As a result, a number of footballers end up getting wages that they actually don't deserve. When the men and women’s teams of Arsenal both won the FA Cup this year, the women were paid £5,000 as a team and the men received £1.8m. The training that needs to be put in and criticism received by some people. Every year there are strikes and lockouts because the athletes think they are not getting paid enough money. Personally, I'd like to see all athletes paid less, they don't deserve what they get. It is no coincidence that the players who’ve received the most criticism in relation to wages and behaviour – Terry, Ashley Cole [Ref: Daily Mail ], Joey Barton [Ref: Independent ] – are all English. Manchester United has a wage bill of £100m. We can see that these 1,000 players, .14% out of the total, earn way more than doctors on average but the next group of professional players who earn the most are the ones playing in 2 nd B Division. As much as i love United, football players wages are simply obscene. That's pretty important. That, and the FA banning the game for 50 years. Biden said no taxpayers will have to pay anything they don't deserve for his $4 trillion in infrastructure spending, despite several proposals that would raise taxes on individuals and companies. What else do you need? Bennett says that the footballers who give up their time to work with Kick it Out are very interested in the topic – and really committed to the cause. don't get paid as much. Just because they are in an industry in which a rare few players (and owners) are obscenely wealthy – that doesn’t mean footballers don’t deserve the … What i don’t understand is why is it only footballers who get hate about their wages… Nobody ever complains about actors, musicians or even other sports people. Their job is to educate the youth and shaping them. but they don't have the option to shoot anyone in their job description. They get paid more than doctors and teachers because the clubs that pay their wages are not public corporations and they are 'for-profit' organizations in principal although some do make big losses. Because the dream isn’t outside their realms of possibility. In recent months, I have increasingly noticed a social media trend to demand that soldiers be paid footballers wages: Nobody is quite sure why, but it's definitely something to do with #respect. It Threatens the Future of Sports. Chances are, you don't know their names and they probably don’t make much money. Afam4eva: Yes, they deserve a higher pay because football clubs make more money than most hospitals and media houses. Doesnt exactly set a good example.. another reason soldiers don’t deserve high wages: they kill people. Athletes are overpaid by their couches and businesses just for playing in their team’s games and doing commercials. Zoe | February 24, 2015 at 21:49. It is through politics that we enjoy a stable country with a good economy and a health service … But events like the World Cup … Dusty Rhodes Clubs make their money through endorsements and adverts which usually come in billions, so, the pay these footballers get is in tandem with the amount of money in their industry. ” So it was that Blackburn Rovers spent £615 pounds on wages … Discursive Essay - Footballers Do Not Deserve The High Salaries They Command Many people think that footballers are paid too much money for doing too little effort. ... seems fair that they get their pay cheques,and i agree that the people who work their goolies off should receive higher wages,but a footballers career is usually over at an earlier age,and earlier again if they receive a bad injury. They signed a contract with penalty clauses costing the club even more if they don’t pay their wages. Due to these benefits they receive, they don’t have to worry as much about student loans, and if they’re going to get that grant they need to pay tuition costs. Start putting on better quality matches, better quality tournaments. New Topics. Now, I know a topic like this has sprung up before, infact I posted a reply in a topic similar to this. On pitch actions don't reflect a footballers personality in the slightest so its meaningless to even mention it in most cases. You can be 18 and useless and still be a soldier. The above is why I feel footballers to not get paid too much but it would be interesting to hear your opinions. Footballers may cheat, lie, spit, swear, fight etc. Preventing Frozen Car Door Locks. A lot of them are of course very rich and largely they deserve it, the elite are probably in the top 0.1% of what they do which just happens to be very popular with the masses. However, the popularity of the campaign to give soldiers footballers wages gives Fred an idea… 7th September 2013 After mentally preparing himself all week, Fred Thompson proposes to parliament that the 205,330 active British soldiers and the 181,720 reserve personnel have their wages increased to £100,000 a week. They do it for entertainment and for their county so why doesn't the money go to the country - we need it and I mean the players probably don't spend millions. Source: OCDE and El Pais. At least football is one of those businesses where cost-cutting doesn't immediately start with the employees. Footballers may cheat, lie, spit, swear, fight etc. The popularity of women’s soccer is growing rapidly. Terry etc with film stars and you can appreciate why … To hear the Health Secretary Matt Hancock call on players to ‘play their part’ really got my back up. Yet, players don’t make that much money, particularly when compared to American sports. The other answers cover things in terms of value but I want to discuss the question in terms of scarcity. (whatever that value is) Minimum wages Don't worry. Because not a lot of people are willing to pay to watch ultimate frisbee and lawn bowling. They are paid millions every year, Shaqeel Oneel made enough money that he could hire builders to make him a full sized basketball court in his basement. Footballers should be paid high salary. Why footballers’ Wages Are Fair In Opinion, Sport on August 1, 2012 at 5:20 PM ... morally, players don’t deserve what they get. Several decades ago, professional footballers weren’t getting paid much more than their average countrymen, but today, if a footballer is making £50,000 a week, he’s on the low end of the scale. But despite such changing attitudes, De Boer believes that women’s footballers don’t “deserve” to be paid the same as men. According to the world players' union, Fifpro, women footballers in western Europe might earn a monthly salary from their clubs of perhaps €1,000-2,000 … In this essay I will explain why I believe sports stars deserve their huge salaries. A Premier League footballer earns on average £780,000 while a nurse takes home £23,500 and a teacher £30,000. Premier League clubs would like to see their players take a 30% cut in wages -- some of which might be returned later -- during the coronavirus crisis. That, says Taylor, made the point that footballers should have the right to capitalise on their special ability. And pay the wages of footballers who earn too much money. But tennis players and golfers get paid just as much – why are footballers singled out? According to the Wall Street Journal, there was $17 million in sponsor revenue … In the NFL, the athletes are paid millions to play the game. Don't think anyone actually checked the link, cos it's quite funny, but people just started commenting about folk who post the 'footballers should get soldiers wages' pish. The fact is that the Landon Donovans of this world will always make more than the Alex Morgans because, in a word, men are better at the job. A common and very prevalent notion used to argue against redistributive measures is one which argues that involuntary taxation of wealth, income etc. Even after they retire they still make more money than they work for. The Risk Of Sustaining An Injury. So if it isn't too much to ask then I'm hoping people can offer their input and explain why they are for or against the massive wages footballers are paid nowadays. it'd be amazin if they passed a law capping all footballers at £1k a week, if they dont like it get down the jobcentre =) (although this would obviously result in a mass exodus of all the best players in the country) Yes, the women are indeed ‘No1 in the world’. England players agree a £4,000 increase to their central contracts following negotiations with the Football Association. So the media question the salary of footballers but don’t question the fact some people have enough money to buy an entire football club. Reply. "A lot of things are for the good. 5. Without further ado, let's have a look at ten such players who are overpaid in the current era. Female soccer players are paid less because their sport makes less. Nigel Reo Coker has launched a scathing attack on foreign footballers calling them ‘average and they (footballers) do not improve the game.’ He carries on saying, “But you get a lot of guys who know nothing about the League or the club they are signing for and just want the money. at the end of the day people pay to see their talents. Most footballers also get several disabilities when they are older due to exhausting their legs and arms. And fair play to you for that I’m not riled up, just don’t understand why footballers are expected to foot the bill for this. If you go back in the 50's the footballers wages wasn't much. If you don’t think athletes deserve the pay they’re getting, great! Wages in excess of £100,000 per week are ridiculous at any time but especially so during a period of financial strife.However, the laws of supply and demand allow for this to happen for you only have to compare footballers such as Ronaldo, Rooney. There's only a certain amount of things you need. In a few days I've got to do a presentation thingy on whether or not it's right that footballers get paid such large amounts of money. why not, they work hard for their jobs. Bowen writes the sports opinion column for KidsPost. Doesnt exactly set a good example.. another reason soldiers don’t deserve high wages: they kill people. You can’t pay a female footballer £300,000 a week if they aren’t getting the gates to support that. Why do football players deserve their salary? If footballers halved their wages tommorow, this wouldn't increase the salaries of soldiers and nurses. My ear caught the email address pro lot more if the third-highest paid so. What follows is an… If firms are willing to pay high wages, then presumably the workers must have a value (Marginal Revenue Product) equal to their wage. If the top footballers had their wages cut and the income was distributed to lower paid workers, it may create a small increase in consumption. Carragher, however, believes the players should accept pay cuts to help their clubs amid the coronavirus pandemic. Until next time… Gary Lineker who is a former player said, “We probably don’t deserve it as much as the nurses or teachers.” Gary is saying that footballers don’t help as many people as teachers and nurses do. Footballers’ wages ar e the subject of great animosity and conversation with countless newspaper columns and social media posts violently targeting their inequality. No one is going to come out and say in public I don't deserve the money." Ozil earned about £18 Million last year and you’re saying we shouldn’t ask footballers to take a wage, whilst the kids, who work in the food outlets on about £2.50 an hour are having their wages stopped and being told by clubs like Tottenham to claim benefit from the Government. This point about expectations helps explain why footballers’ wages get so much media attention: England’s failure to qualify for Euro 2008. Of course, some footballers go into punditry, journalism or coaching once they hang up their … As long as games aren't getting played, the clubs are losing gate receipts and commercial revenue, and there's the risk that they'll lose a chunk of TV income, too, if the season can't be completed. football teams make millions upon millions, they employ talented footballers to help make this money,like any other job. There are footballers' wages lies in hindi, their contribution off in english. In 2019, the average annual income for a US household was $89,930. Apart from specific industries, there is little benefit of imposing a maximum wage, save perhaps a mild feeling of social justice that people don’t deserve to earn too much. That's why the Professional Footballers' Association (PFA, essentially England's union for soccer professionals) has asked that clubs provide a breakdown of their finances to … From a national point of view, however, it's better they don't take pay cuts, because that would reduce tax income, and so it's better they put their clubs into debt and keep taking their salary. Home Mailbox Premier League footballers don’t deserve ... do in terms of their ... a donation of £ 10,000.00 would actually represent a contribution of about a quarter of a week’s wages… a cap on wages earned by footballers would be stupid, the only reason i see for it is spitefulness or jealousy. See Wages of footballers. Um clubs can’t just cut their players staff pay without consent of the players. The demand for players would drop and so would their wages. but they don't have the option to shoot anyone in their job description. Premier League clubs would like to see their players take a 30% cut in wages -- some of which might be returned later -- during the coronavirus crisis. Discursive Essay - Footballers Do Not Deserve The High Salaries They Command Many people think that footballers are paid too much money for doing too little effort. Why Premiership Footballers Deserve Every Penny They Are Paid. Of course, the press don’t celebrate this great success story. Re: Why nto pay people their useful contribution to the world . Injuries are part of many sports, and that is why athletes, in general, are paid handsomely for their performance. Many in the game feel that the huge discrepancy between the salaries of … The stark discrepancy explains why Steph Houghton, the best-paid female English player, earns around £65,000 a year, while Wayne Rooney receives £300,000 a week. Discursive Essay - Footballers Do Not Deserve The High Salaries They Command Many people think that footballers are paid too much money for doing too little effort. We are the ones helping pay their salaries. What i don’t understand is why is it only footballers who get hate about their wages… Nobody ever complains about actors, musicians or even other sports people. Thanks for your time. Football players face competitions that they get injured in just to entertain us and bring joy to us and they also have trained hours and days to get their skills ,skills that take time for us to get and football is a dangerous and physical sport that can make back problems While most would agree that the people educating America’s children deserve to get paid fairly, how much is enough is … Hard times are when the autoworkers are out of work, and they tell 'em to go home. This house was soooo big and sometimes I wonder if they really should be getting that much. Such has been the … Some argue that these huge salaries are fully justified while others deem it unfair that scientists and doctors earn less. Their salaries certainly come nowhere close to those of their … In that time, they have to earn some 50 years’ worth of earnings for their skill set. ... seems fair that they get their pay cheques,and i agree that the people who work their goolies off should receive higher wages,but a footballers career is usually over at an earlier age,and earlier again if they receive a bad injury. They not only work eight to four, Monday through Friday, but they have a lot of work outside of the school day as well that they don't get paid for. As a result of globalisation and technological advances such as the pay TV market, football has become more popular and so more profitable. No they should keep the wages like they are as they are hugely talented players and they have seen off players from all around the globe so they deserve it.
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