Home; About us; Curriculum; Classes; Clubs; Community; Contact Our curriculum evolves in discussion with children and our wider staff team so that it is stays fresh and dynamic; but these expectations are our guide. We also teach children how to develop learning skills – please see below. Children are expected to achieve different milestones at the end of each year. Curriculum Maps. Thank you for providing a happy environment for my child. We are lucky to take part in lots of performances, concerts and plays. Kompetenzerwerb in der Auseinandersetzung mit Themenfeldern. Objective ladders for Maths, Reading, SPag and Writing give details of all the objectives that the children will be covering during the year and are used to track a child's progress. On behalf of my daughter and I - thank you for the support you have given; it is very much appreciated. Well done to the amazing team that makes The Discovery School so great! Our curriculum evolves in discussion with children and our wider staff team so that it is stays fresh and dynamic; but these expectations are our guide. Als Verkehrssprache unserer globalisierten Welt fällt Englisch die Schlüsselrolle bei der Entwicklung von Fremdverstehen, Empathie und der friedlichen Verständigung von Menschen zu. 01223 792440 Beispiele fachübergreifende und fächerverbindende Themen, Bildungsstandards, Kerncurricula und Lehrpläne, KCGO - Englisch (Stand: Mai 2019) (PDF / 1019 KB), Umsetzungsbeispiel Englisch, Einführungsphase (1) (PDF / 151 KB), Umsetzungsbeispiel Englisch, Qualifikationsphase (2) (PDF / 122 KB), Beispiel fachübergreifende Themen Englisch (1) (PDF / 73 KB), Beispiel fachübergreifende Themen Englisch (2) (PDF / 126 KB), Beispiel fachübergreifende Themen Englisch (3) (PDF / 74 KB), Literaturhinweise KCGO Englisch (PDF / 144 KB), Unterricht für Kinder beruflich Reisender /BeKoSch. This PDF gives details of what we are working towards in Year 3. UTS Cambridge, trading as University of Cambridge Primary School, is a private company limited by guarantee, and an exempt charity, registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08557665, with registered address: The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TS. The teachers are great, friendly and always listen to you. Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Wellbeing, Our Children's Friendly Child Protection Policy, Support for parents during school closures, Promoting wellbeing and good mental health in children, Wellbeing support for children who have additional special educational needs, Useful sources of further information and local contacts. Year 3 End of Year Expectations. We also teach children how to develop learning skills – please see below. National curriculum in England: English programmes of study - key stages 1 and 2 Ref: DFE-00181-2013 PDF , 1.02MB , 88 pages National curriculum in England: English programme of study - key stage 3 Umsetzungsbeispiel Englisch, Einführungsphase (1) Umsetzungsbeispiel Englisch, Einführungsphase (1) (PDF / 151 KB) Umsetzungsbeispiel Englisch, Qualifikationsphase (2) Umsetzungsbeispiel Englisch, … Learning Skills . Year 3 Curriculum Plan The Curriculum Plan gives details of the areas of study and topics to be covered for each of the National Curriculum subjects through the year. The exception is the science curriculum which came into force for year 10 pupils in September 2016, and applies to year 11 pupils from September 2017.
Writing and Spelling. KCGO - Englisch (Stand: Mai 2019) KCGO - Englisch (Stand: Mai 2019) (PDF / 1019 KB) Umsetzungsbeispiele. Year 3 Curriculum 2019 2020. The teachers are nice too. Our school has lots of exciting clubs and playtimes are exciting as we have lots of equipment to play with. enquiries@universityprimaryschool.org.uk.