
{data.isLoggedIn && }

This problem can happen when using only React state as global state and your application's component hierarchy grows vertically.

}, UserAction.js


{this.props.children} That's how the top level component, in this case the App component, can be used to manage global state in React without a third-party state management library such as Redux. export default class Info extends Component {

I'm using React Navigation library for my React Native project and struggling to understand how to handle state with it.

Prop drilling is a phenomena in React that happens when props are passed down multiple levels in a React component hierarchy and components in between are not interested in this props, so they just pass it along to the next child component.

)} The shown example is only a simplified version of a larger application.

We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use GitHub.com so we can build better products. import React, { Component } from "react";

render() { Contribute to bexic/react-without-redux development by creating an account on GitHub. For more information, see our Privacy Statement.

Plain React in 200+ pages of learning material.

If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. import Header from "./components/Header"; className="pa2 input-reset ba bg-transparent hover-bg-black hover-white w-100" }. Learn React by building real world applications. name="email" Immutable, transactional, predictable, time travel debugging enabled state management. }) Perhaps in this case, because only the ListPage component is interested in the global state from the App component, you can lift down the state management to the ListPage component. this.setState({ It may be a great refresher on…. Config contains all configuration regarding our context API and components contains all our components.
)} import React, { Component } from "react"; When we press log in button, login method of the root component is executed and we set ‘userInfo’ in root component and redirect to info page. import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from "react-router-dom";
); onChange={this.onChange} Nice article, but the lack of indenting compromised the readability. Email : {data.userInfo.email && data.userInfo.email} To use context API first we have to create a context variable.Context variable as 2 main methods Provider and Consumer. }. When using this architecture for your application with routing, you will still have a top level component (e.g.

Now comes the most exciting part of our project. } they're used to log you in. isLoggedIn: false, When a user will press the log in button with his credentials, we are going to save all his information in the root component’s state and then we are going to modify it from it’s child component.

However, there are two techniques to prevent the prop drilling phenomena until there is really no way around a proper state management library such as Redux or MobX. However, once you need global state again, which can be distributed to all Page components or update from within various Page components, you can deploy state in your App component again. This problem is called props drilling.To avoid that issue redux was introduced. In this scenario, you still have a global state in the App component but maybe also additional global sub states for each page component.

userInfo: {} userInfo : {} At some point, you will use something like React Router to distribute your application on multiple pages (URLs) with so called Page components (e.g.

User Info

Note:- Context API only supports 16.3 or higher version of react. We generally use props to share information across components, but in large scale projects it is a big problem as components are nested.

isLoggedIn: false, name="password" On the other hand all the elements inside consumer can access the value provided by Provider. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Log in {data => ( Creating a global state in React is one of the first signs that you may need Redux (or another state management library such as MobX) in your application, because in React the local state is located on a component level.

data.logIn(this.state) Now the arguments represent state of the root component.

logOut = () => { state = {

import "tachyons";

import React, { Component } from "react"; Redux gives us a lot of flexibility to manage our state. As simple as it sounds, you can have global state in React by managing your React state at your top level component. State management in react without redux is a difficult task. We use essential cookies to perform essential website functions, e.g. }} There are simply to many props to be passed down the component hierarchy. );