In this study using a saturated sample of 80 respondents were employees who were workers in food industry companies. The topic of this project report on the Impact of Job Satisfaction on employee performance in Government Owned Enterprises (GOE's). Simple random sampling technique was adopted to collect data from one hundred and five (105) respondents from three different sectors through structured questionnaire. Job Satisfaction Exists Independently of Salary. Motivation and job satisfaction are related to employee performance level and success at workplace, as they could be influenced in a positive or negative way. Having now covered some core determinants of job satisfaction, it might be tempting to equate satisfaction with productivity. Jobs require interaction with your colleagues and bosses, following organizational rules and policies, performance standards, living with working conditions. There was a 91% total cumulative agreement from respondents that their performance is impacted by their job satisfaction. There was a 91% total cumulative agreement from respondents that their performance is impacted by their job satisfaction. Findings on the impact of job satisfaction on employee performance show that job satisfaction has astrong impact on employee performance. Impact Of Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance Literature Review to pay at this stage. Other variable that give effect to the performance and job satisfaction is the effect on the performance of competence, that there is a strong Employee Job Satisfaction, Job Performance, Promotion and Rewards, Safety and Security, Training and Development Programmes, Working Environment. government owned enterprises. McCoy & Evans (2005) explained that if employees dissatisfy with their working environment and once the employees become stressors at the work place, the employees tend to do their work very slowly. The specific objective is to: determine the impact of job satisfaction on employees' morale. For that purpose, one hundred and eighty employees ( N = 180) were selected as a sample from private organizations of Peshawar. The study concentrated on finding out the causes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction among employees (senior and lower level) and determines whether there is a difference in the way the senior and the . This theory proposes that motivation forms the basis for employee performance within an organization. Start receiving proposals from our writers within minutes and chat with them live. Impact of rewards/pay on job satisfaction and performance Job satisfaction is an outcome of different factors like pay, promotion, the work itself, supervision, relationships with co-workers and opportunities for promotions (Opkara, 2002). Missed time by employees costs the company money and affects employee productivity. These have been noted as key factors in job satisfaction (Hackman & Oldham, 1976; Krayer & Westbrook, 1986). Impact of Performance Appraisal and Working Environment on the Job Satisfaction and Attrition Problem in the Indian IT Industry. A Note on Job Satisfaction and Performance. It is essential that workers should be appreciated or rewarded for the contribution that they are delivering to the company. performance. An employee with a sense of satisfaction with his job will feel more inclined to be at that job. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method. (1975) macro view of the impact of job satisfaction. To achieve the above. format; pages; chapters; download project topic; 0 ; AJEBA, 10(4): 1- 10, 2019; Article no.AJEBA .47009 Original Research Article Rahman et al. An engaged employee experiences a blend of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and feelings of ownership and empowerment. The topic of this project report on the Impact of Job Satisfaction on employee performance in Government Owned Enterprises (GOE's). It can be concluded that the high or low levels of compensation will have an impact on job satisfaction. It considered which rewards (intrinsic and extrinsic) determine job satisfaction of an employee and its The research on employee job satisfaction and job performance is extensive, as is the research on organizational financial performance. In other words, employee job satisfaction is the affective state of employees regarding multiple facets of their jobs (Brown & Peterson, 1993); so job satisfaction comprises employee feelings regarding multiple aspects of the job. Paradigm, 18(1), 73-85. Leadership and satisfaction in work perceived by employees are considered to have a good impact on improving employee performance. Job satisfaction is a positive vibe that creates outstanding performances in any company and hence, it can be said to be the backbone of the company. Job satisfaction can have an impact on employees'performance, which in turn could lead to an increase of productivity among employees. Hypothesis was used to guide the study. This will directly affects for the employees performance and as well as for Job satisfaction is described by George and tivity and employee commitment to remain loy- Jones (2002) as a combination of feelings and be- al. In addition, job satis- & Priyono, 2016; Lay, 2020; Syamsudirman et al., faction will have an impact on employee produc- 2019). We Impact Of Job Satisfaction On Employee Performance Thesis Pdf know how to make the customers happy in no time. When the intrinsic motivation is high, employees can enjoy working and devoting more time and . Employee performance is the factor that leads to job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is one of the factors that influences performance in organization. Business Ethics 124, 339-349. Many organizations prefer an annual or six . The complexity in operations and functions requires that whether of public or private sector, we have to put in place appropriate organization techniques and managerial skill to facilitate job satisfaction. Help organizations understand the importance of having organizational culture can improve employees' job satisfaction [10]. Interestingly, the patterns seemed to be the same across various countries (including the US, India, Australia, the UK . The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Review of Literature Hemakumara, M.G.G, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer, Institute of Human Resource Advancement University of Colombo Sri Lanka Abstract Employee job satisfaction is the balance between employees expectation from the organization and the rewards, The specific problem covered in this study is to scrutinize the impact of job satisfaction on organizational performance. The improving economy was one factor in the high level of satisfaction since employers have been more willing . But, rarely of them emphasize on whether the impactis direct or indirect. Job satisfaction is linked to the positive feeling from an employee receives for work resulting from an assessment of its characteristics. job performance and job satisfaction. This research paper examined the impact of job satisfaction dimensions on job performance of Small and Medium Enterprises‟ employees in Ibadan metropolis, south western Nigeria. Loyalty is the most important part to be noticed and considered by upper management because through loyalty employee work results can be achieved and employee performance increases. INTRODUCTION: Involving the workers to managerial functions of the higher ranks is called job enrichment. Our rates starts from just $2 per page and quality is always guaranteed. It was then agreed that government owned enterprises were better for . In order for a company to generate and maintain engagement it must first have a clear understanding regarding a few elements: the level of satisfaction in the company; 10.1007/s10551-013-1876-y [Google Scholar] Fulmer I. S., Ployhart R. E. (2014). When a satisfied employee remains at the company for a long period of time . An equal number of employees, i.e., (<i>n</i> = 60), were selected through . Findings on the impact of job satisfaction on employee performance show that job satisfaction has astrong impact on employee performance. That thing leads to the success of the employees' performance (Vroom, 1964; Swinth, 1971). The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of job satisfaction on employees' performance, a study of Nigerian Breweries Plc Kakuri, Kaduna State. Employees‟ satisfaction is considered as all-around module of an organization‟s human resource strategies. therefore, job satisfaction and its relation with organizational performance has become a major topic for research studies. aims, research hypothesis were formulated to that whether promotion has no. Employees are the driving factor behind customer satisfaction. And job satisfaction has a significant effect on employee performance through loyalty. There are essentially two types of job satisfaction based on the level of employees' feelings regarding their jobs. The elements of job satisfaction are related to pay, promotion, benefits, work nature, supervision, and relationship with colleagues (Mosadeghard, 2003). The study concentrated on finding out the causes of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction among employees (senior and lower level) and determines whether there is a difference in the way the senior and the . 1) Study and understand the factors influencing employee satisfaction and job performance. loyalty moderates job satisfaction on employee performance. There was a time when it was considered sound economic policy for government to establish and invest in corporation and enterprises. There was a time when it was considered sound economic policy for government to establish and invest in corporation and enterprises. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Research project description The major aim of this study is to investigate the impact of employee motivation on the job satisfaction. There are lots of researches tested the impact of job satisfaction on employee performance. However, in today's business climate of continuous changes and uncertainty, the importance of job satisfaction to organizational performance and individual can be "pay". Employees' job satisfaction becomes a central attention in the researches and discussions in work and organizational psychology because it is believed to have relationship with the job performance.
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