Mina’s House Podcast EP.
If you dont like her…dont listen!
Also, “Beysus,” and the obvious entries that are both plays on her name and more or less odes to her. Whatever Beyoncé gargled on was definitely not as fresh as its namesake, but the same can’t be said about this little number from FieldCandy, a company who’ve capitalised on the fact that pillocks go to music festivals. Semen is not referred to as seeds until it fertilizes the egg thus the saying “he planted that seed in her garden”…..so although ppl will continue to go soooo deep into the song..u don’t need to. Watermelon imagery has infiltrated popular culture immensely over the last couple of years — thanks to a lewd (and incredibly famous) husband and wife, one song, and millions of us hitting up Urban Dictionary to understand just what the fuck is going on. I think it is also about context. Nothing wrong with that. Watermelon vodka at least makes sense “Drunk in love”. Then again we have “child like” minded people having kids…that’s what you get. She’s talking about watermelon nutcracker. Atleast most didnt even though of thinking beyond what the lyrics meant nor trying to relate to someone’s (as Ms. BEYONCE) own expressions. We Know What YG’s Next Purchase Will Be: This ALL RED Special Edition iPhone! Go B. Mackenzie, oh girl shut up…There are several other artist who have songs about sex..Ms. Beyonce happens to be married and her sexual innuendos are Coy enough for just the grown and sexy to catch, kids are clueless to surf board/watermelon as are most adults..furthermore her song is no more Riske’ than some of Kelly rollands or Rihanna’s…I remember ride it (pony) By Genuine and how does it feel By Maxwell as a child, Umm, what hole did you just crawl out of? What happened to freedom of expression.
Urban Dictionary defines the term ‘Watermelon Sugar’ as an exotic item that Harry Styles can never possibly live without. If you don’t like it, then don’t listen to it. I live in Houston, and we don’t call syrup “watermelon”. I don’t care if she is an artist. Which sounds like Husbo and Wifey collabin in the Lab. She’s freaking the guy she married. and dare you say she is not a good role model because she is talking about drinking watermelon..lol Hell she could actually be talking about drinking watermelon. ( my humble opinion), I would’ve agreed with you prior to this album but she has several songs on this album that talks of oral sex and asking him to cum all over her. KIDS need to stop being forced to grow up soooo damn fast!
Watermelon has seeds that are easily swallowed. duh. And your man soon to be ex will find a freak like Bey and wife her bc she nasty with it.
The song is just an appeal to ghetto trash who thinks it is ok to go on endlessly about how much they like to have sex and drink. One minute into "Girls (Who Run the World)" and Beyoncé's already worked in 16 mentions of of girls running shit ("Girls! In other words, those who do not have real lives. But I must close with my all-time, absolute, personal favorite: Molly McHugh is the tech editor of the Daily Dot, focusing on technology, social media, sports, and streaming entertainment. It ain’t that deep.
Lol. Shoving it in her face.. She swallowed it. Its just a song people. Plus, this song was creatively done, some of y’all got to google what she talking about. All the concubine semen gluts I know unabashedly support the the whole MTV vagi-pop, simp-pop thing…the “artists” with hypersexualized discographies thing…I think she’s into the semen quenching olympics.