Otherwise, it’s an easy word to remember and to learn to pronounce. Follow along on social for more Korean recipe inspiration! It is also crisp and juicy, with dull white flesh which snaps cleanly. In Fresno and Tulare counties, 20th Century or Shinseiki are known to set good crops when planted alone in large one-variety blocks. Korean Apple Onion Celery Salad with Mayo Dressing; Tips. This version, for example, includes a carrot, an apple, and half a cucumber, along with the expected potatoes. Along with cultivars of P. × bretschneideri and P. ussuriensis, the fruit is also called the nashi pear. Pyrus pyrifolia is a species of pear tree native to East Asia. The fruits, prized for both their size and flavor, are also sold as 'Dan Beh', 'Korean Giant', and 'Olympic'. Fuji is surely one of the more attractive modern apple varieties. Do not store this salad longer than 2 days because the onion flavor starts to seep into the dressing and starts to dominate the salad. A Korean Pear is like the love child of a big green apple and a Bosc pear — round, bigger than typical pears, with a crisp, sweet, white interior with a brownish-yellow skin. Along with cultivars of P. × bretschneideri and P. ussuriensis, the fruit is also called the nashi pear. Its main characteristic is the lovely pink speckled flush over a yellow-green background. Excellent resistance to fire blight. It also includes half an onion, which adds some tangy flavor to the mix but is not uncommon in Western recipes. This is the same word that means ‘apology’ so stay cautious not to confuse the two. Unlike Western versions of this popular side dish, Korean potato salad can include fruit and vegetables. ‘Apple’ in Korean. Pyrus pyrifolia is a species of pear tree native to East Asia. The word for it is 사과 (sagwa). The tree's edible fruit is known by many names, including: Asian pear, Japanese pear, Chinese pear, Korean pear, Taiwanese pear, apple pear, zodiac pear, three-halves pear, papple and sand pear. The flavor is predominantly sweet, very refreshing (especially if slightly chilled), but not particularly outstanding. In areas with cooler temperatures at bloom-time, cross-pollination by European or Asian pear varieties will be necessary. Fruit ripens late, about mid-October, and keeps up to five months. The tree's edible fruit is known by many names, including: Asian pear, Japanese pear, Chinese pear, Korean pear, Taiwanese pear, apple pear, zodiac pear, three-halves pear, papple and sand pear. Asian pear varieties are partially self-fruitful but better crops are set where two or more varieties are planted together. Because many Korean dishes are spicy and bold flavored, having a creamy salad like this really balances the flavors. 'Large Korean' produces enormous fruits (up to a pound) with bronze russeted skin and juicy, sweet white flesh with an unusual earthy flavor. Among the plethora of fresh apples and a variety of pears dotting the produce shelves, you’ll soon find Korean Pears. So, how to say ‘apple’ in Korean, you ask? It’s hard and crisp when ripe, not like other pears that must soften to be ripe.