Brynne Chandler has been a freelance writer her entire adult life, save for an occasional foray into catering and importing Mexican Rustic furniture. You can choose whether or not that would be useful for you. via @YouTube #GrowYourOwn. HerbsBesides most herbs being one of the fastest germinating seeds, they are known to add an adorable flavor to each menu and undeniable fragrance to your garden.

Is it the best option for germinating seeds though? Spread the paper towel on a flat & clean surface.

I do enjoy the way you have framed this particular concern and it really does offer me personally some fodder for consideration. Seed Germination Paper Towel - How to Start Seeds Fast! What happens if mold is growing on the seeds? We love to grow an abundance of vegetables, fruits, and flowers. If it starts to dry, spray the paper towel with more water from your spray bottle. If the zipper has been sealed shut, open it to let in some fresh air. Use porous pots or pots with holes in their base. Place the paper with seeds inside and reseal the bag. If issues have arisen with seeds planted into the ground or a pot, you won’t know for sure whether it’s the soil or seed quality, environmental conditions, or maybe your skills. Skip this step if you will only be germinating one seed type. In this case, 96% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. They are sick and won't grow now. That will help keep them safe and strong enough to germinate. 4. Use tweezers on the seed body or the cotyledons when moving them to moist soil. However, seeds are delicate and may require coddling during germination and when transplanting them to their final location. Spritz the top layer of the paper towel with water if it feels like it has started to dry. Paper towels, filter paper or even newspaper provides an excellent medium for germinating seeds. Annual FlowersMost of the flowering plants that we have today are among the fastest sprouting seeds and also grow rapidly after germination. Such flowers have the added benefit of introducing an attractive splash of colors and elegance in your garden. Cover the hole with soil and make sure the seedling sits firmly. Some of these flowers include; the dianthus which always strive to fill your garden year after year. 3. For example, cucumber, lettuce and turnip seeds will sprout in about three days; onions and peas take six days; asparagus can take as long as 10 days. I am someone who over time has seen the food industry change. Not only that, but germinating seeds can allow you to spot issues a bit easier. Continue reading: CREATING THE PERFECT DECK IN THREE EASY STEPS. Only if the paper towel dries out before the seeds germinate (though this shouldn't happen if you keep the baggie zipped closed). 5 Vegetable Garden Tips for an Abundant Harvest, How to Germinate Aristolochia Serpentaria, Van Beek's Gardening Supplies: Germinating Seeds in Soil versus Paper Towel, Texas A & M - East Texas Gardening: Quicker Seed Germination, Fullblown Hydroponics: How to Germinate Seeds, Garden Fundamentals: Best Method For Starting Seeds Indoors, How to Plant Peas in a Damp Towel Overnight in the Fridge, The Best Way to Germinate Vegetable Seeds, How to Grow Carrots and Radishes Together.