Operating every day of the year, the plant will require 1,712 dry matter (DM) tons of feedstock per day, or 342 acres of switchgrass yielding 5 DM tons per acre. In a five-year field study conducted on 10 farms in Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota, Liebig et al. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer is not recommended during the planting year since N will encourage weed growth, increase competition for establishing seedlings, increase establishment cost, and increase economic risk associated with establishment if stands should fail (Mitchell et al., 2008). Wood, and D.I. Because of its high biomass yields, switchgrass (above, in el Centro, Imperial County) is It is anticipated that switchgrass can yield sufficient biomass to produce approximately 500 gal- lons of ethanol per acre. Vogel, K.P. Traditional breeding methods could produce a switchgrass hybrid that could yield 10 to 12 tons of biomass per acre in the next five years, up from about 5 tons per acre currently, Rath said. 98:1518-1528. Since 1990, the City of Ames, ISU and the Iowa DNR have collaborated to initiate an agriforestry energy system at the Ames Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant in which trees and herbaceous crops are grown and fertilized with treated, dry sludge. J. After the establishment year, a successfully established switchgrass stand requires limited herbicide applications. There is large potential for achieving all of these benefits, provided agronomic, genomic, and operational aspects of perennial herbaceous cropping systems are fully developed and accepted by farmers. of Nevada, Reno Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet 99-65. 1999. Lee, D.K., V.N. 561-588 In: L.E. The cultivar used in this field has a yield potential of 5 to 6 tons per acre (corresponding to 400 to 500 gallons per acre) because it was bred for use as a pasture grass. The group’s objective is to commercialize switchgrass for energy applications. Vogel, K.P., and R.A. Masters. A general N fertilizer recommendation for the Great Plains and Midwest region is to apply 20 lb N acre-1 yr-1 for each ton of anticipated biomass if harvesting during the growing season, with N rate reduced to 12 to 14 lb N acre-1 yr-1 for each ton of anticipated biomass if harvesting after a killing frost. In the Great Plains and Midwest, maximum first-cut yields are attained by harvesting switchgrass when panicles are fully emerged to the post-anthesis stage (~1 August). for producing food and feed, or on lands currently enrolled in conservation programs. However, if it replaces the use of nonrenewable fossil fuel, that essentially only adds carbon to the atmosphere. These modeled results were validated with actual inputs from multi-farm, field-scale research to predict energy output. For the producer, perennial herbaceous energy crops must be profitable, they must fit into existing farming operations, they must be easy to store and deliver to the plant, and extension efforts must be provided to inform producers on the agronomics and best management practices for growing perennial herbaceous energy crops. Fertility requirements are well understood in most regions, with about 12 to 14 pounds of N per acre required for each ton of expected yield if the crop is allowed to completely senesce before the annual harvest. Technol. Switchgrass as a Bioenergy Crop. Coupled with additional data, the analysis yielded baseline production data of 4,302 kg/ha (3,840 pounds/acre) to 5,759 kg/ha (5,140 pounds/acre), depending on soil type. Switchgrass receiving N fertilizer was often falling down (lodged) before the final harvest, which creates harvest difficulties. ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, WI. Green Jr., M. Rasnake, and J. Reynolds. There are major challenges to using switchgrass for cellulosic ethanol (Mitchell et al., 2008). An ongoing (2009) project in Kentucky has university agronomists working with a group of 20 northeastern Kentucky producers on a four-year-long switchgrass pilot project. Anderson, B., and C. Shapiro. Natural leaching reduces the silica and chloride contents in this material. National Acad. Farmers need to know that there’s going to be a market for switchgrass before they start devoting a lot of time and energy to producing it. "switchgrass yields around 3-6 tons of biomass and 400-900 gallons of ethanol fuel." N rate and row spacing effect on C partitioning, Yield and quality parameters for 20 strains, Long-term yield under different management regimes, Fike et al., 2006a Switchgrass, big bluestem and indiangrass, which are all tall native prairie grasses, dominated the vegetation mix. 36:2122-2129. Mature stand of switchgrass in its third year of production at Michigan State University. The biomass-conversion ethanol bio-converters would run on steam and electricity produced by lignin combustion from that unused switchgrass co-product. Assuming 25 miles is the maximum economically feasible distance feedstock can be transported, all of the feedstock must be grown within a 25-mile radius of the bio-refinery, an area containing about 1.26 million acres. Sanderson, W.R. Ocumpaugh, R.M. Farrell, A.E., R.J. Plevin, B.T. Weimer, P.B. The scientists used NIRS to test switchgrass varieties and experimental lines adapted to the Midwest and found significant differences for actual and potential ethanol yield per ton and per acre. Vogel, K.P., J.J. Brejda, D. T. Walters, D.R. Helsel said growing Switchgrass for carbon credits outside of Chicago only yields about $3 to $4 per acre. Switchgrass should be seeded at 30 pure live seed (PLS) per square foot (5 PLS pounds per acre) based on the quality of the seedlot. Productive switchgrass stands can be grown west of the 100th meridian with irrigation (Biofuels Cropping Systems Research and Extension, Washington State University). Sanderson, V.R. Applying 8 oz of quinclorac plus 1 qt of atrazine per acre immediately after planting has provided effective grassy and broadleaf weed control for establishment. Biomass yield and quality of 20 switchgrass populations in southern Iowa, USA. Pack the tilled soil until walking across the field leaves only a faint footprint to ensure good seed-to-soil contact and prevent soil in-filling of the packer wheel depression. Less land will be needed for energy crops if higher yields can be obtained. From this research, it was estimated that switchgrass pellets can be produced and marketed as a fuel for a price of $150 per MT. This work is supported by New Technologies for Agriculture Extension grant no. Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. With the increased yields, each acre of switchgrass could potentially be used to produce 75 to 160 more gallons of ethanol. Iowa State University (ISU) is developing techniques to convert switchgrass into a gaseous form for potential use in boilers and internal-combustion engines. Ethanol yield per acre would be 462 gallons per acre from 165 bushels of corn. Recommended to you based on your activity and what's popular • Feedback Agron. of Nebraska-Lincoln. Evaluating the environmental consequences of producing herbaceous crops for bioenergy. This means that switchgrass ethanol delivers 540 percent of the energy used to produce it, … He developed an economic analysis based on production in different soil types over a number of years. Soil carbon storage by switchgrass grown for bioenergy. Dry matter yield will exceed 10 tons/acre in many areas of the South and Southeast, so less than 5% of the land base would be needed for feedstock production. Switchgrass can tolerate moderately acidic soils, but optimum seed germination occurs when soil pH is between 6 and 8 (Hanson and Johnson, 2005). Univ. Project partners have explored the economic benefits of various planting arrangements for poplar and silver maple trees to be used as energy resources. A recent USDA-ARS Project report, Improved Plants and Production Practices for Grasslands and Biomass Crops in the Mid-Continental Area, summarizes recent research in many areas of switchgrass and other native- and non-grass biomass crops. Photo: Rob Mitchell. Average ethanol yields estimated to be 450 gallons per acre at a conversion rate of 79 gallons per U.S. ton. More than 70 years of experience with switchgrass as a hay and forage crop suggest switchgrass will be productive and sustainable on rain-fed marginal land east of the 100th meridian. Carbon sequestration refers to the absorption and storage of carbon dioxide in the roots and leaves of plants, building up organic material in the soil. Consequently, the forage-type cultivars in the Great Plains and Midwest are entirely represented by upland ecotypes which are inherently lower yielding than lowland ecotypes. Market Value of Switchgrass