This role will be responsible for the day-to-day coordination of Size of Wales’ policy & advocacy outreach activities. Abstract. “This vote is a clear sign that shareholders are asking Procter & Gamble to do more. WITNESS and 10 coalition partners receive funding to stop Amazon deforestation. A campaign is a project or organised course of action designed to achieve a specific response from a particular audience. She was known for her strong stance against mining, closing down many of … World’s greatest demand on wood-related products is always being persisted on profit growth beside on the sustainability of natural reserves itself. Our planet’s life support systems are showing signs of … This The advocacy groups are worried because the policy that Cargill released doesn’t explicitly commit to ending deforestation across all commodities by 2020. RUPFA sensitizes students to become advocates in ending forest degradation and deforestation in Ghana. Mattel recognized it couldn’t allow its supply chains to include products coming from deforestation and that toy packaging shouldn’t come at the costs of rainforests and tiger habitat. Join us! We can invest in civil advocacy campaigns in Brazil and other South American countries that are working to expand the Cattle Moratorium, which would lessen … By taking on zero deforestation initiatives, global corporations are enacting sustainable policies that will protect animals, people, and the environment. These companies have already taken the plunge and taken on zero deforestation initiatives. GBM identifies key policy issues to develop advocacy campaigns. The campaign encourages public bodies, businesses, community groups and individuals in Wales to commit to taking steps to eliminate imported deforestation from their supply chains. The campaign focuses in particular on imported beef, soy, palm oil, cacao and coffee. In the context of advocacy campaigns, these collective action frames help inform campaign development and execution. Humans are willing to sacrifice up … 3 New Museum Spring Gala Plant & Pollinate IDEAS CITY Marketing & Signage New Museum Paper Windhover 2012 Windhover 2011 Deforestation Advocacy Posters MoMA Projects Loss of biodiversity, disturbances in the water cycle, floods, destruction of natural habitats of several animal species leading to […] Wrap With a Call to Action (CTA) The most important part of your advocacy text is the grand finale—the call to action. A stable agricultural sector ensures a nation of food security. WWF-Singapore. 3. Contraception/voluntary family planning. To change the world, we need you. Deforestation. And it would be even better if as funders we could consolidate resources around a small number of campaigns of similar caliber and potential. To fully protect and preserve every acre of publicy owned land in the United States. Most global deforestation occurs in tropical climates, driven by the conversion of tropical forest to agriculture. Protect Forests and Land: Ensure zero deforestation, protect indigenous lands and adopt sustainable agricultural practices. Deforestation: 11 facts you need to know Agricultural expansion, illegal logging, mining and urbanization continue to drive deforestation around the world. 4 2 Target year for ZDC achievement. Join in! The TFCI, a project of the UCS Climate and Energy Program, analyzes and promotes ways to cut global warming pollution by reducing tropical deforestation. It focuses on a Greenpeace’s market campaign strategy towards Nestlé since March 2010 and on identifying its impacts. Includes an overnight adventure to the Philadelphia Zoo, a tour of the Big Cat trail system, a behind-the-scenes tour of the Hamilton Family KidZooU, … Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon surged to a 12-year high in the year between August 2019 and July 2020, according to the country's National Institute for Space Research (INPE). This research aims to portray the influence of Greenpeace’s movement in decreasing the rate of deforestation in Indonesia, using the study case of Greenpeace’s campaigns towards Nestlé. 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is an annual WAGGGS campaign to support the UN Secretary General's UNiTE campaign to end violence against women. Here are some of the most popular, SMS-friendly CTAs: Send a link to a petition. The campaign also highlighted that aside from animal farming, deforestation is also driven by the cultivation of feed for farmed animals. Angie Kirby is the Advocacy Outreach Officer for the Deforestation Free Nation campaign. Deforestation of orangutan habitat feeds global palm oil demand, report shows. Native Forest Council. Soy traders, facing potential loss of access to international markets due to advocacy campaigns, imposed a moratorium on sourcing from recently deforested land. Many leading brands have been the focus of campaigns by NGOs such as Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network, SumOfUs, and Union of Concerned Scientists. The rate of deforestation maintained its grim ascent, rising nearly 10 percent to heights unseen in a decade. When we use the term ‘campaign’ in these According to the Eritrea-Ethiopia Border Commission (EEBC) delimitation coordinates, 1/3 of Irob land is ceded to Eritrea. Every move has a consequence. The Salvos also launch campaigns highlighting the biggest social issues Australia is facing in hopes of making progress on these issues and raise awareness around it. Lucida is a new transparency initiative powered by an innovative web-based network tool that aims to reveal how companies and financiers are linked to unsustainable land use and illegal forest activity. Libby, P. (2011). And commodity-driven deforestation continued unabated. She was known for her strong stance against mining, closing down many of … Open Letter to the 117th Congress and Biden-Harris Administration on Tackling Global Deforestation. The damage caused to nature because of deforestation is of great concern. We campaign against corrupt practices in society and demand good governance from public office-holders as corruption practices affect the provision of social amenities for people. Deforestation is the clearance or removing of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use. GeorgiaCAN–Education Advocacy campaign social media graphic —Facebook graphic (digital collage) P.S. Before the pandemic, most of the region's deforestation was caused by the arrival of low-income farmers from the Andes in search of new lands to grow papaya, rice, cocoa, or coffee. For example, in Peru The main drivers of deforestation in Peru are agriculture and livestock, gold-mining, roads and illegal logging. Possible campaign themes include: Child marriage. That was made very clear by the strong response from people all over the world to the revelation that Barbie was wrapped up in rainforest destruction. What: Advocacy campaigns towards policy-makers in EU, US and United Nation bodies to stop promoting the use of unsustainable biofuels. The Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) is a collaborative effort to build and scale up ethical supply chains for agricultural and forestry products. ADVOCACY ALERT! The expansion of oil and gas drilling also poses a major threat to Peru’s rainforests…. 15 ... of international advocacy and consumer activism campaigns because of the negative social and environmental effects of many of their operations in developing countries. Checking Noise and Air Pollution from Rickshaws. Regional Campaigns Manager. . Here are some of the most popular, SMS-friendly CTAs: Send a link to a petition. 3. But advocacy campaign planners beware. 2 Advocacy/ Awareness Campaign Critique (Environmental Conservation). Partly as a result of a strong and effective advocacy campaign by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Indigenous Peoples' Organizations (IPOs), the need to address the underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation was gradually recognized by policy-makers in the course of the 1990s. For this environment to accommodate all these lives of organisms, it must be protected. This report is available online (in PDF 1.Transnational Advocacy Networks in International Politics: Introduction (1–38) By the end of the twentieth century, the authors argue (in 1998), nonstate actors play significant roles on the global stage of politics—transforming and challenging conceptions of national sovereignty through networked relationships. Deforestation Success Stories iii [ contents] v Figures vi Acknowledgments 1 executive summary part 1 chapter 1 3 oductionIntr 3 ow We Defined SuccessH 5 orest TransitionThe F 6 tructure of the ReportThe S part 2 chapter 2 7 azil: The World’s Biggest Reductions in Deforestation and EmissionsBr 7 ation That Has Achieved the Greatest ReductionsThe N 7 A Changing Political Dynamic Decision makers and the public informed by advocacy regarding the importance of nature-based solutions in addressing climate change. The Heritage Forests Campaign is an alliance of conservationists, wildlife advocates, clergy, educators, scientists, and other Americans working together to uphold protection of our National Forests. First, an advocacy campaign begins by defining an overarching strategy; namely “the crucial source of influence or leverage to persuade a primary decision maker to act on a campaign's objective” (Cox, 2013, 220). Recent advocacy from The Salvation Army. Therefore we can have fundraising campaigns, election campaigns, advertising campaigns and advocacy campaigns. Food security prevents malnourishment that has traditionally been believed to be one of the major problems faced by the developing countries. This group recently embarked on a campaign to illustrate the destruction of animal habitats by human hands. Introduction: Underlying causes as cross-cutting issues. ... Boreal Corporate Campaign Manager at NRDC. Soy traders, facing potential loss of access to international markets due to advocacy campaigns, imposed a moratorium on sourcing from recently deforested land. GCCM members are encouraged to use these priorities to identify and create advocacy campaigns in their region. ‘Cut Duty; Not Trees Campaign’ (aimed at bringing down the duty on imported wood to prevent deforestation in the already forest depleted country). Urge our governments to implement sustainable land use policies and to pass laws that forbid the sale of products linked to deforestation; Invest in civil advocacy campaigns in Brazil, and other South American countries that are working to implement and expand Cattle Moratoriums, which would lessen the political pressure on rainforest ecosystems Environmental awareness is an integral part of the movement’s success. The pressure escalated for companies to delink their entire operations from deforestation. . While people are the ones who drive an advocacy campaign social media is an amazing tool that can help shape its success. Indonesia’s forests––with their globally significant biodiversity, importance for the climate, and consequence to local and Indigenous communities––have long been a focal point for global advocacy campaigns. How to Run an Online Advocacy Campaign (Network for Good Website). In response to mass deforestation taking place in Indonesia, Disney has dropped its paper suppliers that have been linked to deforestation. WITNESS, together with an international coalition of indigenous, environmental, and human rights groups, is launching a new campaign to end deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. We are here today in Richardson Grove because it is threatened by Caltrans’ proposal to widen Highway 101 in order to allow increasing numbers of larger trucks into Humboldt County. The environment is the home of, especially the habitats surrounding living organisms. Advocacy for the Environment: No To Deforestation. The birth of Eco-Marxism was likely due to a vacuum in the science discourse, in that ecology does not have a social analysis. Impacts > Advocacy & Campaign > Footprints - On-going ADVOCACY & CAMPAIGN EC(H)O-ING CAMPAIGN Do you know that deforestation through illegal logging, poverty, and climate change are relevantly correlated? Helping tackle three key environmental challenges facing us here in Asia-Pacific: illegal wildlife trade, deforestation in Sumatra and the global challenge of plastic pollution. Professor Wangari Maathai established the organization in 1977, under the auspices of the National Council of Women of Kenya. A $10 purchase will prevent 1 metric ton of carbon dioxide from being released through deforestation and the project is independently verified. Deforestation and Climate Change. Slogans on Deforestation: The large scale removal and destruction of trees in places like forests for facilitating humans and their wants is called deforestation. The damage caused to nature because of deforestation is of great concern. Soy traders, facing potential loss of access to international markets due to advocacy campaigns, imposed a moratorium on sourcing from recently deforested land. The moratorium, augmented by a cutoff of state agricultural credit to municipalities with high deforestation rates, resulted in a decline in forest clearing (see the figure, top). The moratorium, augmented by a cutoff of state agricultural credit to municipalities with high deforestation rates, resulted in a decline in forest clearing (see the figure, top). Help safeguard tigers and reduce deforestation by forming advocacy teams and developing community action plans. March 3, 2021. Credits to FAITH Colleges for their Art Advocacy. GBM continues to work on a wide range of advocacy issues in Kenya, often policies in place are in direct contradiction to the efforts to preserve and protect critical forest watersheds. This speech was delivered in Richardson Grove State Park October 24, 2009, by Natalynne DeLapp, EPIC’s policy associate. Deforestation causes huge disturbance to the ecosystem and environment as forests play many important roles in ecosystem management. Meet the Framework that helps give our deforestation campaigns bite. Read the full article about successful environmental advocacy by Ruth Hennig at Health & Environmental Funders Network. Protect Forests and Land: Ensure zero deforestation, protect indigenous lands and adopt sustainable agricultural practices. Read the full article about successful environmental advocacy by Ruth Hennig at Health & Environmental Funders Network. Going forward, we should look for these same elements when making funding decisions. Staunch eco-campaigner and former Philippine Environment Minister Gina Lopez has died at the age of 65. The lobbying strategy handbook: 10 steps to advancing any cause effectively. Some of our significant campaigns include: Lobbying for promoting Renewable Energy Technologies. Staunch eco-campaigner and former Philippine Environment Minister Gina Lopez has died at the age of 65. It has been real privilege to support Global Witness to push for stronger measures to address the UK's role in global deforestation through the ... ideas and help to execute advocacy campaigns. And it would be even better if as funders we could consolidate resources around a small number of campaigns of similar caliber and potential. Urge our governments to implement sustainable land use policies and to pass laws that forbid the sale of products linked to deforestation; Invest in civil advocacy campaigns in Brazil, and other South American countries that are working to implement and expand Cattle Moratoriums, which would lessen the political pressure on rainforest ecosystems To learn more about this work, visit forests. The living organisms are the plants and animals that depend on this environment for their survival. [Shirleen Chin is the Head of Advocacy & Strategic Partnerships for the Stop Ecocide Foundation, based in The Hague, that runs the “ Stop Ecocide: Change the Law ” Campaign.] The Sixth Mass Extinction is underway, thanks in large part to humankind’s activities. This model has. The Stand for Trees campaign website allows people to use their mobile phones to buy certificates in 12 projects in Africa, Asia and South America. Singapore. Deforestation and Land Use Change. Advocacy or lobbying is a way you can make the voice of people with parkinsons heard. To change the world, we need you. Various awareness campaigns have been run by the government to stop deforestation by making people aware about all the negative effects of deforestation. The aim is to create awareness by supporting communities and mobilizing rural dwellers particularly women and youths to take a stand against deforestation and the depletion of forest resources. The Salvation Army regularly produces submissions, reports, factsheets and videos to help us further our advocacy efforts. GBM has called for, time and time again, an end to land grabbing, deforestation and corruption. About the initiative. The community based afforestation (tree planting) advocacy programs have so far been held in several local government areas across states in Southwest Nigeria. Brazil, Indonesia and Myanmar had the greatest annual net loss of forest area between 1990 and 2015. Globally, forests are under threat — large-scale efforts are needed to protect these ecosystems and the many benefits they provide. Deforestation Advocacy Posters I created advocacy posters to address deforestation in the Borneo rainforest. advocacy to create innovative, practical solutions for a healthy, safe, and sustainable future. Nov 2018 - Jan 20201 year 3 months. Campaign to End Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Ghana. Some of the environmentalists like the late Wangari Maathai, the Kenyan Nobel Peace Prize winner, impacted the African society to plant trees to reclaim the lost forest cover in the continent (Maathai, 2004). Wrap With a Call to Action (CTA) The most important part of your advocacy text is the grand finale—the call to action. The moratorium, augmented by a cutoff of state agricultural credit to municipalities with high deforestation rates, resulted in a decline in forest clearing (see the figure, top). RUPFA sensitizes students to become advocates in ending forest degradation and deforestation in Ghana Over the years, forest degradation and deforestation have seemingly been at the core of dramatic change in climate globally. By blending images of wildlife together with the harmful practices that are destroying their ecosystems, the group has created a visually stunning and unapologetically provocative CGI series titled “Destroying … Robin Wood is an environmental advocacy group based out of Germany. Campaign to End Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Ghana. Over the years, forest degradation and deforestation have been at the core of dramatic change in climate globally. Sinar Mas, Indonesia’s biggest palm oil producer, has been persistently engaging in widespread illegal deforestation and peatland clearance. Join members of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers for Environmental Action (RPCV4EA) in advocating for the Climate Displaced Persons Act, which was reintroduced on … Environmental degradation. The undersigned civil society organizations call on Congress and the Biden-Harris administration to enact significant new trade rules and policy measures to support the health and well-being of the world’s forests and the people who depend on them. In response to mass deforestation taking place in Indonesia, Disney has dropped its paper suppliers that have been linked to deforestation. 24 Sep Symposium Exploring the Crime of Ecocide: Can Deforestation Amount to Ecocide? Campaigns held companies across supply sectors accountable for taking actions to eliminate deforestation-related activities from … WAGGGS Advocacy Network. Environmental awareness is an integral part of the movement’s success. We found no evidence that advocacy campaigns on their own drive long-term forest conservation, though they do appear to be valuable in terms of raising awareness of environmental issues and driving people to take action. Write to Congress About the Climate Displaced Persons Act, H.R.2826 and S.1335. These activities focus on a new campaign, launched by Size of Wales in 2020, to make Wales a “deforestation free nation” – moving Wales towards eliminating imported deforestation from our economy. Play Video. Executing a successful advocacy campaign can definitely be a challenge for nonprofits. 305—Staff Portraits for website and printed material. Female-genital mutilation/cutting. Photo courtesy of Campaigns may focus on any population, environment, and reproductive health theme, but they must address a challenge that is relevant to fellows’ countries and communities. UUP is very involved in political advocacy. Rainforest Action Network. Eco-Marxism is a political ideology that fuses the Marxist doctrine of anti-capitalism with ecology, anti-globalisation and various pro-environment policies. Join us! The Green Belt Movement (GBM) is an indigenous, grassroots, non-governmental organization based in Nairobi, Kenya that takes a holistic approach to development by focusing on environmental conservation, community development and capacity building. GCCM members are encouraged to use these priorities to identify and create advocacy campaigns in their region. NM Marketing & Ad Campaigns Ping Pong Pirate Bowery Artist Tribute Vol. Union of Concerned Scientists—SNAP campaign social media graphic ... National Wildlife Federation—Zero Deforestation Soy website Between August 2019 and July 2020, the Amazon lost two Delawares’ worth of … Right now, deforestation is tearing apart the forests (especially the rainforests)… The main requirement of any country is food security. Environmentalism is an ideology that evokes the necessity and responsibility of humans to respect, protect, and preserve the natural world from its anthropogenic (caused by humans) afflictions. Targeted advocacy campaigns proliferated, blaming and shaming companies for their timid progress and lack of transparency. Going forward, we should look for these same elements when making funding decisions. On this webpage, a blueprint is provided for designing and running an online advocacy campaign. In win for advocacy groups, 67% of shareholders split from company’s recommendation and vote yes on key proposal to protect boreal forest of Canada, tropical forests in Southeast Asia. 1 Deforestation attributable to high forest-risk commodities in 2011. You want your readers to finish this message knowing exactly what they need to do to get involved. We can call on our governments to pass laws that forbid the sale of any products linked to deforestation. Brand equity damaged due to consumer concerns and advocacy campaigns; Litigation. Slogans on Deforestation: The large scale removal and destruction of trees in places like forests for facilitating humans and their wants is called deforestation. NGOs dealing with environmental issues, conduct advocacy campaigns across the globe to prevent developments leading to deforestation. Environmentalism is an ideology that evokes the necessity and responsibility of humans to respect, protect, and preserve the natural world from its anthropogenic (caused by humans) afflictions. You want your readers to finish this message knowing exactly what they need to do to get involved. Food Security. Take Action - Oceanic Preservation Society. The 2002 Algiers Peace A greement and the decision of Eritrea-Ethiopia Border Commission (EEBC), The Hague endangers Irob minority. We advocacy for accountability and good governance as solutions. Following a previous grant in 2013-2015, Transport & Environment’s (T&E) work will continue focusing on policy makers in the EU and the US, advocating for the phase-out of deforestation-based biofuels.
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