Regina produces Jefferson's magical hat to send it through a portal. Then, they come across David, Emma, Hook, Mary Margaret, Neal and Tinker Bell in the jungle. Both women decide to ask Mr. Gold for help. She then offers the children the opportunity to live with her, but they refuse and continue to ask for their father. Emma visits, asking about a photo Sidney took of herself and the Snow Queen, though she has no memory of the encounter. Upon checking "Regina Mills" (Once Upon a Time Wikia), "Evil Queen" (Once Upon a Time Wikia), and "Queen Regina" (Once Upon a Time ABC Wikia), I see the third source gives no birthday info while the former two sources both agree with our infobox that she was born on the first of February. After hearing the terrible news, she rushes to the hospital to her son only to be assaulted by a livid Emma who finally knows the truth.
She states that an anonymous caller saw Regina digging at the Toll Bridge and shows her the broken off shovel piece. Hook ran.
As the wedding day approaches, Regina desperately tries to flee on horseback, only to be stopped ruthlessly by Cora.
She asks for Hook's opinion on it, though he hopes Greg isn't right or they've wasted their lives. Outside, Emma tells Regina to refrain from speaking in the interrogation room, though the mayor confirms the schoolteacher, like any other woman who has had her heart broken, can do unspeakable things. When he catches her, she asks him to hand over the book. After sending Owen to get apples so they can make dessert, she learns from Kurt that he is hoping for a fresh start with his son, who recently lost his mother. When the Chernabog attacks, Regina and Emma temporarily stun it with magic. The Queen proves to be satisfied by the results of the curse, though Rumplestiltskin warns her that from casting it, she has created a hole in her heart and someday will feel the need to fill it. Regina interrogates Felix, who won't talk, so she goes for his heart, though Emma gets her to back down. ("Red-Handed"), Emma must do her job as sheriff and interrogate Mary Margaret as a suspect while Regina sits by as a third-party to ensure the questioning is unbiased. No special action is required regarding these talk page notices, other than regular verification using the archive tool instructions below. The place is important, as it is the place where Snow White found about the love affair between Regina and Daniel, and was also where the young princess was sworn to secrecy about the matter, which she did not keep. She then lays the rose upon Cora's chest and leaves the room, to go and enact the Dark Curse. While working in her mayoral office, Regina sees Emma chainsawing her apple tree and goes to stop her. Aboard the ship, Mr. Gold summons the magic globe to show him Henry's location.
Upon noticing her apple tree is starting to die, she demands an answer from Mr. Gold.
Zelena sets a deadline for her to be on Main Street after sundown.