Part 4: Boiling in Assam: how does CAA affect Northeast India the most? The story of Sanjit Debnath and his family, who live in Silchar, is particularly sad. The indigenous groups in Assam, over the years have been making demands to update the NRC. However, there are three rather curious elements of this submission that require further scrutiny. With the Opposition, especially West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee slamming the move, BJP president Amit Shah reminded everyone that the accord was signed in 1985 under the Rajiv Gandhi-led Congress government. However, the names of the spouses of the family members were included in the second draft. What to do in case name not found in Legacy Data? By including this data in its official submission, the Assam Government has admitted that it has accepted these figures. While the SC had not accepted the request last year, the state government and even organisations like the All Assam Students Union (AASU) are planning to approach the SC afresh with the request for reverification. “Given the magnitude of human dimensions in this problem, it would be appropriate if the SC assured the public against any coercive step on the basis of draft NRC.”, said Venugopal. The Assam Accord of 1985 began with the assurance that the “government has all along been most anxious to find a satisfactory resolution to the problem of foreigners in Assam.” Consequently, it put together a list of resolutions to be implemented in order to solve the immigration issue in Assam. Assam people hoped that these excluded will be deported or sent to detention camps according to Assam Accord.
Northeast India is the most affected place from such illegal immigrants’ penetrations. Secularism, Tolerance, Violence, Terror, Appeasement, are Muslims the only scapegoats? 2 of the 1951 United Nations Convention defines ‘refugee’ as “A person who owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.”. The 2020 COVID pandemic brought to fore the dismal lives that our migrant workers lead. Consequently, an accord was signed on August 15, 1985, according to which, all illegal aliens who entered the state between January 1966 and March 1971 would be disenfranchised for 10 years, and those who came after March 1971 would be deported. Does this Act affect India as a whole and Why Assam is Boiling over it?
And how they are promoting brahminical ideas of religion amongst an unsuspecting population by promising free education. Cost of defending citizenship post NRC north of Rs 11,000 crores!
Northeast India is the most affected place from such illegal immigrants’ penetrations. Source: The names of him and his 19 member family, including his five brothers and a sister and their respective children, were missing from the registry. The deadline for filing the second draft of the NRC was set by the Supreme Court as July 30th, but the deadline was missed by the government and the deadline was extended by a month to August 30th. Apple loses $450 billion in value since record on iPhone woes, What history tells us about US election and Sensex movement.
Currently NRC excludes around 19 Lakhs of persons. This influx of migrants was changing the demography of Assam, according to AASU and AAGSP. It is a negative concept. Who This brings us to our first question “Why ‘Muslims’ are not included in CAA?”. Enter your email address to subscribe this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Clause 5.2 states that all the people who came to the state prior to the base year, including those whose names appeared on the electoral rolls in the 1967 elections, will be regularised. But CAA doesn’t prohibit Muslim Immigrants from applying for citizenship. Others have said that the sense of calm can be credited to the Assamese and other indigenous people over the fact that they reacted with a sense of ‘maturity’ to the announcement of foreigners being ‘detected’ in the state. Adrija RoychowdhuryAdrija writes long, researched features on history, world and national... read more, Copyright © 2020 The Indian Express [P] Ltd. All Rights Reserved, NRC row: What the Assam Accord of 1985 said about immigrants, JDU tally lowest in 15 yrs, Nitish ‘unwilling’ but BJP persuades him to stay Bihar CM, Bhupendra Yadav: Stand by BJP decision to continue Nitish as CM, Asadududdin Owaisi: Don't let crowds mislead... not easy changing to votes, On Seat No. It has taken 33 years for this crucial piece of the Assam Accord to finally fall into place. However, the same government went to the Supreme Court last year demanding 20 percent reverification of results in districts adjoining the Bangladesh border and 10 percent in other parts of the state. So, the point is while Jamia students were protesting peacefully there were some other violent protestors who vandalized government properties and the attention is diverted from CAA to dictatorship of NDA government and Delhi Police. The 12-hour strike of June 8 was soon followed by the formation of the Assam Gana Sangam Parishad (AGSP) for conducting a coordinated statewide movement. Now it is impossible for the total number of detainees to be less than the number of detainees in one detention centre.
The deportation of all persons previously expelled, but have re-entered Assam illegally since, is covered under Clause 5.7. She further said that these people were ‘Indians, and not Rohingyas‘. Everyone from media and social analysts, to the state government; which had asked for an additional 150 companies of paramilitary forces to deal with possible outbreaks of violence and seeking help from the North-East Space Application Centre for mapping of the char and riverine areas for policing; everyone was taken by surprise. The endearment shown on part of AASU and its sister organisation, who enthusiastically celebrated the publication of the final list, can be attributed to the fact that the NRC stands as a victory for their decades-long struggle of ridding the state of illegal foreign migrants. Submission before state assembly replete with inconsistencies. Cost of defending citizenship post NRC north of Rs 11,000 crores! Mullan, the Census Superintendent in his census report stated: Or does this show overconfidence on part of a state government that thinks it can get away with anything?
For all the latest Research News, download Indian Express App. Acceptance of NRC final list figures published on August 31, 2019, It is noteworthy that while listing steps taken to implement the Assam Accord, the Assam state government submits that the Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal who is also the Minister-in-charge of Assam Accord Implementation had visited the office of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) to oversee progress of NRC updation work. He welcomed the release of the final draft but said that the exclusion of 40 lakh people from the list ‘is not a small matter and that we must consider the fact that this draft is not the final list, and we should wait for it’.
On the other hand, Assam’s former Chief Minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, the spear-head of the six year long Assam agitation against foreigners in Assam and one of the signatories to the Assam Accord, said that the government ‘must deport all people to their country, those that came after March 24th 1971’. ( Log Out / Assam Pradesh Congress president, Ripun Bora hoped that the Centre would echo Rajnath’s statement, in letter and spirit, that no genuine citizen be left out. Even though India is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention on refugees and also the 1967 Protocol, it is a signatory to a number of United Nations and World Conventions on Human Rights, refugee issues and related matters. It is positive in character. are eligible for inclusion?
Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. But to be clear this act doesn’t even apply on Indian Citizens. We will see what is the government’s point of view as well the point of view of the protestors and other stakeholders. Although police have detained many protestors and none of them are from Jamia University. Naturally, the NRC issue in Assam became a tug of war (War of words) between Centre and the Opposition as the issue has potential to severely affect the vote share ahead of Lok Sabha Elections of 2019.
The Assam Accord recognised that the NRC as an official procedure in place, however faulty it might be, would be the way to decide who is a permanent resident of the state. All India Students’ Union (AASU) General Secretary, Lurinjyoti Gogoi said, “We have always wanted Assam to be free of foreigners”, further adding that the publication ‘is a historic moment after the signing of the Assam Accord’. But to make immigrants equal we have to consider their persecution and atrocities on them in these three Islamic countries.