their possessive adjective spanish

Enjoy! Possessive Adjective - Spanish to Go PDF The Spanish Possessive Adjectives = This is my cat. Spanish Possessive Adjectives. Like all Adjectives in Spanish, the possessive adjective will agree with the noun in both number (plural/singular) and gender (masculine/feminine). Fill in the blank with the correct possessive adjective. Step 1. There are also five sample sentences under the two charts for students to translate and put their knowledge to the test.The sample sentences include: 1. The possessive adjective must always match the noun that follows it. tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas — your (singular familiar), of yours — Prefiero la casa tuya. The possessive pronouns of Spanish take the same form as the long form of the possessive adjectives, namely mío, tuyo, suyo, nuestro, and vuestro along with their plural and feminine counterparts. The possessive adjectives take two kinds of forms: Possessive adjectives placed BEFORE the noun. As for the second exercise students must complete the text with the possessive pronoun that makes sense according to the context and the grammar rules. mis libros - my two books. This hand drawn possessive adjective chart helps students see the difference between singular and plural possessive adjectives. = These are my cousins. The Spanish possessive adjective must agree with the number of items a person has. No teams 1 team 2 teams 3 teams 4 teams 5 teams 6 teams 7 teams 8 teams 9 teams 10 teams Custom. sus fondos - his, her, their or your money. Press F11. Possessive adjectives are also called possessive determiners, because they replace the need for "a" or "the." In Spanish, the possessive adjective usually comes before the noun which is "owned," just as in English. In addition, it shows a chart with the classification of these words according to who we refer to and their grammatical number. Possessive Adjectives Possessive adjectives in English are words such as "my", "your", or "their". Back to basics! As their names suggest, both Spanish possessive adjectives and Spanish possessive pronouns are used to express possession.Although these sets of words share the same purpose, they're not interchangeable. The possessive determiners, also called possessive adjectives, serve to express ownership or possession (hence the name). So, if it is a singular noun, we . their. Their toy or your toy 4. Éstás son mis primas. PurposeGames Create. The ones above are the "short form" possessive adjectives, also known as . Have a look at the table: You can have a look at the table to see all the variants. As their name suggests, these words are adjectives used to express ownership. Possessive adjectives in Spanish are used to indicate that an object belongs to somebody. Read on to learn more about the 12 Zodiac signs and the words that go with them. ), it's a pronoun, not an adjective. Submit my answers. Possessive adjectives are used to show ownership. Éstás son mis primas. Use a possessive adjective in the follow-up statement! They must agree in number with the noun.. tus gatos your cats sus libros their books. = These are my cousins. We will learn them all in . Spanish possessive adjectives or "los adjetivos posesivos" are words that tell us to whom something belongs. Examples: Esos son tus zapatos. Possessive adjectives in Spanish. su libro. For example: No es tu culpa. Possessive adjective are a key part of the Spanish language and are important to study because there are more possessive adjectives in Spanish than there are in English. Spanish possessive adjectives worksheet pdf. Possessive adjectives: Su, tu, mi. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Those are your shoes. Possessive Adjectives in Spanish. Su and sus. Su casa no es blanca. For example: This is MY brother.He is YOUR friend. Possessive adjectives agree with the nouns they modify. If what is being possessed is plural the possessive adjective changes to be plural. They show possession. Spanish Possessive Pronouns Plural My Your His Her Formal Our Their Your Pl Cars Mis Tu Possessive Adjectives Adjectives Spanish Adjectives . (singular) a. su. The only difference is that the endings of possessive adjectives change depending on the number and gender of the noun, for example "Mi casa" - "My house" and "Mi s . The "good news," once again, about su in Spanish and sus in Spanish is that there are only two forms, singular and plural, that modify both masculine and feminine nouns.The "bad news," though, at least in terms of their initial challenge for native English speakers, is that these possessive adjectives in Spanish can mean many different things depending on their contexts. Spanish Seasons and Weather 10p Multiple-Choice. For more information on Ways of saying 'you' in Spanish, see Pronouns. They are equivalent to the English "my, mine, your, yours, his…". mi libro - my book. vuestro carro your all's car Nuestra casa es muy pequeña. Let's take a look at the long form Spanish possessive adjectives, their possible meanings, and how they correspond to the personal pronouns in Spanish. Use the correct gender and number of the possessive adjective to match the noun it follows. The Long Form Spanish Possessive Adjectives. The vosotros form (used in Spain) agrees in gender as well. This is because just like all adjectives in Spanish, they must agree with the gender and singularity or plurality of the noun it possesses. Like other adjectives in Spanish, possessive adjectives have to change for the feminine and plural forms. The Spanish possessive adjectives are: A possessive adjective accompanies a noun. Thomas trae a su hermana a la fiesta. Susana tiene nuestros libros. Using the Long Form. The long form of a Spanish possessive adjective is used when it is placed after the noun. Read the sentences below and note how the possessive adjectives (mi and mis) are used. They are words like MI (my), TU (yours) and so on, and can be used like this: "Ellos son mis padres" (they are my parents). (Quid pro quo > This instead of that. They must agree with the noun they describe in gender and number. a quiz by Erica Liu . The picture below sums up their basic features and how they must agree in number and gender with the noun . their book. "tú" (with the written accent) is the subject pronoun meaning "you" (informal), "tu" (without the written accent) is the possessive adjective meaning "your" (informal). your . Possessive adjectives or posesivos indicate who or what owns something. Plural. . their/your (all of you) = su examples: their book = su libro Your (all of you) book = su libro. = These are my cousins. In Spanish, the possessive adjective will agree in number and gender with the noun it modifies, not with the owner. Note that when a possessive replaces a noun altogether (yours, his, hers, etc. sus. Here's a simple animated video explanation of using possessive adjectives for Spanish learners. Like other adjectives in Spanish, possessive adjectives have to change for the feminine and plural forms. with articles of . They have the same function as short form possessive adjectives have but these emphasise the possession instead of the noun. Possessive Adjectives. Learn. 5. Games by same creator. "The test results are hers.". You've seen "mi amigo" and "tus padres" before. 2. For more information on Ways of saying 'you' in Spanish, see Pronouns. Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this video. Possessive adjective in Spanish, also called determiners, express belonging or possession.They are a type of words that complement a noun and always accompany it. The context of the sentence will determine the person, item, idea the pronoun refers to. For the possessive determiners my, your, his, her, its, and their, the adjective is the same whether the noun is masculine or feminine. The use of possessive adjectives in Spanish is almost the same as in English. - In Spanish, possessive adjectives agree in number with the nouns they describe (and some in gender) Singular Possessive Adjectives (Modify Singular Nouns) 1st Person mi (my) nuestro(a) (our) 2nd Person tu (your) vuestro(a) (your plural - Spain) 3rd Person su (his, her, its, your formal) su (their, your plural) What are possessive adjectives? Let's look at some examples: "This car is mine.". Their use is straightforward, although they, like other adjectives, must match the nouns they modify in both number (singular or plural) and gender. Use a possessive adjective in the follow-up statement! adjective. 3. The following table delves into the details. Spanish Possessive Adjectives singular mi mis (my) tu tus (your) su sus (his,her, its, your) plural Nuestro (s) Nuestra (s) (our) Vuestro (s) Vuestra (s) (your) su sus (their, your) 7. This is my camera. Tu coche es rojo. […] You will note that the long form Spanish possessive adjectives for nosotros/as and vosotros/as are the exact same as their short form equivalents. Possessive adjectives, like all adjectives in Spanish, must agree with the noun they modify. These are my weapons. But you do need to remember to take the singular and plural forms into account. Possessive adjectives in Spanish have a singular and plural form, according to the thing someone possesses.It is important to remember that the possessive adjectives 'nosotros' and 'vosotros' have a feminine and masculine form. The short forms of adjetivos posesivos are placed before the noun they modify; The short forms of adjectivos posesivos su, sus mean his, her, its, your or their. Let's take a look at the long form Spanish possessive adjectives, their possible meanings, and how they correspond to the personal pronouns in Spanish. 10th - 12th grade . Su bicicleta es roja.. Their bikes are fast. 85% average accuracy. Éstás son mis primas. Short-form and Long-form Adjectives. Possessive adjectives and pronouns express possession or belonging. Possessive adjectives are used to modify nouns to show to whom a noun belongs. sus padres - his, her, their or your parents. Mis padres y yo vivimos en nuestra casa. Lesson. In Spanish, you will never see an apostrophe "s." Possession is shown in a couple of different ways. Like any other adjective in Spanish, possessive adjectives have genders (masculine and feminine) and can change their number from singular to plural. In Table , notice that all the long forms of possessive adjectives have gender endings to match the nouns they modify. Note that when a possessive replaces a noun altogether (yours, his, hers, etc. Possessive adjectives Possessive adjectives agree with the thing possessed or person related, not the possessor. I also often hear this kind of construction when people talk about their friends (amigo mio, amiga mia). The Spanish possessive adjective indicates who or what possesses or owns something, just like in English. Possessive pronouns are used after the noun, unlike adjectives - and they cannot be used before the noun at all. My cats are adorable: mis gatas son adorables; Their dog is restless: su perro es inquieto; Our parrots are singers: nuestros loros son cantantes; Your turtle is weird: tu/vuestra tortuga es rara; Bear in mind that in Spanish, the adjective will . (possessive adjective . . First, this worksheet presents a brief definition of possessive adjectives in Spanish and how they should be used to talk about our possessions in sentences. tus libro. > instead of: noun, name. Possessive adjectives in Spanish, like those of English, are a way of indicating who owns or is in possession of something. = This is my cat. Possessive adjectives spanish worksheet with answers. Unlike English, Spanish has two forms of possessive adjectives, a short form that is used before nouns, and a long form that is used after nouns. Play. (plural) a. sus. my = mis examples: my books = mis libros. The short form Spanish possessive adjectives are: mi, mis, tu, tus, su . In English, the possessive adjectives his, her, and their tell whether something belongs to a male, a female, or more than one person. Besides Spanish Possessive Adjectives: Other Ways to Indicate Possession in Spanish. Note that the forms are the same for third person singular and plural. Placing a Spanish possessive adjective before the noun that's possessed allows you to express my, your, his, her, its, our, or their. In English a possessive adjective is one of the words my, your, his, her, its, our or their used with a noun to show that one person or thing belongs to another. In other words, who owns something. Their bike is red. Sus bicicletas son rápidas.. su sinceridad - his, her, their or your sincerity. Its meaning is usually clear by its use in the sentence. Possessive adjectives in Spanish (LOS ADJETIVOS POSESIVOS), like those of English, are a way of indicating who owns or is in possession of something.Their use is straightforward, although they (like other adjectives) must match the nouns they modify in both number and gender. Three possessive adjectives (mi, tu, su) have only two forms, singular and plural. Pick an audience - or yourself - and it'll end up in their play queue. Cancel. su sinceridad - his, her, their or your sincerity. We use these when we want to tell to whom something belongs. The Spanish possessive adjectives agree with the object possessed. ; Except when followed by forms of ser, a verb meaning "to be," the possessive pronouns are preceded by el, la, lo, los, or las. A table that displays possessive adjectives in spanish, followed by the english translation. Mi casa es su casa. The possessive adjectives in English are: my, your, his, her, our, their. Estas son mis armas. > Mi casa no es gra. If the noun they refer to is singular and masculine, like "un perro" / a dog, the possessive adjectives are also singular and masculine. There are two different forms of Spanish possessive adjectives: short-form and long-form adjectives. Finish the statement in Spanish, writing a sentence using the verb SER ("to be"), saying that their item or person is the exact opposite of what is underlined in the first part of the sentence. PurposeGames lets you create and play games.
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