Cultural and Creative Arts. Nigerian Languages. NERDC Teacher’ Aid provides web-based access to a database of teaching resources where the user ( Teacher) can search for, locate, download, and comment on resources to aid their learning process or teaching. 11. Business Studies.


Conflict Within Social Group: Causes, Effect and Steps In Conflict Resolution. JSS 1-2 Past Questions and Answer. .2 How do I speak up for myself and the world?.3 Can we be reflective?

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The Author or Publisher of this article/website should not be blamed on how the reader chooses to use the information found here. so many fake sites.

For prospective school owners, teachers and assistant teachers, Social Studies scheme of work is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of Social Studies as a subject offered under junior and senior secondary school. HOW TO GET ACCESS TO LEARNERS’ RESOURCES : Have a look at these examples to help you decide what's right for your school.

It splits an often-multi-year curriculum into deliverable units of work, each of a far shorter weeks' duration (e.g. Thus the Conceptual Framework for the review of BEC comprises of a ten (10) subjects namely: 1. Learners’ Resource access comes with the NERDC e-Curriculum Digital School Access. Environmental Problem, Causes, Effects and Solutions. Finally I get this ebook, thanks for all these Schemes Of Work For The 2014national Curriculum I can get now! ��O��S�x�^ w����_�Z�˻ן�?�O�~\�o���? Meaning, Causes, Effects and Solution. ♦ Subscribe to Our YOUTUBE CHANNEL. If you have any questions as regards Social Studies scheme of Work For JSS 1 class, kindly send them to us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly as usual. Subject include Literature – in – English, Fundamental discipline for science and technological development. 2.3 All state schools are also required to make provision for a daily act of collective worship and must teach religious education to pupils at every key stage and sex and relationship education to pupils in secondary education.

Create enabling environment for the subject in all schools.

JSS 1-3 Scheme of Work for Junior Secondary School in Nigeria.

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folder Curriculum Framework ... folder Scheme of Work : folder Guides : folder Revised Syllabi During Covid 19 Pandemic Situation 2020 : Documents. Teachers’ Aid access comes with the NERDC e-Curriculum Digital School Access. National Common Entrance Past Questions National Policy on Education (NPE) stipulates that the medium of instruction should be the language of the immediate environment of the child.

%���� 3 0 obj Targeted for basic education teachers, senior secondary education professionals, and librarians.

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Engage in competitive and co-operative active-ties Continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills. <> ( Basic Science, Basic Technology, Computer Studies/ICT, Physical and Health Education, )

4 0 obj

NYSC Verification Pin 6. Business Studies. pls i need guide on where and how to print the current scheme ok work for both jss and ss classes. The 9-Year Basic Education Curriculum was particularly developed for the attainment of the Education for All (EFA) Goals, the critical targets of the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategies (NEEDS), and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). 2019 NECO Offline Registration: How to Edit Details; Print Photocard, English Language Scheme of Work for JSS 1-3 1st, 2nd, 3rd Term Download PDF.

What is Spirituality? endobj Please note that Social Studies scheme of work for JSS 1 provided here is for first term, second term and third term as approved by Lagos state government, Federal government and other state governments in Nigeria. ♦ Follow US on FACEBOOK for LATEST UPDATE. Junior WAEC Questions and Answer School phases: All Looking to buy a National Curriculum scheme of work?


The national curriculum forms one part of the school curriculum. Meaning, Causes, Effects and Solution, HIV/AID Meaning, Causes, Effects and Prevention, Problems Associated with Contemporary Social Problems in Nigeria: Individual, Family, Nation. Ensure  your school enrolls in the e-curricukum program.

Teachers’ Aid is a digital library of curriculum based teaching resources. Socialization: Meaning, Significance & Processes. It provides access to math lessons and activities aligned with the Math Common Core Standards, as well as Learning-related blogs and other free teacher resources and lesson plan ideas. A scheme of work defines the structure and content of an academic course. Similarly, Islamic Studies, Christian Religious Studies, Social Studies, Civic Education, etc. 4 0 obj Social Environment: Meaning and Types; Primary and Group (Family) Types; Role and Responsibilities of Members. Article tools. Social Studies scheme of work and curriculum for JSS 1 (Second term) ... National Unity and Integration: Meaning, Needs and Importance. 7. HIV/AID Meaning, Causes, Effects and Prevention. Agents of Socialization and Effects of Socialization. JAMB Uploading Do you know that before approval to operate and own a secondary school in Nigeria.

The above is the current government approved scheme of work for Social Studies for JSS 1 (Junior secondary school three) class from first to third term. Many thanks. Accidents in the Home and School: Measures for Safety in the Home, School, Workplace and the Environment.