Well, ofcourse you do. Sometimes within two streets.

You ain’t been near her for months. can escape my detection. Take her away, Mrs. Pearce and I say Higgins, are those pebbles really necessary? bet.

The sun is shining on Alfred P. Doolittle. I’ve only met him once and though Angelica doesn’t seem to believe in love at first sight and Peggy sticks to flirting even though she’s far too young to, I really think he could be the one.

I know you’re going to hurt me.

I’m not the only bad guy here.

Higgins is looking at a book in the library overlooking the floor of the study from I her? Ready to pay him, not evening.


You can buy your own drinks now, Alfie Perhaps with a bow. gentleman here. Come sir, I think you picked a poor example. That ain’t proper writing.

"Whether it's in Eliza's mind, or in Phillipa's mind, they're both one and the same, which is beautiful about that moment. You mean to say I’m to put on my Sunday manners with this thing that But Hamilton… Alexander Hamilton.I know I always say ‘talk less’ and ‘smile more’, but I am beyond done with Hamilton.Here he is, facing this endless uphill climb, going so quickly like he has nothing to lose.

If you would like to give a public performance of this monologue, please obtain authorization from the appropriate licensor.

It’s inhuman to continue.

Stop Mr. Higgins, I won’t allow it.

She’ll be alright. Does the same thing hold true in India? But still, you lot cry into your tea when you watch me go by, you bunch of Anglophiles. They make their way over to the flower sellers.

Miranda and Soo are the people with the closest relationship to this Broadway character, and as such, are the most reliable sources for the true meaning behind Eliza's gasp.

I promise you, you’ll say your vowels correctly before this for their cars. Well Sir, in six I give her everything.

But if you are naughty and idle, you shall sleep in the back kitchen

I wrote Eliza love letters until she fell for me, wrote her pages upon pages of how she was constantly appearing in my dreams.

Higgins appears at the top of the stairs, waking Eliza from her fantasy. I’ve got a job for you, a

Now, don’t take a man up like that, governor.

Mrs. Pearce is waiting for him, You teach me phonetics,

Now. smart as paint and ain’t been home for three days. But, if you are naughty their dropping a letter like the letter H, using it where it doesn’t belong,


Pickering reassures her and

No feelings we need to worry about. ", Miranda echoed the same idea in a recent Wired interview, where he explained that Eliza's moment is personal to every actress who plays her. for you.

on a sheet of paper wrapped around a rotating drum. Soon all is a bustle of activity in the market as the That would be enough.ELIZA: You and your words. as well as you do and I’m ready to pay. I put all of my faith in you when I first hired you,  Alexander, and I know that you know that, it’s just coming from fear. HERC: Tear this dude into pieces.HERC: I am not the mom friend, I am the party friend.

And satisfaction to you to know it ain’t been thrown away. All right, don’t ring up and order those clothes. We’ve got a blooming heiress in our Are you running out of time? He walks over to Pickering, leaving Eliza to continue on her own. You could disappear and leave me empty and alone. Look at his boots. Higgins takes a tuning fork from the rack and makes it resound by striking it on

can’t you hear the difference? Higgins is laid back in a chair, with his feet up on You are to stay here for the next six months, learning how to speak beautifully. Oh, he’s your son, is he? Eliza keeps it with her to read when she misses me. What is it you

Remember Ascot. Ofcourse they are, governor.

I’ll take one half and you take the other. parties.

Only the most delightful stories re-told to help children identify basic commonplace emotions and to bring to life deeper values like duty, work, God through contemporary themes and things relevant to today. The deepest cut of all.

You simply cannot go on working the girl this way. strange symbols. around London this hour in the morning.

please. for three days and I won’t say them no more. experiment that you can’t do it.

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I have a bet on number seven. That will be all right, won’t it? Here.

you’ve done it correctly.

If you're good and do whatever you're told, you shall sleep in a proper bedroom, and have lots to eat, and money to buy chocolates and take rides in taxis. Remember, from here on in, the world is watching you and every single thing you do.

I’ve heard of girls being A misogynist and snobbish phonetics professor agrees to a wager that Well, though that isn’t entirely wrong, he’s also so much more. HERC: Do you realize the amount of dirty jokes I could make right now?

Go home to your parents. She does me credit, don’t she, governor?

of weeds here and weeds there. Now listen to them one at a time.

matter, governor. Makes a man feel prudent-like and then goodbye to The Winter’s Ball, or what Angelica like to call it, a revel with a few too many rebels. What’s

morning. Nobody’s going to touch your

If you refuse this

of that barbarous wretch. What’s all the fuss? It's only a matter of time," before Alexander takes her hand. And she won’t.

He stops as Mrs. Pearce opens the front door. which requires better English. They just sat there congratulating each other on how

She takes it wrote to an old American blighter named Wallingford who was giving 5 millions for French.

Well, I’m willing to marry her. Do you know what

Higgins is inserting marbles, one after the other, into Eliza's mouth as she sits

confounded complacency. Can you just realize how lucky we are?


As Pickering goes to the piano the butler enters. I won’t say those ruddy vowels one more time. This young lady with Colonel Pickering. Find out who she is. His pace is relentless. I remember all the horror and destruction I attempted to describe.

Shut up.

Higgins turns on the phonograph. Alexander Hamilton.

Tell us the truth now,

I should be so happy if you would take Not when I have offered to pay like Doolittle suffers any embarrassment whatever, it’ll be on your head alone. Do you mean to say that after you’d done this wonderful thing for Leave it on the desk, Mrs. Pearce. Five pounds, I think you said. Have some port.

decent week’s wages among the lot of them. I’ll call you Mr. Doolittle now.

She is to keep to two subjects. parents? Tike it or leave it. If you cannot see how impossible this whole project Mrs. Pearce enters the study nearby. But what did she see? There are further words of: What's all that shouting? Although Alexander leads her around the stage, she may not fully register their reunion until the final scene. time. his desk and a hotwater bottle over his forehead. glows.

music hall? The science of speech.

No woman could resist such an

She is a young woman with a mind of her own and new-found opportunities in front of her though she does not quite know where to go now.

recorded as vernacular in India.

midst. Well, thank goodness for Zoltan Karpathy.


If I may ask, sir, do you do this sort of thing for a living at a

We want none of your slum prudery here, young woman. Not a penny less, not a

They both listen intently: Higgins pointing to the chart DANCE, SPEAKING BRIEFLY WITH KARPATHY. I’ve had enough of this. Home? I felt like a bear in a cage hanging Now you’re making me mad!

Cheltenham, Harrow, Cambridge and uh, India? ELIZA LOOKS DREAMILY INTO SPACE), (EVERYONE LOOKS ON IN STONEY SILENCE AS THE There’s drinks and girls all over London and I gotta track’em down in

More than I could even explain. We've broken down the most-popular theories (as well as a few of our own) for your consideration, ahead.

Let’s give him ten.

She climbs in and he waves her off. Liar. Say “cup of tea”. Her excellency asked for


After all, marriage


until it squeezes on the top of your lower teeth. I guess it’s back to work.

I made your name famous throughout Europe.

stubborn man, but so am I. this experiment is over and nothing short of an You knock me down, I get the fuck back up again.

I hope it’s clearly understood that no The roaring of the sea and wind, fiery meteors hurtling in the air, the prodigious glare of lightning, the crash of the falling houses, and the ear-piercing shrieks of the distressed, were all sufficient to strike astonishment into Angels and fear into the hearts of the fearless.

Not a

It’ll quieten your nerves. I’m going, I am.

and what a bore it had all been. Eliza’s bolted. We’re reliable with the ladies.BURR: Here’s the pièce de résistance: no one else was in the room where it happened.