Head south to the poor district. Head first to Acre, and sneak into the city by using the cover of the scholars outside the city walls. Next time you can use the menu and choose where you want to go. Assassin's Creed (PC) Game Guide by gamepressure.com. The way to Talal's warehouse is guarded so you will need to use the scholar trick. 1.Eavesdropping.To get inside the place marked on your map, you need to pass the guards on the gate. Nous sommes en 1191. Go into the rich district and look for any viewpoints and keep synchronizing them until you find one. You will learn the positions of guards during the burial ceremony. They have Damascus, Acre, and Jerusalem. Prepare the hidden blade and chase your victim. It's the last time when you have to travel to the next city by horse. Use the scholar trick to get inside the city. Turn left, then move forward jumping onto the next building. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. Thanks to the interrogation you will learn that Robert wants peace and that's the reason he is participating in the ceremony. Eavesdropping. La troisième Croisade déchire la Terre Sainte. We suggest not wasting much time on the ship and dock as it's easy to get knocked off into the water. I have so far found no answer to this question, just people continually saying 'go FIND a viewpoint' - Well that's all well and good when YOU CAN ACTUALLY ACCESS THE MEMORY OF THAT PART OF THE CITY. Status:0/6 Investigations Complete. Sibrand, busy with his bow and arrow, should not notice. It's the last time when you have to travel to the next city by horse. Pickpocket A stolen map will reveal positions of Talal's guards. Jerusalem - investigation Speak with the resident and find a synchronization point in the Middle District of Jerusalem. Even when you fight in the graveyard they are poor shots and tend to miss you or hit your enemies (friendly fire :) ). 1. Informer Escort. Climb view point to locate them. In exchange for killing two targets (one of them is on the roof), you will receive a piece of advice: you are able to get close to Robert using scholars. To begin exploring, you'll want to hit a first view point in order to reveal the rest. Climb the bell-tower on the church near the city gate, synchronize and go to the Bureau. While he's doing this, and while there are no guards behind you, approach the ramp that leads to the deck of the ship.


Target the two guards on the ship and quickly eliminate them with throwing knives. It's the last time when you have to travel to the next city by horse.

You're in the lab again.

Acre ... go to the Rich District and climb onto the highest tower of the big cathedral. 2 Investigations are needed to access Assassination Memory. Next Memory Block 04 Majd Addin of Jerusalem Prev Memory Block 04 Abu'l Nuqoud of Damascus.

Next time you can use the menu and choose where you want to go.