Allowable Loads for Simple Span Glulam Beams Tables 2, 3, 8 and 9 provide allowable loads for glulam beams used as simple span roof members in snow load areas (DOL factor = 1.15) and for non-snow loads (DOL factor = 1.25). staggered pattern with at least a 3″x.120″ nail. Engineered Wood Products (EWP) Span and Size Charts. Most beam tables only list values for whole-foot spans like 11’0″, 12’0″, etc. Select the span carried by the beam across the top of the table Prolam Beams Verandah Rafters Span Table 43 KB pdf; PL8 Posts supporting verandah roof only light roof attached to house. VERSA-LAM ® laminated veneer lumber (LVL) beams and headers eliminate twisting, shrinking and splitting, and deliver flatter, quieter floors and structures. The 2012 IRC code calls for a minimum of a 32″ O.C. . . . On longer spans the beam may require much more bearing space as indicated by this table. And even though span tables provide limited data, they are very long. Beams of more than one ply must be fastened together with either nails or bolts. . Choose the required center-to-center span for the beam in the Span column. Our VERSA-LAM ® LVL is manufactured in either Alexandria (Lena), Louisiana in Eastern United States, or in White City, Oregon for the Western United States. 223 KB pdf PL8 Posts supporting verandah or deck floor only. TimberStrand ® LSL 12–13 Microllam ® LVL 14–15 Parallam ® PSL 16–17 Non-Snow Roof Load Tables TimberStrand ® LSL 18–19 Microllam ® LVL 20–21 Parallam ® PSL 22–23 Beam Details 24 Window and Door . design using glulam beam section capacities from Tables 1 and 7. . The widest span in the floor joist span table in Part 2 of this tutorial module showed that floor joists can span 17'2" if they are 2 X 12s spaced 12" o.c. (on center). Headers & Beams : Size Selection Tables Headers & Beams : Allowable Load Tables Tables providing size selections for various beam spans and loading combinations for Southern Pine dimension lumber and Southern Pine glued laminated timber are available for the following applications: 22 KB pdf Prolam PL12 Posts Supporting Roof Only 20 KB pdf; Prolam PL12 Post Supporting Floor and Roof 25 KB pdf; Prolam Floor Beam Span Table 23 KB pdf So the house dimensions will now be 24' X 13'. Floor Load Tables TimberStrand ® LSL 6–7 Microllam ® LVL 8–9 Parallam ® PSL 10–11 Snow Roof Load Tables . Fastening. 337 KB pdf PL8 Posts bracing carport. LVL 2900Fb-2.0E Floor Beam Quick Reference Tables arried Span TO USE: 1. . . . Select the correct table for the supported floor joist condition (simple or continuous — see notes below). Let's expand our house beyond that 17'2" span capability to 24 feet wide.
21 - 25 ... glulam can be designed for multiple-span conditions and cantilevers. . 3. 2. American Forest & Paper Association’s Wood Structural Design Data, provides span recommendations for solid-sawn wood beams up to 32 feet, but the table runs a hefty 140 pages. V8s can also be used for single spans, but V4s are most cost-effective for this type of application. BOISE GLULAM® Beams Roof Load Tables - 125% . .