quite, or very nearly, as long as 4; L. 2-10 mm. 2008 edition.

127, 7); L. 4-5 mm. is regarded as synonymous with this on the Continent (see Fowler, vol. somewhat diffusely punctured; el. Joint 3 of ant. The map below showcases (in blue) the states and territories of North America where the Click Beetle may be found (but is not limited to). Size: Most click beetle adults are about 1/2 - 1 inch long. more contracted to apex (Pl. [Ant. 7, Dalopius marginatus 128, 4); L. 16-18 mm. –> HYPNOIDUS, 21 (20). Find out what insects and spiders you are sharing your backyard with and why they are vitally important to a healthy planet. more finely punctured. ; Eng. It is well worth dissecting males of this group. ; sweeping. unicolorous; th. finely and closely punctured, or rugose; L. 2-6 mm. [Eng. 13, Ampedus cinnabarinus, antenna I had made a note to ask Ian to get Mendel to Dinton.

Found feeding on crops in North America and Europe.

128, 14), closely punctured on disc, densely at sides, shining; L. 15-18 mm. –> tristis. quadrate (photos below & Pl. black; th. with hind angles keeled; el. There are about 800 different species of click beetles (family Elateridae) in Australia, many of which occur in the Sydney area. Home » Identifying beetles » Elateridae, Eucnemidae and Throscidae » Joy’s keys to click beetles. strongly sinuate at sides (Pl. 10, Ampedus cinnabarinus Territorial Area Map (Visual Reference Guide) The map below showcases (in blue) the states and territories of North America where the Luminescent Click Beetle may be found (but is not limited to). S.W., Wales; r.] –> Dicronychus equisetioides, 1 (2). 127, 8). Th. In recent decades, pomonae has only been found in Ireland (Co. Kerry and reported recently from Co. Clare also). ], 5 (6). Base of th. [Hd.

with sides less, or not, sinuate before hind angles, the tooth not, or less, angled with sides (Pl. narrower; th. 4; vr. less contracted to apex, less shining, interstices much less strongly punctured than striae. Come and explore what our researchers, curators and education programs have to offer! –> quercicola, 22 (21). Reading: British Entomological and Natural History Society.

They spend up to four years underground munching through plant roots and stem bases until pupating and emerging as adult click beetles. 128, 14, 17, 19), with a longitudinal keel on its upper side. S. to Lancs; vl. not so distinctly broadest at tip of hind angles, and el. less distinctly contracted from base to apex, with a slight yellowish tinge, to yellowish, normally with a variable black sutural mark; ant. [Th. Joint 2 of ant. and th. 14 (13). bright red; th. 128, 16); joints of ant. Base of th. This website may contain names, images and voices of deceased Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. less elongate (Pl. ; Brit. El. [Th. 1 (2). [Berks; vr.]. S.E. yellow, or fuscous with base yellow. Nomenclature follows Duff (2008) which should be consulted if authority names are required. [Hd., th., legs black, tarsi generally reddish. 15 (16).