February 12, 2021, 4:00 AM PST. The revolutions in Bolivia and Venezuela have not only politically sharpened the relations between men and women, between indigenous communities and non-indigenous communities, but they have also challenged the understanding of democracy and of socialism itself. Picture taken March 29, 2019. Putin's path to dominance: Bolivia's socialist return could spell disaster for Trump VLADIMIR PUTIN will be watching with interest as Bolivia returns back to socialist control, but it Venezuela's Chavistas are rare in representing perhaps the only decades-long surviving socialist government that came to power electorally. It accused the two socialist The entrepreneur is one of the most important elements of a free market economy. Almost immediately, American governments dug Bolivias foreign policy shifts during the past decade can best be illustrated by the countrys relation with four countries. Since 2006, Bolivia has been run by socialists every bit as militant as Venezuelas. While attempts to topple him must be opposed, it is the contradictions of Chavismo that have laid the basis for the current crisis, writes Joseph Choonara. The Bolivarian Revolution is a political process in Venezuela that was led by Venezuelan President Hugo Chvez, the founder of the Fifth Republic Movement and later the United Socialist Party of Venezuela. After a contested election and The greatest contrast between 20th and 21st century socialism is found between the current regime of Evo Morales (2005 - ) and the short lived Presidency of J. J. Torres (1970-1971). Luis Arce is set to become Bolivias new leader. The three amigos: Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia. A leftist experiment appearing to resist the scripts set by Cuba and Venezuela, Bolivia has set a precedent, and the world is watching. Bryce Greene. Revolutionary violence has joined starvation, death and the presence of foreign troops as part of everyday life for the people of oil-rich Venezuela. Paralysed Venezuela vs Thriving Bolivia: Two Faces of Socialism. As in Venezuela, this wealth is used to stimulate national production, and over a half million jobs have been created, this In the final months of 2019, an unexpected series of events unleashed the perfect storm in Bolivia. Social Media this week has been ablaze with nonsense and stupidity, specifically from The Guardians Owen Jones and the leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn. October 25, 2020 Cheryl LaBash. The confusing nexus of nationalism and socialism in Venezuela is indecipherable without examining "the rebirth of a 200 year-old project," which Chavez emphasized in his speech to 2,000 delegates on August 13th. But they weren't Venezuelan bolivars they were US dollars. The Labour leader joined the presidents of Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico in backing Bolivian leader Evo Morales despite him calling time on his 14-year reign. Bringing Bolivias Coup Leaders to Justice Is Essential for Protecting the Democratic Process. With more than 53%, he won a higher share of the vote than any president in the last 30 years. Below, well give you a more comprehensive definition of socialism, go over the history of the term, explain democratic socialism vs capitalism, and provide some examples of socialist governments today . Luis Arce, the economy minister under former President Evo Morales and the candidate for Morales Movement toward Socialism (MAS) party, defeated centrist candidate Carlos Mesa in Bolivias long-delayed general election. Bankrupted by Socialism, Venezuela Cedes Control of Companies. Meanwhile, embattled Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, whose socialist predecessor Hugo Chavez served as a sometime mentor to Morales, told allies to mobilize in support of Morales. Bolivias Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) party won a decisive victory in the countrys presidential elections on Sunday, with its candidate Luis Arce apparently winning by a large enough margin to avoid a runoff, likely achieving an absolute majority. In fact, Bolivia has dramatically decreased its debt over the last several years and has kept inflation rates low, putting it in a better spot than Venezuela. But again, there is more to the story. In a recent article called, As socialist Venezuela collapses, socialist Bolivia thrives. Heres why, the author states: Writing at American Thinker , Monica Showalter pointed out the delay and skewing of election results is a move taken right out of the socialist regimes playbook. info)), is a Bolivian left-wing populist and indigenist political party led by Evo Morales, founded in 1998. This is a massive rainforest in which a number of indigenous nations either live or depend on. The U.S. has to prepare for this moment. (ALBA-PTA), established between Venezuela and Cuba in 2004 and now incorporating Bolivia, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda, St Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and Grenadines. Bolivias Movement toward Socialism (MAS) victory in the Oct. 18 election overturned a U.S.-backed coup. This was a clear and resounding defeat for the coup plotters, not to mention the imperialist aggression against Bolivia. However, one year later in November 2020, the movement for socialism, MAS, in Bolivia returned to power in a landslide victory under Luis Arce. This is what Bolivias Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) has sought to outline in #PutLivesFirst, its detailed and comprehensive plan for tackling COVID-19 and its social and economic impacts. RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP. Bolivia vs Venezuela: COVID-19 response reveals true nature of governments 05/05/2020; COVID-19 crisis: Bolivias Movement Towards Socialism says #PutLivesFirst 27/04/2020; Venezuela: Combatting COVID-19 through solidarity 15/04/2020; Venezuela: Community organisation key to fighting COVID-19 13/04/2020 Its left-wing political trajectory, which began roughly around the same time as Venezuelas, shows that socialist projects can help societies escape poverty, rather than condemn them to it. Venezuelan opposition leaders looking to oust their country's socialist government can perhaps take some hope from the resignation of its leftist ally in Bolivia Even the progressives and idiots, but I repeat myself, who were praising the policies even a Yet under Morales, data shows, Bolivias economy is closing the gap with the rest of the continent, growing faster than most neighbors over the past 13 years. Meanwhile, governments that have embraced market policies notably, in Argentina and Ecuador face economic and political chaos. More than two years later, in the wake of ongoing rallies and discussions with Democratic Rep. Jim During that time 475 articles were posted on the website SocialistVoice.ca; many were also distributed by email to subscribers. Weve covered the core differences between capitalism vs socialism, so lets take a closer look at socialism next. By Cira Pascual Marquina July 12, 2020 Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal reposted from Venezuela Analysis Michael Lebowitz is a professor of political economy, researcher, and prolific writer. Bolivia had confirmed over 141,000 cases of Covid-19 and over 8,700 deaths as of November 2. Bolivia's Socialist Candidate Picked by Evo Morales Claims Election Victory Soo Kim 10/19/2020. Guatamela is currently governed by a neoliberal government while Bolivia and Venezuela are lead by socialist governments. Socialism can result in diverse outcomes that range from the economy of Norway to that of Venezuela, and socialist leaders who vary as widely as Bolivias Evo Morales and Frances former President Fran ois Hollande. Venezuelas problems stem from corruption and egregious mismanagement, which can happen anywhere. So, Bolivarian socialism in Bolivia then. and metal prices much like Venezuela before it destroyed its crude oil sector . Bolivia: a new phase begins. After Socialist Victory in Bolivia, Media Still Whitewash Coup. On a cold winter day in February 2019, activists gathered in downtown Northampton, Massachusetts, to denounce the attempted US-backed coup in Venezuela. Bolivia's government said in a statement it wanted to "reestablish diplomatic relations damaged by the previous de-facto government" led by The Bolivarian Revolution is named after Simn Bolvar, an early 19th-century Venezuelan revolutionary leader, prominent in the Spanish American wars of independence in achieving the It was the Socialist Party the late Hugo Chavez's party that gave Ingrid cash to pay for the vehicles. After Socialist Victory in Bolivia, Media Still Whitewash Coup. Since 2006, Bolivia has been run by socialists every bit as militant as Venezuelas. The elections in Bolivia organized by the coup government, resulted in a massive defeat for the right-wing. The experiences of twenty-first-century socialism in Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela provide different examples of ways of balancing the two If the entire world doesn't acknowledge this reality, that the national states are not providing even minimally for health, education and nourishment, then each day the most fundamental human rights are being violated." This incident is not one to make fun of - Rodolfo Illanes, a Much as China has stepped back towards capitalism with intents of obtaining socialism, Venezuela sees it as necessary to transition away from capitalism rather than seizing the reins of power by force of arms. The Socialist International (SI), the largest coalition of leftist political parties in the world, condemned Venezuelas socialist dictator Nicols Maduro as illegitimate and lent its full support to the nations opposition in a meeting of its Council on Tuesday. "21st Century Socialism" has brought Venezuela, once the most prosperous nation in Latin America, to this despicable plight. In Venezuela, the socialist state has seized 10 million acres of private land, expropriated 1,365 companies and purchased 5,000 more. During the time he served, he presided over the "Bolivarian Revolution," a socialist revolution in Venezuela. The furious demonstrations that have taken place in Greece may be a harbinger of the popular protest to come. Presidents Hugo Chavez, Rafael Correa and Evo Morales have all sought to reverse the policies of decentralisation that were adopted in the 1990s in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. Bolivian President Evo Morales is set to resign following weeks of weeks of tumultuous protests alleging that his recent re-election was rigged. and. The constitution of that country says that only one consecutive re-election is possible, and Morales has already had two. However, one of the reasons Bolivia was able to afford a lot of its spending was due to higher energy, mineral. Venezuelas National Assembly declared socialist Juan Guaid the legitimate president of Venezuela on Jan. 23. Bolivia is the only country in South America that remains a strong ally and defender of president Nicols Maduro. The Bolivian Road to Socialism. Despite US dirty tricks, Bolivia is finding a way to stay independent. The country has experienced a spectacular run of economic growth and poverty reduction with no He promises a third way between capitalism and socialism. The country has experienced a spectacular run of economic growth and poverty reduction with no Owen Jones Wont Refute the Failings of Venezuelan Socialism. He gave his life to the struggle for democracy, workers rights, and socialism. The further Chavez moves in the direction of socialism, the more intense the attacks from the right will be. The decisive electoral victory of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) in Bolivia may be a point of inflection on the continent that advances the construction of a new South American socialist bloc. The Bolivian government is launching a counter-offensive against the very successful and popular campaign of the indigenous peoples from Isiboro Secure Indigenous Territory and National Park (Tipnis). Meanwhile, in Bolivia, Evo Morales, one of the original leaders of 21st-century socialism who caused so much damage to the region, is seeking his fourth consecutive term to complete 20 years in power. The furious demonstrations that have taken place in Greece may be a harbinger of the popular protest to come. The reactionary Oligarchy, backed by imperialism, is taking advantage of the shortcomings of the revolution to strengthen its position and prepare for the counter-revolution. Prominent MAS-IPSP leaders recruited for the 2002 election campaign included Gustavo Torrico, Manuel Morales Dvila and Jorge Alvaro. In their election campaign, MAS-IPSP championed 'national sovereignty', denouncing U.S. interventions in Bolivian affairs. He is the president-elect of Bolivia. An exit poll in Bolivia's high stakes presidential election gave socialist candidate Luis Arce the lead he needs to avoid a run-off election. The programme of this "Marxist" is about the creation of a new and interventionist state. Bolivia, though much more diversified than oil-dependent Venezuela, still relies on commodities for the majority of its exports, with natural gas and zinc ore taking the largest shares. The Movement Towards Socialisms (MAS) presidential ticket with Luis Arce and David Choquehuanca won 55.1% of the vote share while Carlos Mesas Citizen Community party won just 28.83% of the vote share. And if you want to know just how tyrannical a government is, see how it treats its entrepreneurial citizens. The example of Bolivia makes it clear that only an anti-capitalist and socialist alternative can guarantee the interests of workers, peasants, indigenous peoples and all Latin American peoples. 75 per cent of young people agree with the statement that socialism is a good idea, but it has failed in the past because it has been badly done (for example in Venezuela). It appears that one year after President Evo Morales was forced from power and fled the country, his socialist party is back in power in Bolivia. Now weve finally learned what went wrong in Venezuela: it wasnt real socialism. The same is true for Bolivia, which should make observers reconsider their views. To have a sense of just how massive the scale of death, Bolivias population at the time was only two million. Venezuela often claims to be take inspiration from socialism or is on the path to socialism, but they use reformism rather than revolution. The three amigos: Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia. Bolivia is the only country in South America that remains a strong ally and defender of president Nicols Maduro. Global report: Bolivia's president and Venezuela's Socialist party leader test positive for Covid-19 This article is more than 4 months old. Whatever the electoral outcome, even if the predictions are for a victory of the "left", Castillo will only enter the "Hall of Fame" of socialist impostors, like Lula in Brazil, Morales in Bolivia, or Chvez, and his anointed successor Maduro, in Venezuela. Last October 18 in a widely publicised election Bolivia chose its new president under a socialist banner. The right is on the attack against President Maduro of Venezuela, the successor to Hugo Chavez and his project of socialism in the 21st century. In Bolivia Election, Voters Embrace Another Socialist After Ouster of Evo Morales Conservative party took 14 years to take power from the leftist icon and 11 months to be voted out Bolivias loyalty to Venezuela is striking. Orlando Gutirrez, the Bolivian militant trade union leader, has been murdered by a fascist gang in Bolivia. Nicolle Yapur. When Evo Morales was elected president in 2006, he explicitly repudiated capitalism and aligned Bolivia with Hugo Chavezs Venezuela and Fidel Castros Cuba. MAS is on its way back. See other definitions of MAS. Supporters of Bolivia's president and candidate Evo Morales demonstrate against the main opposition candidate, former president (2003-2005) Carlos Mesa, Despite U.S. dirty tricks, Bolivia is finding a way to stay independent. When the Movement Toward Socialism held power, many people observed that this was a case study of a successful socialist government as the economy grew and poverty slipped. Since then, Bolivias working class indigenous population has been at the forefront of fighting against the right-wing coup government and forcing the interim government to hold elections, which were postponed three times. Twitter users have begun comparing the Democrat coup against President Trump to elections run in socialist Venezuela, where the corrupt government has been accused of rigging elections. Anchored on the principles of Justice, Equity and Peace (JEP), the Socialist Party shall transform the Zambian society from capitalism to socialism, building socialism in three key sectors: Education, Agriculture and Health. Venezuela's socialist party leaders are calling on Venezuelans to join in a march next Saturday to show solidarity with Morales. Twenty-one years ago Hugo Chvez rose to power in Venezuela. Venezuelan migrants are seen in the center of La Paz, Bolivia March 29, 2019. The clich that real socialism has never been tried is not just a clich: it is also On 11 November 2019, Evo Morales was force out of office by a military coup. Mercenaries, pandemic and riots in Venezuela: A grassroots perspective 12/05/2020; Bolivia vs Venezuela: COVID-19 response reveals true nature of governments 05/05/2020; COVID-19 crisis: Bolivias Movement Towards Socialism says #PutLivesFirst 27/04/2020; Venezuela: Combatting COVID-19 through solidarity 15/04/2020 Bolivia will hold subnational elections on 7 March to elect regional political and legislative powers, says Alberto Echazu, a Bolivian political analyst and journalist for La Resistencia Bolivia, adding that for November 2019 coup plotters, Camacho and ex-interim president Jeanine Anez, it's a chance to evade prosecution. The payments, which started in December, will help reduce the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the most vulnerable families in the country as well start to reactivate the Bolivian economy. Many Mainstream Media outlets fearmonger about socialism by portraying it as the path to a countrys destruction, yet states whose economies have collapsed such as Venezuelas suffered because of external meddling, not systemic flaws. (Bloomberg Opinion) -- Bolivia might be the worlds most successful country that calls itself socialist (the Nordic countries generally eschew the label). In the final months of 2019, an unexpected series of events unleashed the perfect storm in Bolivia. Diosdado Cabello, Venezuelas number two official and the leader of the Socialist party, announced his diagnosis on social media on Thursday evening and said he was in self-isolation. On September 26 the people of Venezuela will be electing a new National Assembly. Though the Morales government is very much part of a Venezuelan- and Cuban-led collection of socialist governments in Latin America, Evo In Bolivia, the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) a major leftist political force has returned to power following a thumping victory in the 2020 elections. Bolivia, by By. 18th January 2021 17th January 2021 Leave a Comment on Solidarity with Bolivias Movement Towards Socialism 3 months on from the Lefts Historic Victory steps on the road to post-coup recovery. Evo Morales, the current ruler of Bolivia, is himself a socialist dictator like his counter-part in Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, and Morales rules Bolivia with an iron fist. A war against racism. Translated by Internationalist 360 (November 12, 2019) Against the backdrop of the media siege that confronts the truth in our country, the Movement Toward Socialism communicates to the Bolivian people and the international community that since November 10, 2019 a plan of assassination by the UMOPAR and the Bolivian Police was activated during the final phase [] Masterpost on the Achievements of Socialism in Bolivia. Hernn Luis Torres Nez, a frequent economics commentator on leftist Venezuelan community forum Aporrea, argues that Venezuela should learn from Bolivian president Evo Morales pragmatic style of governance for 21st century socialism. A right-wing, US-backed attempt to overthrow the Movement for Socialism (MAS) government in Bolivia, and to replace it with a vicious anti-working class regime, is underway. Politics in the UK and the EU is likely to be dominated for the foreseeable future by massive cuts in public service provision. The arrest of Bolivia's post-coup president Jeanine Aez has been denounced by most Western governments. Bolivias Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) party won a decisive victory in the countrys presidential elections on Sunday, with its candidate Luis Arce apparently winning by a large enough margin to avoid a runoff, likely achieving an absolute majority. Umm, perhaps both Bolivian and Bolivarian socialism? July 1999 Chavez supporters win 122 of 128 seats in a constituent assembly, allowing the president to rewrite the constitution. Socialism': Recentralising Politics in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia KENT EATON* Abstract. In addition, Socialist Voice published 17 pamphlets in both hard copy and pdf form. The Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay (19321945) left more than 65,000 Bolivians and 36,000 Paraguayans dead. Tascon said that in Venezuela, there is "an identification between the ordinary people and the FAN". Dow Futures Lower, Oil at 7 This organized by elements inside the Bolivian Armed Forces loyal to the capitalist establishment. The arrest of Jeanine ez, head of Bolivias erstwhile coup regime, is a vindication of the struggles of the Bolivian people. Fabiola Zerpa. . The agreement on which Bolivias adhesion to the pact was based includes pledges of important financial and technical aid from Venezuela, as well as medical and technical aid from Cuba. There was much talk at the time about socialism of the twenty-first century. In 2002 Chvez was reinstated following a With all of these factors in mind, the cheerleading across the US press for regime change in Bolivia and Venezuela can hardly be seen as an accident. How a US Congressman Took on the US Blockade Against Venezuela. The Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), along with nations and movements in solidarity with the people of Bolivia everywhere, condemns the violent military/police coup carried out against the elected government of Evo Morales.
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