The Strategy successfully provides a framework for re-orientating Parramatta’s CBD to the river, regenerating the river foreshore and creating new vibrant mixed-use precincts along the riverfront. Three of the eight precincts are partly within the City of Canada Bay and Council is currently working to prepare plans that will enable the implementation of the identified Stage 1 precincts located at: How will it affect the City of Canada Bay? To enhance the aquatic ecology of the river and improve the connection of Parramatta Quay to the CBD, the Strategy proposes to move the point at which salt and fresh water meet, by relocating the Charles Street Weir and moving Parramatta Quay to a more central location.

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Parramatta City Council recognises the role of the Strategy and the aims underpinning it in contributing to the ongoing economic, cultural and environmentally sustainable regeneration of Parramatta’s CBD and foreshore. parramatta cbd planning strategy receives you when producing Company in official Onlinestore, which one free and quickly sent. Completing the questions below helps us better understand the diverse range of people who contribute their ideas. var address = "City of Parramatta NSW"; alert("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status); It creates the basis for developing a delivery framework that is uniquely suited to Parramatta, its community and its context. center: latlng, The Strategy will form the basis of a detailed masterplan and a business case, which are the next steps for its delivery. This statement sets out information relating to personal information collected on the City of Canada Bay’s website. Creating an account helps us better understand your needs and the needs of the community. Restoring a more natural form to the Brickfield Creek channel outlet including vegetated banks. } } else { When you browse Council's website, the system automatically collects information for statistical purposes such as the following and some of the information is also required to enable the Council’s website to communicate with your computer: Personal information may be collected over Council’s website such as for example when you subscribe to user lists, identify yourself when using particular pages, pay rates or provide your email address. Council is committed to protecting your personal information. We are not responsible for your communications or dealings, including payment and delivery of goods or services, with a third party found via our website.