This card just demands your attention. But throw in serious synergy and you got a serious creature that costs 2 and is very splashable. The day is coming soon when we'll see Solidarity splash green for Tarmogoyf : - (, Because of this card, psychatog isnt played anymore and every deck in legacy, even black suicide, has splashed green for it >:(. If the only card in all graveyards is a single artifact creature, Tarmogoyf will be 2/3.

Come ON.

turn 1 fetch, EOT brainstorm ext drop goyf turn 2 hes a 2/3. Overall, Tarmogoyf is a big distraction.

Very splashable and usually a 5/6 or 6/7 creature with no drawback.

© 1996-2013 Magic Online Trading League MM3.

It is also the most efficiently costed creature. just cause you run goyf doesn't mean you don't run any other creatures that are good! SELL. Which is exactly why a playset now costs $200 for a card that's been out of print for like a year. Cards from expansions and special sets (like From the Vault, Commander, Duel Decks, etc) are legal in the Legacy format on the date of release of the expansion or special set. Best Green creature ever printed. Anyone who doesn't understand Tarmogoyf has never played magic competitively.

There is no arguing that this is the best aggro card that's been printed since Wild Mongrel.

Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.47e, Powered by Infopop © 2000 People say its good because it gets bigger, but it dies to so many other cards.

Here is my 2 cents worth... First, Forget for a moment that Tarmogoyf can get bigger. The reality is that what you have here is a 0/1 creature that is basically useless without involving other cards. A few dollars at most. It will probably only get to a max of 3/4 or 4/5. 22. Legacy decks may consist of cards from all Magic card sets, any edition of the core set, and all special sets, supplements, and promotional printings released by Wizards of the Coast.

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You may use any printing of a card that has an appearance in a standard legal set. It fits into virtually any deck, and almost every deck splashes green solely for this card. Some people need to understand this. If the only cards in all graveyards are ten artifact creatures, Tarmogoyf will still be 2/3. Undeniably the best creature now for standard and extended format. honestly the best 2CC creature in MTG and wayyyyy broken.

2 years ago. Tarmogyf is the best green creature ever printed!

It's merely a fatty that wastes your opponent's resources. Usually, he is only around 5/6 or 6/7, but still, a 6/7 for two mana is enough to excite anyone. Since people will naturally want matching playsets of whichever version they prefer, this will help keep the price up, as will more people playing modern.

I think anyone saying Krosan Grip is better than Tarmogoyf probably doesn't own any Tarmogoyfs, @sergeiski - I hear ya. TRADE HISTORY.

Modern allows cards from the 8th Edition core set and all expansions printed afterwards.

Look up some pro-tour top eight lists and count the goyfs.

Bear in mind that the new Goyf has different art and a different frame ... so there are now 4 unique versions of Goyf (counting each foil version as unique), as opposed to a more straight-up reprint.

Legacy decks may consist of cards from all Magic card sets, any edition of the core set, and all special sets, supplements, and promotional printings released by Wizards of the Coast. All Rights Reserved. Kess Dissident Mage.

Best green card ever and sure most popular!

You can build a $500 deck around it with lots of sac-artifacts, fetchland, and off-color spells, but that tends to result in a deck with zero cohesive structure besides "run 4 of every expensive card in the format, have so many penalty-free dual lands that color isn't an issue, and win, because it works". the reason it is so good is because there isn't a better creature that costs 2 mana.

Karn the Great Creator. The picture is ugly as sin anyway. It is also a fact that the more cards you have in your deck that are essentially useless alone, like this one is, the greater your odds are of losing. Anyone else have an opinion? Qty: 9 I have 4 of them. UMA.

On the other hand though, $20??? Modern is the newest constructed format. decent creature for 2. so what if it can be killed by spells so can every other creature.

These are various special releases that feature selected highlights throughout Magic's history.

do a traumatize on your opponents deck and then this........goodbuy!!! MMA.

not because of power or toughness or cost or anything. That assumes that the release of Modern Masters doesn't create an increase in demand for Modern cards. You seem to be ignoring the demand part of "supply and demand".

really, Scott kaczmarski?

... 40% price drop. llanowar elves

When you get a 4/5 on turn 3 or a 5/6 on turn 4 it doesn't take long to race the opponent. I couldn't care less about downvotes. Kird ape rotates out with 9th... and the card by itself isn't too good, that's why it was initially cheap. Whodathunkit.

Most the people who state that this is one of the best green cards ever get flustered when you ask them there definition of "best card" and on the other side of the fence there is a swarm of players eager to shoot down any trend in magic (no matter how undeniably powerful it may be) With wizards pushing Modern if it goes well I could see it be reprinted more as long as there is value in it. there is absolutely, positively, unquestionably, undeniably,, without a doubt, no freakin' way this card should cost anywhere even close to what it does.

I can see the price fluctuating a lot between now and then. We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. Amazing card glad I got them for $2 a peice when I did. Maybe down to 80 or so.

Where do you see future sight foils going up, down or same price ? In 90% of games I have played that were format to format, they are consistantly a 3/4 or more. I have a playset of goyfs. We know that with green being a very powerful color right now WoTC won't just throw us Tarmogoyf without buffing up the other colors with some cards to combat this.

RG Tron? View Tarmogoyf and other Future Sight Singles at

Using any type of removal for a 2 casting cost creature loses you card advantage and tempo. That says something about the power of this card in the format.

Magic the Gathering Online Videos about Magic the Gathering Cards.

u have to design ur deck around this card and then it dies and all ur hard work is gone. BUY. An easy five stars.

That involves the use of other cards, and I am rating Tarmogoyf on its own merits, not on how well it can fit into some farfetched 5 or 6 card combo that has a million to 1 shot of actually happening in a real game.