The piping system should also be XD. TL, 2017

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TL, 2015 CAMERON T31 Fully Welded Body Ball Valves are welded into final position in the pipeline, cover the valve seal areas (ball-to-seat area and seat-to-end connection area) with 1" wide masking tape from the 3 o'clock to the 9 o'clock position. TL, 2009 / 203000 Km, 26.500 Viki . Made of forged steel to assure uniform fine grain structure and toughness, they may be specified in sizes from 2" to 56" (DN 50 to DN 1400). TL, 2012 / 248000 Km, 78.500 Its distinctive design gives it increased strength at reduced weight as well as increased resistance to pipeline pressures and stresses. Top Works Dimensions – Manual Gear Dimensions ..... 30 Services for Valves and Actuation ..... 31 Trademark Information ..... 32 Table of Contents. Cameron T31 fully welded ball valves (see catalog) Cameron T31Max fully welded ball valves (see catalog) ISV fully welded ball valves (see catalog) FCX3 Perar Viar Valvole trunnion ball valve (see catalog) API 6D Trunnion Ball Valves. This test can be performed with the valve open or closed prior to facility maintenance. / 160000 Km, 87.000 Many thanks. T31 Fully Welded Ball Valve From the CAMERON T30 Series valve portfolio.

Ekspertiz, Otomobil One of the most trusted valves in the petroleum Engineered for heavy-duty service and minimal industry, the CAMERON T31 Fully Welded Body Ball maintenance, the CAMERON T31 Fully Welded Valve combines the strength of forged components Body Ball Valve is commonly selected for a with a lightweight and compact spherical design.