Many organizations are struggling to understand what patient-centered care truly means, and what it really looks like. Funding and practical help for chaplains, educators, and administrators. Transforming Chaplaincy is growing in the research community and beyond. Certificate in Patient Experience Leadership is awarded upon completion of the full set of 15 Patient Experience Body of Knowledge courses offered through The Beryl Institute. This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer version 8 or greater. Home Patient Experience Institute (PXI) is an independent, non-profit, committed to the improvement of patient experience through continuing education and professional certification. Patient Experience Institute offers Patient Experience Continuing Education Credits (PXEs) for learning, teaching and professional service events and activities that are focused on the patient experience. Certification According to new research, the patient experience is one of the top three priorities of hospital leaders over the next three years. Education One-on-one patient service is only half of the chaplain’s overall work experience; the other half is how the chaplain fits into the interdisciplinary medical team and the administrative structure of the system.

leadership and patient outcomes in a broader array of settings such as ambulatory, home care and nursing homes as well as acute care needs to be continued. This approach also provides opportunities for immediate service recovery and feedback for staff and physicians. FAQ * It is clearly time to refocus on the person at the center of care. The Patient Experience: Improving Safety, Efficiency, and HCAHPS Through Patient-Centered Care. By putting the emphasis on a patient’s care experience — including respect, partnership, shared decision making, well-coordinated transitions, and efficiency — hospitals see improvements in their patient satisfaction survey data and HCAHPS. Communication for Standout Patient and Staff Experiences and Industry Reputation: A Medline Patient Experience Leadership Certificate Program. / Patient Experience Institute (PXI) is an independent, non-profit, committed to the improvement of patient experience through continuing education and professional certification. The Patient Experience: Improving Safety, Efficiency, and HCAHPS Through Patient-Centered Care, Certified Professional in Patient Safety (CPPS), How a great patient experience can impact quality, safety, staff engagement, and financial results, How to integrate current practices and new concepts to positively change the patient experience, Ways to make sense of and improve your HCAHPS and other patient-driven metrics, How to raise awareness of the patient experience and spread culture change through all levels of your organization, Where you can better engage physicians, providers, patients, and families to provide safer and more effective care, Evidence-based tools and skills that can be easily taught to others in your organization that will improve the patient experience at various points of care, How to make sense of impending reforms that will affect reimbursement. Explore our curated guides by content area here. / Description: What sets healthcare providers apart when it comes to a real ability to drive cultural transformation for exceptional patient and staff experiences? Email:, We have had to suspend the course for the 2020-2021 academic year due to the pandemic, We are tentatively planning on resuming, fall 2021, Patient/Family Interest in Spiritual Care.