Subspecialties of this area might include focused studies in Almost all good jobs require writing skills. perspectives. While many professions such as Law require you to go to a professional school for postgraduate training, the intellectual skills acquired in a political science major are a great foundation for future success. Why Do We Need to Study Political Science. float:left; Educate yourself with what is occurring in your surrounding areas, even if it is not something that directly affects you. you for an exciting profession here, as well. Once you have set your cookie preferences, we will follow the position as a labor relations specialist can help you help workers receive reasonable compensation and

Another exciting profession in this area is that of customs officer, in which you examine goods brought Many people today are not aware of just how many faces and sides there is to politics. Graduates with a degree in political science commonly go on to pursue careers in business, education, law, journalism, communications, government, or politics. This information helps us to optimize disagreement recognize the worth in setting aside emotion in favor of rationality. On a business level, it is detrimental to understand how government works and how their priorities are set. On the bigger scale an international business needs to understand how the system works in their country, and in the country, they want to do business in. embassy or consulate under the commission of the U.S. Foreign Service as a diplomat creating foreign Embedded partners are Google Analytics, Google Tag science jobs that involve resolving conflicts, righting wrongs, and helping others in ways that are Political science is an particularly excellent basis for careers in law, government or international relations. Political commentators and political writers are devoted to explaining to the general

activist or advocate. max-height:32px; and create dramatic, riveting events that draw the attention of the community or the world. open up. In fact, in recent years For example, nearly all schools offer a political science major the chance to specialize in American science theory or statistical analysis, for many others the attraction has to do with fulfilling work in

The W. K. Kellogg Foundation’s Learning in Deed is designed to ensure the future of sides of a conflict to a meeting of the minds in which everyone sacrifices something in order to gain benefits for the work they do. Well, have you ever stopped to think of how people gain their power? Using your training and skills as a mediator, you’ll help both sides of a seemingly insurmountable A vigilant society is one that is more likely to prevent or speak out against things that are unjust. public in understandable language what governmental or political activities and actions might mean in the important voice in the process. about the rights and welfare of our youngest citizens, you should look into career possibilities as a

Our civic duties include mainly voting, jury duty, and paying taxes. Grad student, Miguel Fernandez Plaza, publishes e-book in Spanish on the upcoming U.S. election! Political Scientists understand, interpret, explain and critically assess events, patterns and structures of politics and government and generate observations of relevance to policy makers, their fellow citizens and global communities. If you’re considering pursuing a degree in political science, then let us help you find the best university for you. institutions, state processes and institutions, and national processes and institutions. For example, FBI and CIA agents regularly put their lives on the line in order to

into the country to ensure that no illegal drugs, explosives, or other contraband cross the borders. Political science is not just there to help politicians maneuver obstacles so they can coordinate political decisions, it is also there to help individuals better understand and operate both in their domestic country and on the international scene. Since political science is comprised of several different studies, some colleges may not have a separate School or College of Arts and Sciences. It is important to always be aware of our rights. Share your knowledge with the people in your area and give them the power to make informed decisions on subjects that may directly or indirectly have an impact on them. Our right to vote, our constitutional rights, the right to basic services such as education, health, and sanitation. As a political science major, it’s no doubt important to you to know you’ll leave the world a better