Snipe or tear down, WASTELAND MISSION OBJECTIVE [E 46] (1/3): This site is guarded by two scrotus snipers (9 and 10/30), Scavenging Location [D 48] (13/191): A jimmy bar box next to a rowing boatEnemies: NoneLoot: 1 Scrap, Scavenging Location [C 51] (14/191): On the ground beneath a cliffEnemies: NoneLoot: 1 Scrap, MAGGOTS, Scavenging Location [D 49] (15/191): Through a crevice in a cave near a burning car.Enemies: NoneLoot: 1 Scrap, History Relic [2:5] (4/85), Scavenging Location [G 52] (16/191)Enemies: 4 RoadkillLoot: 2 Scraps, CANNED FOOD, Fuel Can, Wasteland Sniper [H 51] (11/30): Weak Tower.
Tenderloin agrees to help. Continue towards the Story Mission Objective. 25. Eliminate GOB STONE perimeter defenseDrive to the southernmost edge of the Convoy route circumventing the camp. Return to Chum and talk to him. Scavenger Encounter [T 46] (1/11): Below the cliffside just as you approach Gutgash's Stronghold. The sniper you just killed should have a few if you can find them in the rubble (you did tear down the tower, didn't you?). Once this is taken care of you may drive up to the entrance destroying 2 Molotov Slings on the way, tearing down the Large Sniper Tower (3/10) and finally disable the Flame Pipe by shooting the fuel tank to the left of the gate (with your Shotgun). Griffa [AE 31]You've gained a rank since last you saw Griffa so now every ability can be upgraded to level 2. Grab a Fuel Can from the infinite supply and sidle back. Continue on to encounter 5 Scrotus. Scavenging Location [AF 44] WATER (18/18): South. You'll need this for the door to the next area. Legend Encounter [AI 44]: This legend encounter unlocks an optional quest involving driving off ramps.
Walk around the bend for SCRAP #5 and some AMMO and possibly some SNIPER AMMO. OPTIONAL: There's a Scrapulance at entrance. Chumbucket fashions a harpoon and installs nitrous, and they clear out the area of Scrotus' War Boys. You should now also have completed this Challenge: Eliminate Perimeter Defense THE PIPES [AF 35]At the cliff where the sniper was. It is especially noticeable by the design of cars which is based on Fury Road cars from 2009. Now I gotta find something else to play. It is here that he meets the concubine, Hope.
Break the handle to the bridge and continue. Wasteland Sniper [AU 38] (3/10): South. Position the camera so the insignia is right in his crutch. I bit further up you encounter 6 Scrotus. SCRAP #4 can be found along the left wall and SCRAP #5 is near a container on the opposite side. On the outer wall of the same shed at the very back is SCROTUS INSIGNIA #4 (7/15). The choice is purely aesthetic so pick the one you like the most. Quench Their ThirstGive water to a wanderer3 guides, Scavenging Location [AM 47] WATER (3/13): There's a scrap at the highest tower. Kick open the door and enter to find SCRAP #3.
When you've defeated the 7 Buzzards the crowd will start throwing molotov cocktails at you. Then go down to the lowest floor. Now head down the path along the cliffside. Then the 6 Scrotus. Griffa [AM 44] (OPTIONAL): You should be a few levels into Gaz Guzzler by now and ought to have a few tokens to spend. Pick it up, then go to the right so you can access its rear. Boost - Indicates the potency of your Nitrous. At first Gutgash doesn't trust any outsider such as Max due to the mass presence of Scrotus' War Boys. Now you can tinker with your car. Grab a can and return to the area from which you came and destroy the Transfer Tank next the ladder (3/11). Mad Max Walkthrough Page 1. There's only the Flamepipes left of the perimeter defense so manually aim the Harpoon to tear down the Fuel Tank. Under another canopy is SCROTUS INSIGNIA #1 (8/15), there's also some AMMO nearby. To the far right is a corpse with MAGGOTS... and a fully vital Scrotus. After talking to him you could collect the 5 Scraps scattered around the place. It may take awhile as you do very little damage with each punch against these brutes - but when facing them alone they are very easy to defeat. Mad Max is a non canonical 2015 single-player third-person open-world adventure video game developed by Avalanche Studios. You need a spare Fuel Can to blow up the door. Up there you'll find PROJECT PART: Oil Well (1/1). Going around the bend will make you face another 5 Scrotus.
(15-16/30). Max is eventually shot with a crossbow bolt and thrown down a oil reservoir. There will be a stair next but pass it for now and grab SCRAP #8 from under the canopy instead. George Miller was not involved in the creation of this game and the game itself is not canonical albeit using familiar elements from Fury Road. Mine Field [AG 33] (7/10): Fuel Veins region, Scavenging Location [AI 34] (17/18): South WestEnemies: 5 Roadkills +1 outsideLoot: 3 Scraps, Ammo. Chumbucket would constantly make statements concerning the Magnum Opus' radiator. You need to go offroad and drive up onto the cliff from where you exit the last scavenger location. BIG NOTHING - Locations Bios (OPTIONAL)Just keep driving a bit past the secret location cargo container - into the nothingness - and you should unlock this entry in the Bios. Chumbucket will now have a Side Mission available for you. Return and head the other way to find SCRAP #9. There has been notable controversy surrounding Max's accent. Drive into the cave and exit through one of the opening to your right.Enemies: 3 Roadkills.Loot: 2 Scraps, Water, Ammo, Fuel Can, History Relic [5:17] (9/15). Scavenging Location [AL 42] WATER (4/13): Slightly off trackEnemies: 4 ScrotusLoot: 2 Scraps, Fuel Can, WATER, PROJECT PART: Scrap Crew (1/4).
Build two projects in Gutgash's Stronghold.
Wasteland Sniper [AL 44] (2/5): Tear it down with the Harpoon. You're currently at Scavenger Location [AL 57] and by finding and collecting the 2 Scraps laying about here you'll start two more Challenges: The scrap collecting Challenge is cumulative and you don't need to have the required amount on you at one time to complete it. Buggy Jumping ChallengeJust as you take control of Max: Turn around and look behind you. First you come to ledge you can climb. Enemy cars defeated in this way can be captured and driven by the player.[13].
Scavenging Location [AA 48] (7/191)Enemies: 4 ScrotusLoot: 1 Scrap, Ammo, Fuel Can, PROJECT PART: Cleanup Crew (1/2). As you enter the open area where the Buckler stood: Turn right and enter a room form SCRAP #2. On the other side of the path is a crane which you can break to destroy some more Transfer Tanks (6 and 7/11 - they drop onto another set below). It's time to do something about that Dim Rim. Vantage Outpost [AP 46] (2/13): North East. As you come around the bend you'll find SCRAP #5. Continue forward.
Climb down into an old Turbine shaft.Enemies: None.Loot: 2 Scraps, History Relic [2:9] (8/15). To open the gate by the car you need to interact with a switch next to it. If you wish you can climb the ladder to see the cutscene that introduces the Death Runs. Up there are two cranes holding some Transfer Tanks (3 and 4/6). In here: Some AMMO, SCRAP #6 and SCROTUS INSIGNIA #3 (15/30). Weak Scarecrow [AQ 47] (4/15): West North West. Keep driving past the Hideout into a new territory. Continue down the path and as soon as you enter the small room at the other end you'll find a cargo container door to your right that can be pried open with the Jimmy Bar (4/10). Max rushes to Deep Friah's Temple, a badly beaten Friah tells him that he is too late, and that Scrotus is already gone.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Abdominus, The Organic Mechanic - Fred Tatasciore. Look for a downward off road slope to your left that will take you to the camp. Continue past the Transfer Tank for SCRAP #10 (in a tent) and beside that SCROTUS INSIGNIA #3 (1/30). There is a War Crier in the camp that can be eliminated from the high ground East of the camp. 9. In there you'll find SCRAP #8. Once those are gone you can take it easy finding the two fuel tanks to eliminate the Flame Pipes. Why not trying something with your Shotgun? From here you can shoot the only Sniper (16/30) protecting the camp. 3 more Scrotus will attack you. Start running past Jeet and go clockwise around the base. Try to do Jaw Breakers and parry a lot to learn the timing of Perfect Parry. 5 Scrotus will attack you. 1. To your left is a yellow crank. To do this you need at least two bullets. Destroy it to have the War Crier plummet to his death. Climb up to a small shack next to the former transfer tank for SCRAP #1 and SCROTUS INSIGNIA #1 (14/15). Weak Buried Wreck [AK 40] (1/1)This is located at the last turn before heading up to Jeet's Stronghold. Exit via the zip line (14/30). 7. This requires a number of car parts which will cost you scrap. SCRAP #7 is along the Northern wall and you'll find SCRAP #8 along the wall to your left as you entered the room.