The SEND Support Service Early Years Team is available to support all early year’s settings and ensure the local authority meet the duties placed upon them by Government legislation for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. This includes: dealing with requests for EHC needs assessments; carrying out EHC needs assessments; transferring statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments (LDAs) to EHC plans They also provide quality assurance, advice and support for children in the settings and monitor their developmental progress. The Early Years SEND team can offer advice and support for children at home and in settings. The Early Years Service SEND offer Multi-Agency Planning (MAP) group Please note: there is now a new process in place for referrals into the Multi-Agency Planning (MAP) group. Portage is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with SEND and their families. The Early Years Educational Effectiveness Team, the Early Years SEND Team and Early Years and Family Resilience Commissioning Team support all registered childcare to develop high quality, inclusive sustainable early education and childcare places which meet local demand. Gloucester and Forest: Bev Green, Settings of pre-school children with SEND can use the Early Years Panel Referral Form to request home visits and extra teaching to help with child development. Please contact your local Graduated Response Early Years (SEND) Team if you have any questions. Main contact: Penny Bishop - Team Leader. Address: Bromborough Satellite Centre Telephone number: 0151 666 3987. The SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years came into force on the 1 September 2014. SEND Code of Practice. The Early Years SEND Team provide support to parents and settings for young children aged 0-5 years. The SEND Team coordinates the EHC needs assessment process for children and young people age 0 – 25 years and, where appropriate, their placement in specialist provision. Wigan Council SEND team provides an Early Year’s Key Working Service (EYKW) for the families of children between the ages of 0-5 with identified additional needs. Apply for Inclusion Funding for children with high needs . They provide developmental programmes of learning both in the settings and at home. Portage. Early Years SEND The Equalities and Inclusion Education Development Advisors are part of the Early Years Development Team, Education Durham. Email: Early Years Support and Keyworking. (Portage interventions). There are also streams of funding available to support your child within an Early Years setting. Families can attend drop in sessions to meet other parents and carers, and find out more about local services and support. Mobile: 07796 183794 This service is Countywide, split into four localities: Lincoln & West Lindsey East Lindsey North & South Kesteven Boston & South Holland Please contact your Early Years Lead Advisor (EYLA) in the first instance. The SEND support team is responsible for overseeing and implementing all procedures which relate to Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans.