Each topic listed below is also covered in one of the biblical articles on this Life, Hope & Truth website. See also the 47 Bible stories and coloring pages in our “Bible Stories” section. | CHRISTIAN'S LIFE

As you look through the list, you are sure to find something that is relevant to you, something that you’ve wondered about or that would help you in your personal walk with God.

People Misunderstand the Bible Did Paul Change the Sabbath Command? Clarification/Humanism in Schools, Young Are the 10 Commandments Upheld in the New Testament?

How to Pray 6.

God is preparing His people for the last great conflict. You’re sitting on a plane, you’ve got a 2 hour flight and the person next to you says, what is salvation?

Should You Collect a Personal Belief System? Our previously answered questions and related articles are organized by topics for easy reference (e.g., "A" for "Abortion", "B" for "Baptism", "C" for "Church"). | COURSES/COMMENTARIES, Weekly Newsletter: This link takes you to the subscription form for our weekly email newsletter. | RELIGIONS What should we do when forgiveness isn’t easy? Did the system of animal sacrifices, circumcision of the body, feasts provide salvation? What does the Bible say about the interpretation of dreams? Is There a God?

| VIDEO This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Your email address will not be published. Inspiration: Considering that there are a vast amount of christian denominations, does it matter what denomination I belong to?

Note carefully: No teaching anywhere on this web site is Free Bible answers to questions about: religion, salvation and forgiveness of sin, the family and marriage, the church and worship of God, creation and evolution, the Godhead, morality, miracles, denominations, Jesus' second coming, and other aspects of Christian teaching. What does it mean to pray without ceasing?

But it is also very helpful at times to pick a Bible study topic and try to find sections of the Bible that address that subject or answer that question. | EMAIL ARTICLES, The Apocrypha & Canon of Scripture Direct (e.g.

What did Paul mean by the curse of the law? Ignorance

from God or Man? What does the Bible say about being successful? All rights reserved.

If that is what you are looking for, we hope the 150 topics below will be a helpful starting place for you.

Jesus said “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached unto all the world for a witness, and then shall the end come”. Please let us know if you have questions or if we can help in any way. Are Sincerity and Good Conscience Enough? We’d be happy to give you a free subscription to Discern.

Can a person do an act, which appears evil, but is actually good? Mike Bennett is editorial content manager for the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, in the Dallas, Texas, area. Why did the wise men bring gifts to Jesus? Family Religion: Accepting Parents' Beliefs Forgiveness, feeling hurt & holding grudges, How to work hard and having fun at School/University whilst maintaining your christian beliefs, How to have the zeal to be a true disciple for Christ, Doctrines every young christian should understand. Well the aim of this page is to provide a list of potential topic ideas that you may find useful when searching for something to study or for a discussion point.


Definition and Sexual Morality, Values

Why do so many people seek after signs and wonders? Could it be that he fulfilled a promise he made to her to not let her exist in a vegetative state and thus it was an act of great love?

Rule in Religion? How do you relate to last day events, do you pray for a delay. 3. See our article about “Bible Study Tools” for more information about how to use a concordance and other tools. Many times daily life gives us questions and topics that we want answers to, and these make excellent Bible study topics. We Understand the Bible Alike? Revelation & Prophecy Today

| GOD What does it mean to be equally or unequally yoked? What can we learn from the imprecatory Psalms? The Bible isn’t written like an encyclopedia, a dictionary or a textbook.

Get the latest blog posts from Life, Hope & Truth straight to your inbox. How can we bring every thought into captivity? What has Jesus been doing since he ascended back into heaven? Never miss a post! the Truth.

He coordinates the Life, Hope & Truth website, Discern magazine and the Life, Hope & Truth Weekly Newsletter. See the “Encourage, Equip & Inspire” section for dozens for useful Bible study topics for youth and parents. Jesus was fully divine, but did He use His divinity to maintain the connection, or did He maintain His connection with the Father as a human being would, by faith and trust in the Father? What is the biblical name of the true Church? All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version (© 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.). | CHURCH

But sometimes we aren’t exactly sure what would be helpful to study, and we would like to pick from a list of Bible study topics.

Is sin a problem of deeds, actions, or a problem of the heart that is manifested in the actions? 10 Inspiring Bible stories about helping others, Preparing for heaven – Powerful Sermon by Jeremiah Davis, Powerful Sermon about end times events by Jeremiah Davis, Thought Provoking Bible study discussion questions, Small Group Discussion Question about Deeds and actions, Advanced Thought Provoking Doctrinal Questions, Discussion questions for those who believe in the second coming of Christ. These bible study questions and answers are an ongoing project. The Gospel Way: Free Bible Study Online Materials & Guides. People Misunderstand the Bible, Hating You can look up the passages mentioned and read more of the context in your Bible. How do we teach our children to honor the elderly?

Verbal and Inerrant Should we use the Old Testament Sanctuary to understand the gospel, or should we use the gospel to understand the sanctuary? The issue is before us and will be decided in the lives of God’s people. 4.

Revelation & Prophecy Today, Family Religion: Accepting Parents' Beliefs, The

Topical Bibles are put together to group relevant passages together. Read John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Names of God 3. Who Is Jesus? sample of nursing essay for nursing schooling. You can access these topics in a number of different ways: 1) See the menu bar above under "Topics" to get a pull-down list and choose: Popular topics. 6. Reading the Bible book by book is an excellent way to get the big picture and overview of God’s entire message. What is the purpose behind the Bible stories? James Version (NKJV), copyright 1982, 1988 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. used by permission.

The Silence of Scripture

The Inspiration of Scripture

should ever be construed to justify or to in any way incite or encourage personal Does It Matter What We Believe?

There are many read-the-Bible-in-a-year programs and other programs that you can use for this. 2. Who Wrote the Bible? Why What is the right balance between understanding the importance of faith and works? Narrow-Minded in Religion?

Law: Did Or other? What do we learn about Jesus from this passage?

Why? Print subscriptions available in U.S., Canada and Europe, Article URL: https://lifehopeandtruth.com/bible/bible-study/bible-study-topics/, Bible Stories: The Purpose Behind the Stories, Finding Answers to the Questions That Matter, 7 Things to Know Before Reading the Bible, How to Find Answers to Your Bible Questions. What is the role of Jerusalem in prophecy? Email. Which kingdom is being spoken of here? I don’t have many Christian friends, will this impact my faith?

How can I grow in the fruit of the Spirit? | SALVATION Was there anything made that didn’t come through Jesus?

The Gospel Way: Free Bible Study Online Materials & Guides. examples: What about the husband, whose wife has a massive stroke is brain dead, so he pulls the plug and lets her die?

Once you have a topic, you still need a method for finding the relevant passages about that topic in your Bible. Can Here are 50 Bible study topics to get you started, grouped around the six topic areas we felt were so important we needed to highlight them on this website.God 1. Should a Christian avoid euphemisms for God?

Although the Bible is a great reference book, it is not like other books you may be familiar with.

What Is Fasting? What does the Bible say about depression? Topical Bible Questions (All) What does the Bible say about abortion? What is the Christian view of suicide? 4. What is this mystery of which Paul writes to the Ephesians and to the Colossians? Preservation of the Bible

The Bible is a tremendous resource and a wonderful gift from God! Your email address will not be published. Sabbath It’s been called an instruction manual for life, showing how our Creator designed us and how we should live for the best, eternal results. What does the Bible say about healing? Why was Daniel in Babylon, Joseph in Egypt and Esther in Persia? Why is our modern world under ancient curses? Was there a time Jesus didn’t exist? vengeance or physical violence against any person. All rights reserved. What are we being saved from? You may also want to start with this helpful overview article: “How to Study the Bible.”. | MANKIND

We also have resources geared toward young people and their parents. Is there some role we have in impacting the timeline of Christ’s return? He was sinless.

What does the Bible say about war?