Disclaimer. Sagebrush Ecosystem Module. EWG Midwest. The current quarterly update date is posted next to each dataset in the download data section on the DCR website for the Conservation Lands Database. Our goal is to help guide where conservation intervention can prevent island extinctions. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Individual AZA members can log in to the AZA Animal Programs Database … The CDC is a member of NatureServe, a global network of more than 80 Conservation Data Centres and equivalent programs, covering all states and provinces, and many Latin American and Caribbean countries.The programs share common methodologies for collecting and managing information, which allows them to pool data for conservation assessment and planning across geopolitical boundaries. Better science through data sharing. The Conservation Planning Database provides a platform to systematically compile and provide access to key information about systematic conservation planning (SCP) initiatives and thus contribute to exchanging scientific advice, best practices, tools, and lessons learned. The information can be displayed in tables or as maps and is available for most areas in the United States and the Territories, Commonwealths, and Island Nations served by the USDA-NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service). Conservation & Art Materials Encyclopedia Online. For a much more comprehensive listing of natives for your garden, please visit the brand new Oregon Flora native plant database! Annual CRP Water Quality Practices Report. This series of data visualizations explores the evidence for and against various conservation strategies Contribute to the development of the profession through participation in national and international working groups and organisations and by setting conservation … Sign-Up 54 Results (New as of 10/5/20). The Conservation Evidence Project acknowledges that their database is just one tool in the decision-making process, and encourages researchers to consult more comprehensive systematic reviews, such as those compiled by the Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation and the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (Sutherland et al. Record your kea observations on the Kea Database, a community citizen science initiative. EWG's Conservation Database: Look at conservation spending by state, county, and for the nation. Success Stories. The CED is currently unable to connect to our data repository, ArcGIS Online. The U.S. FWS's Threatened & Endangered Species System track information about listed species in the United States We compiled data from the literature in a relational database (Microsoft Access 2013) consisting of five basic tables: literature, dog breeds, … NOTE: Map data does not draw at all scales. The database can be viewed here: TIB DATABASE Islands are… A special conservation need. The services DOC provides are designed to balance today's needs with tomorrow's obligations by fostering the wise use and conservation of energy, land and mineral resources. of Fish & Wildlife and the California Rangeland Trust. The Alaska Exotic Plants Information Clearinghouse (AKEPIC) is a database and mapping application that provide geospatial information for non-native plant species in Alaska and neighboring Canadian Territories. Advanced Search The CDC is a member of NatureServe, a global network of more than 80 Conservation Data Centres and equivalent programs, covering all states and provinces, and many Latin American and Caribbean countries.The programs share common methodologies for collecting and managing information, which allows them to pool data for conservation assessment and planning across geopolitical boundaries. Crop Insurance. Welcome to The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s grants database. Ultimately, we want to produce an online resource and an annual international festival that make it easy for people to connect with conservation areas worldwide and help local development through sustainable and responsible travel, contributing to an economy based on the protection of the natural world. Rare Species and Natural Community Data Disclaimer for Use of Rare Species Location Data. It has been designed to provide you with information about doing business with the Oil Conservation Division of New Mexico, as well as access to forms and services provided by the division. Operating System: Windows NT 4 until 2001; Microsoft Windows 2000 thereafter. This is an opportunity for local organizations to partner with Nova and post hands-on and educational experiences for the community . UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre is a world leader in biodiversity knowledge. Sign-Up 54 State Acceptances With support from the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, NatureServe, its network organizations, and other nonprofit partners partnered to develop the first-ever nationwide dataset on conservation easement, known as the National Conservation Easement Database (NCED). Learn More The database holds species distribution data for over 450+ parasite species and their distribution projections under different future climate scenarios. Database for genera, species and populations of lorises and pottos, with some information about habitats and other data relevant for conservation Since taxonomic research still continues, data of local populations formerly described as distinct, but later included into other taxa as younger synonyms are not matched here, but listed separately. Explore our grantmaking history using the map with filters for program area, amount, date and keywords. Environmental Remediation Database Search - This is the main page from which the search applications launch. is a free research database containing abstracts of literature related to the preservation and conservation of material cultural heritage.. Conservation Database. Interested in finding out what conservation activities EAZA members are involved in? The conservation status of a species is an indicator of the likelihood of that species remaining extant either in the present day or the near future. Learn more and view the NCED: National Conservation Easement Database The Colorado State Forest Service developed the Natural Resources Grants & Assistance Database to help interested groups and individuals search for natural resource project funding and assistance programs that promote the health and welfare of Colorado’s natural resources. Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Grants - The State Side. Use the Layers tool to switch the areas and buffers on or off. Getty Conservation Institute Database. Help us maintain this website and keep it free and open for our community of scientists, students, and conservation managers, who depend on it to obtain the most up to date information. This template is design by Robert Berki and coded by Jenn Pereira. Established in 1964, The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species. Sustainable land conservation is not a quick fix, but rather an ongoing way of life. Conservation measure reports contain the local USFWS' recommendations for design characteristics that will avoid, minimize, or mitigate potential impacts to USFWS trust resources. The Division of Spill Prevention and Response (SPAR) prevents spills of oil and hazardous substances, prepares for when a spill occurs and responds rapidly to protect human health and the environment Back to Oddy Tests: Materials Databases. The State Side of the LWCF provides matching grants to States and local governments for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities. Since then CBI has been working to redesign PAD-US (CBI Edition) to be a fee lands only database to be used along with the National Conservation Easement Database … EWG Midwest. 2.2 Database structure. The California Conservation Easement Database (CCED) inventories such easements held in perpetuity or for at least 10 years by public and nonprofit organizations. Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. The Avian Conservation Assessment Database (ACAD) has been fully updated and contains assessment data for all North American birds from Canada to Panama. Taking the Next Steps. It is a parallel data set to the California Protected Areas Database (CPAD), which covers protected areas owned in fee. Find out what practices taxpayers paid for. Please keep in mind the limitations of our database. Baxter State Park is administered by the Baxter State Park Authority and is not a part of the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF). The database has compiled information from a broad range of sources, including museum and herbarium collection records, publications, and experts throughout the state. An ecocultural approach addresses the unique historical connection between bison and indigenous peoples, and the iconic status of bison for the American people and nation. This information primarily promotes land conservation in the United States and its territories, but academic, educational, and general use is encouraged. Analyze patterns, identify wildlife corridors, or find stakeholders and partners. Monarch Conservation Database Pages Homepage The MCD Homepage (Figure 1) is the first page users will see and provides a brief overview of the purpose of the Monarch Conservation Database. The Conservation Easement Registry was developed in response to Senate Bill 1360 (Kehoe, 2006) which created the Registry, and Assembly Bill 188 (Aghazarian, 2007), which expanded the information required for inclusion in the Registry. The future potential of the database and the work being done by the project authors can help to legitimize the industry, address the lack of scientific knowledge among some local managers, and help to promote the sharing of new techniques as well as the knowledge on what techniques do not work. Crop Insurance. However, if errors or omissions are identified, the user should notify Island Conservation science@islandconservation.org so that they can be corrected in future releases of the data. TIB Database Introducing the global Threatened Island Biodiversity database (TIB). PEARL (Parasite Extinction Assessment and Red List) is the world's first parasite conservation database. “ Conservation tourism is, simply, tourism which operates as a conservation tool. Bring birds to your home today by growing native plants.With Audubon's Native Plant Database, you can find the best plants for the birds in your area.Growing bird-friendly plants will attract and protect the birds you love while making your space beautiful, easy to care for, and better for the environment. This public-private partnership brings together national conservation groups, local and regional land trusts, and state and federal agencies around this common objective. Joe Sambataro / Access Fund . Virginia's Protected Lands. Subjects covered so far include amphibians, birds, terrestrial mammals, forests, peatland and control of freshwater invasive species. This release of CCED includes most conservation easements, but is incomplete for two large easement holders, the Calif. Dept. Soon you will be able to browse our database! Identify which ecosystems or species lack adequate protection. James Frank / Estes Valley Land Trust ... National Conservation Easement Database | NCED Learn more & adopt a species today! View Map Full Screen. Getty Conservation Institute Database. The SMART Tool is open source, non-proprietary, and freely available. CCEA developed the original tools and guidance to recognize and report on protected areas. the journal Conservation Evidence and Evidence Champions). Nova Conservation also seeks to bring awareness to our local conservation efforts, like events at Audubon Acres or workshops + research at the Tennessee River Gorge Trust. EWG Midwest, based in Ames, Iowa, brings EWG's trademark combination of research, communications and advocacy to bear to move farming and natural resources policy in more sustainable directions - directions that protect public health and promote clean … Bat conservation has never been more critical as COVID-19 impacts the lives of people worldwide. The data collected by the Wildlife Conservation Section comes from a variety of sources, including museum and herbarium records, literature, and reports from individuals and organizations, as well as field surveys by our staff biologists. More are in progress. DCR is continually reviewing and updating the Conservation Lands Database. History: Emergency Conservation Work established as an independent agency by EO 6101, April 5, 1933, under authority of an emergency employment act of March 3l, 1933 (48 Stat. Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols. The IUCN SSC A.P.E.S. Spill Incidents Database Search has records dating back to 1978 and is updated nightly. The California Protected Areas Database (CPAD) is a GIS dataset depicting lands that are owned in fee and protected for open space purposes by over 1,000 public agencies or non-profit organizations. Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols. CCED represents California in the National Conservation Easement Database (NCED), a national inventory of lands conserved as easements. Cutthroat Trout Recovery Module. Find local open spaces, natural areas, parks, and conservation easements. The Conservation Practice Effectiveness Database compiles information on the effectiveness of a suite of conservation practices. Details on closure of any site are viewable on the Contaminated Sites database. A. Cosentino, FORS Spectral Database of Historical Pigments in Different Binders, e-conservation Journal 2, 2014, pp. The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) is a partnership between the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC), the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC), and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy (WPC) in cooperation with the U.S. Status of 2020 Expiring CRP Lands. Farm Subsidies. Description of SSURGO Database. The Explorer provides conservation information on biological diversity, protected lands, streams and other natural resources for planning purposes and also allows users to screen a project area for potential impacts to threatened, endangered, and special concern species. Calculate the benefits of open space. From the Homepage, users can: A dataset is defined as a set of data that was collected for a specific area and time period. All completed and implemented conservation efforts in the Monarch Conservation Database entered before May 31, 2020 will be considered in the listing decision. It is a joint project between the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), managed by UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC). California Department of Conservation administers a variety of programs vital to California's public safety, environment and economy. Conservation Practice Effectiveness The newly-published Conservation Practice Effectiveness Database compiles information on the effectiveness of a suite of conservation practices. The Atlanta Botanical Garden invites applications for the Global Conservation Consortium for Magnolia and Conservation Database Coordinator for the Southeastern Center for Conservation within the Department of Conservation & Research. Phone: 615-883-3832 . Santa Fe office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) is the first national database of conservation easement information, compiling records from land trusts and public agencies throughout the United States. This database contains records of chemical and petroleum spill incidents. However, protection of threatened biodiversity by removing invasive vertebrates from islands is becoming a powerful and widely used conservation tool. We share our data with others for valid scientific, conservation and educational purposes. More about New York Natural Heritage Program : Rare Plants - Botany staff keep track of the status of New York's rare flowering plants, conifers, ferns and fern allies, and mosses. To gain full access to the EAZA Conservation Database your institution has to be an EAZA member. CARTS was jointly managed between Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA). Help us, help kea. Through the Conservation Volunteer program at the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR), you can don your work clothes and help build a trail, plant a flower garden, teach a group of students about wildlife, or welcome visitors to "your" campground. The EAZA Conservation Database is an online tool to facilitate and coordinate cooperation and communication on conservation efforts within as well as outside of the zoo community. Zoom in on the map to view data. The USGS Protected Areas Database of the U.S. (PAD-US) is the official GIS-based national inventory of protected area boundaries within the U.S. Develop conservation treatments and increase knowledge of the Museum's collection through an active conservation research programme. 35-Years History of CRP. Conservation Landscapes in Pennsylvania. Fax: 615-883-0515 Plants by County: A list of all the taxa reported for a specific County. PLANTS Database. Voluntary and secure, the NCED respects landowner privacy and will not collect landowner names or sensitive information. 2018). The Land and Water Conservation Fund, which is truly a brilliant idea, costs taxpayers nothing. Help us save species and restore native ecosystems! Underground Storage Tanks. The AZA Animal Programs Database allows anyone to access general information about AZA's Taxon Advisory Groups (TAGs), Species Survival Plan® (SSP) Programs, and Studbooks and view Program Leaders, Officers and Advisors. The National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) is the first national database of conservation easement information, compiling records from land trusts and public agencies throughout the United States. 53-65 Available online 29 June 2014 doi: 10.18236/econs2.201410 The report, 2019 Pennsylvania Conservation Landscapes -- Models for Successful Collaboration (PDF), shares the results and best practices, and makes some recommendations to strengthen the program and position it to tackle landscape-scale conservation challenges. Updated data are provided on a quarterly basis in March, June, September and December. Hazardous waste information is contained in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information (RCRAInfo), a national program management and inventory system about hazardous waste handlers. Welcome to Pennsylvania Conservation Explorer —a one stop shop for conservation planning and PNDI environmental review. Yet nearly 200 species are threatened with extinction. CARTS was jointly managed between Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and the Canadian Council on Ecological Areas (CCEA). “The World Zoo and Aquarium Conservation Database is a tool designed to catalogue and track the in situ conservation projects supported by the world’s leading progressive zoological institutions.More…” The MATERIALS database contains chemical, physical, visual, and analytical information on over 10,000 historic and contemporary materials used in the production and conservation of artistic, architectural, archaeological, and anthropological materials. EWG Midwest. Our data is widely consulted by federal and provincial government departments, NGOs, industry, researchers, students, and many other organizations throughout Atlantic Canada. Plants by Conservation Area: A list of all the taxa reported for a specific Conservation Area. The National Water Vole Database and Mapping Project is the only project of its kind in the UK. As of June 2019, about 16.2% (4.1 million acres) of Virginia’s land is permanently protected. At Bat Conservation International, we’re fiercely passionate, expert conservationists and scientists who are leading the charge to ensure the worldwide survival of these extraordinary mammals. These products are the result of an ongoing cooperation among the U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Search our database of more than 1,000 waterwise plants tried and tested at Conservation Garden Park. The purpose of this project was to collect and disclose comprehensive information on conservation easements in the study area. The database can be viewed here: DIISE DATABASE Islands are the epicenter of the current extinction crisis and invasive vertebrates are a leading cause of extinctions on islands. Pennsylvania's public lands need your help. Render Map. Files downloaded prior to 4th of September 2015 do not include text fields with information from the general report, which are now added to the 2015 version of the database. California Department of Conservation administers a variety of programs vital to California's public safety, environment and economy. Starting in the mid-1960s, drillers were sending paper water-well completion reports to the bureau. More are in progress. The world's first parasite conservation database. Buffers are shown when zoomed in. If the problem persists, please contact the CED team for additional support at fw1sagegrouseced@fws.gov Many factors are taken into account when assessing the conservation status of a species: not simply the number remaining, but the overall increase or decrease in the population over time, breeding success rates, known threats, and so on. It is the mission of the Division of Natural Heritage to protect, restore, manage, and promote the responsible use of the Illinois' native flora and fauna, natural communities, wildlife habitat, and ecosystems; and through our leadership, ensure for future generations of the greatest social, environmental, and economic benefits that can be provided through healthy ecosystems. First developed as a materials database in 1997 at the … More than half of Virginia’s protected land is managed by the federal government, 32% is managed by state government, 6% is managed by … Ecocultural bison conservation concurrently pursues species conservation, restoration of ecological processes, and support of the traditional human use of natural resources. Featured Searches: Landscape land conservation software manages land conservation acquisition and stewardship projects and activities. Learn about maintenance requirements, blooming seasons, and water needs before you make picks for your personal landscape. We request that it is properly cited when used and that any modification of the original data by users should be noted. The Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (CAMEO) is a database that compiles, defines, and disseminates technical information on the distinct collection of terms, materials, and techniques used in the fields of art conservation and historic preservation. Hardware: The Conservation Database was available to conservation staff working at The National Archives on networked PCs. The Approach is supported long-term by a collaboration and is based on a set of common principles for improved site-based conservation effectiveness, to enable future development and adaptations to meet the evolving needs of users. Users can search for species by place name (e.g., city name), ecoregion, or species names (common or scientific). The first version of the CCED database was released in April 2014, the latest update is from December 2020. AATA Online. Remedial Site Database Search is updated nightly. The SMART Tool is open source, non-proprietary, and freely available. It includes public lands and parks, Wilderness Areas, National Wildlife Refuges, reserves, conservation easements, Marine Protected Areas, and more. Latest handbook: Avian Conservation Assessment Database Handbook The Partners in Flight (PIF) Avian Conservation Assessment Database (ACAD) is the repository for biological information used and generated by the PIF species assessment process, a peer-reviewed, scientific methodology for analyzing, evaluating, and categorizing information related to the conservation of birds. Please try back again later. NatureServe is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Plants by Habitat: A list of all the taxa reported for a specific Habitat. The database is complemented by other tools in the Conservation Evidence toolbox (e.g. However, dogs detecting bacteria for conservation and pest management were included. EWG Midwest. The WildFinder database currently includes four taxa: mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and birds. Monthly CRP Summary. database currently holds 498 survey datasets contributed by more than 200 conservation scientists, wildlife authorities, and non-governmental organizations. The services DOC provides are designed to balance today's needs with tomorrow's obligations by fostering the wise use and conservation of energy, land and mineral resources.
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