We adore Thee O Christ and we praise Thee. CATHOLICYOUTH PARRAMA TTA - parracatholic.org Lisa Kelly. (Luke 23:26) I always seemed to just brush aside the fact that Simon helped Jesus carry his Cross when I would pray these Stations in the past. The 31 Meditation of the carrying of the Cross. 14 15 REFLECTION: Although Jesus was the Son of God he was also fully human, and he felt the agony of carrying the cross. REFLECTION: Jesus, it’s hard to believe that you, the perfect son of God, had to carry the cross of a criminal. Know that he will come to your aid. There are two versions. To carry your cross comes with a promise. We are reminded at this station that God will not give us more than we can handle, even if it feels that way … The Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene Helps Carry the Cross. Grant that I may love You always; and then do with me as You will. Bass Pro Shops is your trusted source for quality fishing, hunting, boating and outdoor sporting goods. Jesus seems unable to proceed much further. We have looked at Christ’s agony in the garden of … “As they led him away, they seized a man, Simon of Cyrene, who was coming from the country, and they laid the cross on him, and made him carry it behind Jesus.” Luke 23:26 Many of us have probably had the experience of looking forward to a significant trip to a special place. Reflections on Cross-Carrying . Reflection: And when they had mocked Jesus, they took the purple cloak off and put His own clothes on Him and they led Him out to be crucified. As John Paul said, all suffering is evil. Novena to the Holy Spirit. Then [Pilate] handed him over to them to be crucified. '14 S.T.M. Reflection . The Cross of Christ, the Cross of the Church. Nor, does it matter much that Simon happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You will experience a joy that only Jesus can offer, true life itself. Reflection . Carrying the Family Cross: A Mother’s Reflection on the Stations of the Cross Selina L | Posted on March 17, 2021 | This lovely reflection encourages mothers to walk the Way of the Cross with their children just as Mary walked with Jesus. The Lord’s steps to Calvary portray the constant evolution of the human race. Jesus, remember me. Life’s Unexpected Moments “As they led him (Jesus) away they took hold of a certain Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the countryside; and after laying the cross on him, they made him carry it behind Jesus”. Voluntary embrace of the cross – the embrace of suffering as a way of both salvation and sanctification by which we die to self in order that Christ may live within us – exists nowhere else in the world. First Observation. The action of carrying a cross is one that is repeated all over the world each and every day. The slow death march suddenly halts. ignominious death of the Cross, constrained Simon the Cyrenian to carry the Cross behind our Lord. Breath of the Spirit is our electronic spiritual and liturgical resource for our members and potential members. That carrying the cross of suffering is joy, and that it is wisdom, power – all of this is unique to Catholicism. Use the same words Jesus used when he prayed. Look — Jesus falls three times, but He gets up to go on. It will not be a part of the new Jerusalem when Jesus comes again. Lord, I do desire to gaze upon Your perfect act of love and to see Your Heart, bursting forth with Mercy upon me and upon the whole world. We have looked at Christ’s agony in the garden of Gethsemane where he took on the sins of the world, His brutal scourging at the hands of the Roman guards and … We all carry crosses in … Yes, we were there when Simon was forced to help Jesus carry the cross. If you carry it unwillingly, you create a burden for yourself and increase the load, though still you have to bear it. Reflection for Wesley Uniting Church Evening Service ... For them, carrying one’s cross could only refer to the usual prelude to the horrifying and humiliating form of execution used by Rome to break the will of conquered peoples. Carry Your Cross Meaning. Definition: To deal with your burdens and problems. In the Bible, Jesus carried a cross that has come to be symbolic of the world's problems. Therefore, when people carry their own crosses, they are dealing with their own burdens. In a few weeks time we will celebrate Easter, the most important event in the Christian Church’s calendar. Never let me separate myself from You again. What are some of the things you think felt, knowing he was going to suffer and die? Jesus, I trust in You. I'm your host, Tammy Uzelac Hall. who was coming in from the country, and made him shoulder the cross and carry it behind Jesus.” (Lk. By Ray Dlugos OSA, PhD “If any of you want to be my follower, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) This passage of the Gospel has been showing up lately like the proverbial bad penny. Then [Pilate] handed him over to them to be crucified. If we’re honest, none of us is eager to burden ourselves for the sake of While some people’s crosses are perhaps more visible than others, all of us have our … Pepe, one of those Christians, while carrying his cross told the Lord that his cross is too heavy and that he cannot carry it anymore up to the Calvary. Reflection: I am laden with emotions, physical pain, material needs, decisions to be made, and spiritual longing. Way of the Cross A Reflection on Social Justice Written by Audrey Ferrer Prayers for each station adapted from the “Native Stations of the Cross”1 Notes: The video can be played first. by Peter Paul Rubens, 1634-1637. The statement that a disciple of Jesus should take up his cross is found in two forms. In that context there could be nothing positive about carrying one’s cross. Station 5: Simon Helps Jesus Carry his Cross Reflection by Ed Nuñez. Prayer Reflection: Dear Jesus, when I have problems, I am in a way, carrying your cross with you. The Stations of the Cross as a part of the Lenten observances, is a beautiful imagery which depicts the past, present and future of mankind for time to come. So, Mary is … 21 They compelled one passing by, coming from the country, Simon of … The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery - the Carrying of the Cross by Jesus – from the Gospel according to John, chapter 19, verses 16-17 & Luke, chapter 23, verses 26-31. Simon is there to help with the physical burden. Good morning Prayer Team! As part of Easter we will be confronted by the image of Jesus carrying and being nailed to the cross. But we will willingly carry and offer with love our splinters of the cross, which we all have in our lives. It is believed that the weight of the cross that Jesus carried to his crucifixion was over 300 pounds. The horizontal bar known as the patibulum had a weight of between 75 and 125 pounds. Some believe that this is the only part of the cross that was carried. “When our divine Savior beheld the cross, He willingly stretched out His bleeding arms, lovingly embraced it, tenderly kissed it, placed it on His bruised shoulders, and, though nearly exhausted, He joyfully carried it.” “The Second Station - Jesus is made to carry His Cross,” from Meditations on the Way of the … When we pray the Way of the Cross we follow 14 stations, in the form of 14 pictures, sculptures, or engravings to allow Christians to pause and enter reflectively into those last moments of Jesus’s journey of love. You knew it wouldn't be easy, but you accepted it and carried it just the same. Yes, we were there when Jesus meets his mother Mary. REFLECTION: Jesus, it’s hard to believe that you, the perfect son of God, had to carry the cross of a criminal. Post dateFebruary 8, 2021. They stood around Jesus and they hollered at Him, "Crucify Him! Even though I bare only a piece of your cross, you are there to help carry all of mine. The Second Station of the Cross: A Mercy Reflection. But if the cross remains, ask Jesus for his grace to help you embrace it. In a few weeks time we will celebrate Easter, the most important event in the Christian Church’s calendar. The Greek text of all three evangelists is practically identical so that … Reflections Carrying the Cancer Cross. This is the fourth in our series reflecting on the Gospel accounts of Christ’s passion and death on a cross using the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary as our guide. I Fourth Sorrowful Mystery – The Carrying of the Cross. Station 2: Jesus Carries His Cross Reflection by Margaret Pierce. Contemplate Christ carrying the Cross and Christ Crucified: Act as a “Simon of Cyrene” for our brothers and sisters weighed down by grief and despair. God loves us and he wants to heal us. Scripture. Carlene Demiany '12 M.Div. The 31 Meditation of the carrying of the Cross. It was so heavy that Jesus could not carry it any longer. Yes, we were there on the road to Calvary. Daily Devotion: Take Up Your Cross. Yes, we were there when Jesus meets his mother Mary. They compelled this man to carry his cross. Reflection and Prayer by Aidan Birth, Senior. At points of my life, it has seemed that cross was carried primarily in my mind as I searched to find the way and the truth of who I am and what was to become of me; or the cross of disappointment and worry when disease, tragedy, or unexpected reversals entered into my world. The 2nd Station: Jesus carries the Cross. Early church documents and archeological findings testify to the honor paid to these sites and demonstrate the long trad… Inspiring people to enjoy & protect the great outdoors. Heal me!” (Mark 10:46-52). That carrying the cross of suffering is joy, and that it is wisdom, power – all of this is unique to Catholicism. No Commentson The Carrying of the Cross – Fourth Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary (with Reflection) Image by Harry Fabel from Pixabay. Simon the Cyrenian was at best a reluctant helper compelled by the Roman soldiers to help Jesus carry his Cross. Perhaps I could allow others to The first, the so-called positive formulation, is common to Matthew, Mark and Luke. Take up your cross and follow Jesus -. So, "taking up your cross" refers to giving your whole life to God, as Jesus was about to give His life for us. This involves bearing burdens, but it is deeper than that. It is a total dedication of life. Our whole life is given to His service in anything He says. This will lead us to willingly deny self. In it,… This shows us that we must get up after we fall through sin and have sorrow for our sins through frequent confession. ignominious death of the Cross, constrained Simon the Cyrenian to carry the Cross behind our Lord. They gave to Jesus a heavy cross laden with all the sins from all time and they put it on His shoulder and made Him carry the cross. Each section concludes with a short prayer. And Jesus said to all, “If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.”. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. And the Soldiers took Jesus & pulling off his scarlet garment, they clothed him in his own vestments, & brought him forth that they might crucify him. Reflection for Wesley Uniting Church Evening Service ... For them, carrying one’s cross could only refer to the usual prelude to the horrifying and humiliating form of execution used by Rome to break the will of conquered peoples. If you carry the cross willingly, it will carry and lead you to the desired goal where indeed there shall be no more suffering, but here there shall be. But we will willingly carry and offer with love our splinters of the cross, which we all have in our lives. Christ Carrying the Cross is an oil painting by El Greco, produced early in his Toledo period circa de 1580. Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha.) This Reflection consists of three sections - Why Jesus died for us; Why Jesus was Lifted Up on a Cross; and the Transforming Power of the Cross. Or cry out like the blind beggar Bartimaeus, who would not be silenced: “Jesus, son of David, have pity on me! Further, many others misunderstand what it means to carry their cross altogether and they experience needless suffering as a result. To be true disciples of Christ, means to take up OUR CROSS and follow Him, in humility, patience and love. Yes, when you carry your cross you will experience struggle in your life and the journey will at times be challenging. Breath of the Spirit Reflection: Coming Out and Carrying Our Cross Breath of the Spirit is our electronic spiritual and liturgical resource for our members and potential members. (genuflect) All: Because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world. If you have been asked to carry a certain cross, by all means pray for healing or resolution. THE CARRYING OF THE CROSS. When we heard that Jesus had been arrested, I went with Mary to help her through this terrible time. Jury concludes first day of deliberations in Derek Chauvin's trial. (genuflect) All: Because by Your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world. Luke 9:23. We then link our reflection to whatever is going on in our lives today. Then the Powerpoint slides can be shown to accompany each station, followed by … Jesus accepted Simon’s help: likewise, we must be Help me to understand the unfathomable gift of Your Sacrifice and to enter into an eternal gratitude for this gift. the inside out. When I look at Jesus on the Cross, I ask, "Why? Lenten Reflections. Simon the Cyrenian was at best a reluctant helper compelled by the Roman soldiers to help Jesus carry his Cross. How to Carry Your Cross. Praying the Stations of the Cross in a Pandemic. Fifth Station: Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross Jesus is heavily burdened with the weight of the world’s sins, and he must also carry the cross. Titian, Carrying of the Cross, c. 1565 This is the fourth in our series reflecting on the Gospel accounts of Christ’s passion and death on a cross using the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary as our guide.
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